
Business coaching that isn’t dry and boring as burnt toast 🍞

Let’s turn your monthly revenue into your monthly take home pay and profit while having the MOST FUN EVER in your business


A quick business reality check…

You started your business to conquer the world and transform people’s lives with your unique style of magic.

You’ve had some amazing results in the past, made some decent money and people love what you do.

The thing is, energy and enthusiasm will only get you so far before you hit a plateau.

If you’re at max capacity it can be hard to imagine how you’ll achieve your financial goals without having to DO MORE and risk burning yourself out.

😅 You can include extra sessions, more services and bonuses in your offers to justify a small increase to your fees.

😅 You can put in more hours and end up with the same or even less money.

Those plans for relaxed Mondays and taking Friday afternoons off to hang with friends are on the back burner while you’re stuck to your desk and computer until 11 o’clock at night – and you’re STILL falling short of your financial goals.

This whole ‘be your own boss’ thing isn’t quite what you imagined, huh? 

Think about your monthly income right now, and what you want it to be. The difference between those two numbers is what its costing you and your business every month.

It’s time to let go of the hustle and focus on building a sustainable business filled with more fun, more money and more freedom.

Let’s turn your $3K-$10K monthly revenue into $10K monthly take home pay and profit (and more!)

You can

Run a business that’s bringing in the money you want (and more!) and still enjoy a life that feels totally fun and free

You can

Charge what you’re worth and easily reach your income goal without adding to your workload or the number of people you work with…

You can

Relax and enjoy more of life knowing you have the consistency and reliability of a simple, profitable business model.


IGNITE business & money coaching is for online service-based entrepreneurs – coaches, copywriters, web designers and digital creatives.

You’re ready to set fire to your business in ALL the right ways, and to make the money you deserve.

IGNITE shifts your business from stressful complexity to simplicity and ease. You can sign on premium high-end clients AND make a real, tangible money breakthrough in your income without hustling or burning yourself out.

I guide you through my signature roadmap and strategies that ensure you’re building your business on rock solid foundations as you grow and scale now and into the future.

You CAN achieve your financial goals without burning yourself out in the process.

I have completely transformed my business into the big-ticket digital marketing agency I always dreamed of running!

Deirdre’s insights, enthusiasm, and well thought out workshops are so effective and THEY WORK.

The transformation is REAL, TANGIBLE, and REWARDING, and even though my ideas were always there, Deirdre has helped me put them into real action that has already produced amazing results!

I am so impressed and amazed!”

Stephanie Wandke

Io Web Design & Strategy

You’ll learn my signature framework to build your business foundations and remove unnecessary layers of complexity.


We begin with a 60-minute VIP Kickstart session to identify your big goals and top priorities for our time together.

You can kick procrastination to the kerb when you have greater clarity and confidence on the actions you can take right now to start simplifying your business.


We specialise your niche and zero in on your ‘special sauce’ expertise that makes you stand out from the online crowd.

You’ll have my guidance and support to bring all the pieces together and implement sustainable systems.

We create your ‘just right’ offer that even Goldilocks would struggle to say no to.

And we strengthen your money mindset in a way that will serve you now and into the future.


You’re charging what you’re worth and easily reaching your income goal without adding to the number of people you work with.

Your premium packages spotlight your value and help clients achieve amazing results without you having to put in tons of valuable time.

You can focus on serving them at the highest level without burning yourself out.

Deirdre Amies, the Fun Business & Money coach for online service professionals

I want you and your business to WIN.

It’s as simple as that.

Whatever you’re up to in life, whatever your goals are for your business. 

I want you to feel like you’re truly winning – and seeing it reflected in your bank account as well.

Whoever said “Wealthy women will change the world” is right, but I take a wider view on that… When we empower the kind, compassionate, emotionally intelligent humans of this world, everything changes for the better for everyone.

That means…

Making more money AND having more time freedom while still delivering value for your clients.

Setting up your schedule for YOUR energetic needs. 

Designing your offers and pricing to meet YOUR financial goals.

It breaks my heart to see amazing creative entrepreneurs stumbling around in the dark looking for the special sauce everyone else seems to be enjoying. They’re trying all the marketing trends and coming up short. Or even worse, burning themselves out and walking away from their business.

It took me a long time to figure out I was looking for the secret sauce in all the wrong places. I was following masculine marketing strategies that felt out of alignment with me, my personality and how I want to show up in the world.

I’m telling you right here, right now – ain’t nobody got time for THAT! 

If you’re SO DONE with that BS, I’ve got you! 

Send me a message for a quick chat about IGNITE. Lets make sure we’re a ‘swipe right’ personality match before we officially get busy with your business 😉

Not quite ready for IGNITE?

How about a podcast instead?

Every week on the Fun Business Fun Money podcast I share TWO new episodes – a longer coaching episode where we take a deeper look at a particular area of your business. And a shorter tip, tool or tactic that you can implement immediately.

Its a great free resource to help you bring more fun into your business and money without being attached to your laptop – hellooooo freedom! 

Grab your phone, connect your ears and let’s play! 🎙🎧 Click on the links below for your preferred platform…

Fun Business Fun Money, a Powered by Personality podcast. With Deirdre Amies. Let's play!
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“I can now see tangible results for all the work we’ve been doing.

I can see how my deep rooted money paradigms continue to be shifted by the work we’re doing together.

I will never not work with Deirdre on these aspects of myself, because its never just about money.

Plus, I think she might be some kind of Wizard, and its good to have a Wizard on your side 😊”

Mandy Frost


Can I give you a gift?

One of the easiest ways to make more money is to understand your relationship with it.

That starts with knowing your money personality and how you think, feel, save, spend or invest money.

My Sacred Money Archetypes® quiz helps you do exactly that.

Click the button below to take the quiz – which has the added bonus of popping you on my email list so you get my weekly FUNday emails! Its the gift that keeps on giving!


Want to know your money personality? In just 8-10 minutes you’ll start to understand your unique relationship with money with this free assessment!


As a Connector money archetype I LOVE building relationships!

Pick your platform and lets be social!