Business & Money Coaching

IGNITE is for online service-based entrepreneurs – coaches, consultants, photographers, web designers and online creatives.

You’re ready to set fire to your business in all the right ways, and finally make the money you deserve.

Its time to build a solid foundation that supports you now and into the future as you grow and scale without burning yourself out along the way.

Does this sound familiar…?

“I know I need to charge more for my services but I can’t GIVE more of my time or energy to justify an increase.”

“People won’t pay more when they can get it cheaper from someone else.”

“I don’t want to price myself out of the market and lose clients as a result.”

Those are the kind of thoughts and beliefs that stop you from creating the tie and financial freedom you need.

You hold back on sharing your offers, asking for the sale, telling people what you do and the results they can achieve from working with you.

Those thoughts and beliefs allow imposter syndrome to kick in, undermining your confidence and have you looking for ‘magic solutions’ or distractions to fill the gap.

Bringing your money mindset into alignment is one of the best ways to achieve the business success you desire, with grace and ease. How you do money is how you do everything.

You can make a quantum leap forward when you break through those barriers holding you back.


IGNITE is about moving you quickly and easily from one point to another and eliminating all the noise and distractions. It’s about focusing on the things that actually matter, the things that make you happy, and the things that make you money.

There’s a lot of advice out there on how to run your business and make more money. Since you are reading this, I’m sure you’ve already invested in coaching, courses, masterminds or programs. During my time in the coaching field I’ve seen so many trends and I’ve invested tens of thousands of dollars in my own learning and growth. I’m constantly being pitched new ways of generating leads that simply don’t make sense in a human-to-human relationship.


You’ve had enough of complex BS strategies

IGNITE is for creative online entrepreneurs who have been in business for a while and you feel like you’ve hit a plateau – you’ve lost your ‘spark’ and you want it back!

You started your business full of energy and enthusiasm, ready to conquer the world and transform people’s lives with your unique style of magic. You’ve had some amazing results in the past, made some decent money and people love what you do.

Sharing your genius gifts with the world feels SO GOOD when you’re really on fire in your business!

You didn’t get into business to be working MORE than you did in a job.

Running a business can be all-consuming, whether you’re in the set up phase or pushing to the next level and beyond. 

It can feel like your creative spark is being smothered by all the extra ‘stuff’ that experts say you need to grow and scale your business.

All those extra sessions, more services and bonuses in your offers to justify increasing your fees. You’re putting in more hours and ending up with the same or even less money.

You’re at max capacity and its hard to imagine how you’ll achieve your financial goals without having to DO MORE and burning yourself out.

Refocus your time and energy on the things you enjoy

What you really want is for your work, your life, EVERYTHING to feel easy AND profitable. To feel inspired and excited to get to work each day. To be paid well for your amazing work and feel great about that. To take back control and allow your fun energy and personality to lead the way. 

With IGNITE we set you up for financial success by creating more value or your clients without you having to DO more.


It’s time to stop doing the things that aren’t in alignment with who YOU are

Being in alignment feels like you’re relaxing back in a sun lounger on a warm tropical beach, comfortable and confident in everything you’ve created in your life and business. You’ve got simple and clear systems and processes in place that make everything feel easy and effortless.

Of course, being OUT of alignment feels like the complete opposite – stress, anxiety, fear, doubt and a whole lot of hard work, wasted time and money for very little return.

You’re ready for the puzzle pieces to fall into place in the simplest, easiest way possible, so you can reach your goals and achieve your dreams without all the faffing about!


You can have lucrative, client-attracting packages that spotlight your value and your unique way of working with clients

You can charge what you’re worth and love how good it feels to no longer be over-delivering

You’re crystal clear about your niche, and excited every day to only be working with clients you love, and who appreciate YOU and your expertise

You can feel aligned and confident about your brand and how easy it is to authentically stand out from the online crowd

Your new mindset about money perfectly aligns with your goals and is effortlessly supporting you to reach them

You can feel confident, calm and relaxed talking with prospective clients, knowing exactly what to say when it comes to the money part

You can stop ‘going it alone’ and start making a greater impact in the lives of more clients.

You can finally feel that you’re aligned and on purpose with your business, no more random shots in the dark!

If you’re not doing that right now you’re actually losing money.

Think about your monthly income right now, and what you want it to be. The difference between those two numbers is what its costing you and your business every month.

Let’s close that gap in the simplest, easiest way possible.

You bring your spark and magic, and I’ll help you ignite them into the sustainable success you’ve always wanted – one that brings you more time and energy, more joy, more freedom, more clients AND more money.

Hit that button below to send me a message and lets talk about igniting YOUR business!

(Why can’t you just click to buy? Because we need to make sure we’re a personality-filled ‘swipe right match’ so we can maximise your results AND fun over the next 6 months, thats why! 😉)


Introducing IGNITE 1-1 private coaching

We’ll start your coaching right away with a VIP Kickstart session to identify your goals and priorities, and to get you into momentum right away with some action steps.

We’ll go through a series of modules designed to help you create a successful business from day one. If you’re already an established business owner, this same process will help you remove the layers of complexity that you’ve added over time, and quickly uplevel your income working with premium clients.

You’ll learn how to align your business with your unique gifts and strengths, and take you out of the cycle of burnout and overwhelm. You can stop trying to do ALL the things and become a true leader who has consistent energy and momentum.

From there we get stuck into ALL the good stuff…

Master Your Money Mindset

How much is your time really worth?

What’s actually possible for you when you shift your perspective on money?

We break down the numbers and set you up for success with a peek at your financial future.


Who needs what you offer?

How does your solution help solve their problem?

We narrow your focus down to a niche and an ideal client profile, while still having an awareness of how you can help anyone.


What’s the first step you take clients through?

What’s the next step?

We set up a clear and concise end-to-end framework that takes them from A – their pain point – to B – the result or outcome they get from working with you in the easiest way possible. We ensure there are no potholes or gaps to trip them up.


What’s your offer?

We review your existing offers and simplify everything down to 2-3 key packages that maximise your time, energy and profits right from the outset.

We use my ‘reality check’ pricing formula to make sure you’re happy with the money you’re receiving for your time, energy and expertise.

Each module is a significant milestone in setting up you and your business for success right now and in the future

You’ll have a workbook to help guide you, including homework exercises to do between each session. You’ll also have one Implementation Session around each module.

Every module has mindset woven through it, so you’ll feel confident and empowered in doing the work and applying it to your own business.

Between each session you’ll have access to me via email or Facebook Messenger, where you can ask any questions you may have. As a private coaching client you are one of my top priorities, but I also don’t work ALL the time, so I will respond to your queries as soon as possible within my business hours.

BONUS – VIP Branding With Archetypes® Workshop (4 hours)

Included in the package is a BONUS 4 hour virtual workshop where we’ll look at your personal branding in a whole new way.

Branding isn’t about logos or colours, its the words you use, the energy you bring, the vibe you give off that people pick up on and are attracted to. It filters through everything you do whether you’re consciously doing it or not. Getting clear on your personal brand and overall message helps people to quickly and easily understand who you are and what you do.


Two 15min emergency SOS calls

If at any time you’re feeling stuck and need some quick answers, you have two bonus Q&A calls that you can book and use as needed.

4 hour VIP branding workshop

A 4 hour VIP Branding With Archetypes® Virtual Workshop as outlined above

Downloadable workbooks

Downloadable workbooks and guides for each module

Special gift from me

You’ll also receive a special gift in the post from me to support your growth as an entrepreneur.

As much as I love the online world its so nice to receive something in the post!

IGNITE is a 6 month program

We’ll have 2 x 45min Zoom calls each month. This will give you the insights and information you need in small manageable pieces, as well as the time and space for implementing what you’re learning.

Six months can seem like a big time investment, however learning a whole new way of seeing yourself, your business and your clients is not something we can or should whiz through.

Suggested 6-month IGNITE Outline

As soon as possible: VIP Kickstart Session

Month 1

Coaching Session 1 – Money Mindset

BONUS Personal branding Virtual VIP Intensive (4 hours total)

Coaching Session 2 – Implementation Session

Month 2

Coaching Session 3 – Niche Breakthrough

Coaching Session 4 – Niche Breakthrough

Month 3

Coaching Session 5 – Implementation Session

Coaching Session 6 – Create your Signature System

Month 4

Coaching Session 7 – Create your Signature System

Coaching Session 8 – Implementation Session

Month 5

Coaching Session 9 – Create your Goldilocks Offer & Pricing

Coaching Session 10 – Create your Goldilocks Offer & Pricing

Month 6

Coaching Session 11 – Implementation Session

Coaching Session 12 – Implementation Session

What’s the investment for IGNITE?

Your investment is $5000 AUD pay in full, or 6 equal monthly payments of $850 AUD.

Convert to your local currency HERE

The results are absolutely worth it. It’s time to quit the hustle and eliminate all the noise, stop trying to do ALL the things and focus on doing TWO things well – sharing what you know, and making offers that have your ideal clients showing up asking how they can work with you.

Once you learn more about this way of looking at yourself, your business and your clients, the sky’s the limit for you to have your investment and MORE in your pocket.


Sacred Money Archetypes® – When you pay in full you’ll receive access to my Sacred Money Archetypes® Group Coaching program, currently valued at $1200 AUD.

This life-changing program is where you’ll discover some amazing insights into your own money relationship – and how to upgrade it so money is your financial BFF.

SMA is a 9 week money mindset course with pre-recorded modules and workbooks to support your learning. You can also join the group Q&A calls when I run this as a LIVE program at no extra cost.


If you’re ready to dial in your focus on your true Zone of Genius, ditch the complicated strategies, and shift your time, energy and attention into the things that bring you more clients AND more money, let’s talk!

I’d love to help IGNITE the fire in you, your business AND your money – take the first step and send me that message!