Fun Business Fun Money Podcast

EP 024 – How to release negative energy and turn your day around

Ever heard of EFT, aka Emotional Freedom Technique, aka tapping? You have now!

In this quick tip episode (which is clearly NOT less than 10 minutes but who’s counting?!) I’m talking about EFT as a super effective tool for releasing the negative energy and BS that gets in the way of you being, doing or having the things you want.

Theres also a funny story about underwear, so its totally worth a listen for that alone! 😂


Hey there, and welcome to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast!
As you know, if you’ve been listening for more than a hot minute, there are TWO new episodes each week – one is a longer coaching episode where we go a bit deeper on a specific topic, and the other is a quick tip, tool or tactic that you can implement immediately.
Thats what this one is, in theory its under 10 minutes, thats my goal! (if you listened to the episode you’ll know I failed on this, but lets not worry about that right now! 😂)
Lets see if I can explain this very weird but very effective and awesome tool that you can use to lighten things up and bring more of what you want, less of what you DON’T want.
Before we get into the specifics though, I just want to remind you that I’m now taking enrolments for my Sacred Money Archetypes® LIVE group program, the amazing money mindset course with the added bonus of live weekly Q&A calls with me.
This is important because if you’re listening in real time its Thursday 16th of March 2023 and we kick off those live calls on Wednesday 12th April 2023, so just a few weeks away.
Those live calls are an absolute game changer to amplify the money mindset work in the pre-recorded content and workbooks you get in the course itself.
You can check out all the details and grab your spot at – the link is also in the description of this episode and in the show notes.
Alright! Whats this weird and wonderful tool that can create more fun AND more money?
You may have heard of it before or even used it before, its EFT. Emotional Freedom Technique.
Also referred to as tapping, which in my mind I always have a picture of someone tapping a microphone before speaking, tap tap tap… is this thing on? Are we having fun yet?
EFT is kind of a ‘new’ thing in that its been around in its current form since the mid 1990s, although it has its roots in other therapies used since the 1970s.
Its super simple and easy to do, you don’t need to take a course in order to learn how do it, and you can’t ‘do it wrong’. You’re not doing something that will make you act like a chicken at the supermarket checkout!
Tapping involves tapping (obvs!) your fingers on specific acupressure points around your head, face and body to help restore disrupted energy flow. In a nutshell, releasing that energy can significantly reduce our emotional reactions to events in our lives.
Thats probably a bit woo for some of you, and that’s totally okay!
I thought it was completely weird and stupid when I first discovered it in 2019, but I gave it a go anyway.
I looked into the scientific research behind it because I like my woo with a dash of proven research to back it up.
It turns out tapping is used by some of the most successful people in almost every field you can imagine – elite sports people, CEOs, psychologists, mental health experts and everyday people.
And its used for everything from smoking and compulsive eating to general happiness and making more money.
I also thought it wouldn’t work for me because I don’t react emotionally like so many others do. But as some of my closest friends have pointed out, I tend to have calm and rational reactions rather than dramatic outbursts. It doesn’t mean I have no emotions!
What I DID notice was a helluva lot of yawning! Thats an indication that something is changing, an energetic release expressed as a humble yawn – which is a good thing!
Tapping can also lead to spontaneous tears, which is also a good thing! We all feel better after a good cry, right?
Whats SUPER interesting is that one day I noticed I was no longer triggered by something in the same way. Theres no sense of anything missing, no gap to fill. Just an absence of fear, anxiety and stress about things that used to bother me.
Things like… 
✅ The opinions of random people on the internet
Allowing myself to be more visible
✅ Being completely comfortable making a dork out of myself in public
Feeling like a ‘real business owner’
Getting over the stigma of talking openly about money
When you deal with THAT stuff, whatever your version of it is, you open up a whole new level of FUN in your life, business and finances.
Funny story, I recently had a situation where ALL my emotions were triggered, I was so pissed off about a mistake I’d made buying some new underwear in the WRONG SIZE, which as we all know is near impossible to return or exchange in spite of it clearly never being worn.
I got back to my car and started tapping, saying out loud all the thoughts that were going through my head. Some were completely rational, some weren’t! The point of it was to dissipate the emotional reaction I was feeling in my body, the tension and stress that came up.
It started with something like “I’m so angry that I didn’t check the size, I’m pissed off they won’t do an exchange, it was a stupid mistake” and it ended with “Even though I’m too big for my britches, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
So now if you’re picturing me trying to squeeze into too small underwear, you should be LAUGHING, which is exactly what happened for me as well, instead of my hands shaking and my heart pumping with stress just a few minutes before that, to laughing and feeling lighter about it, I shrugged it off in the end.
THAT is the power of tapping.
Tapping isn’t hard at all. Whats hard is feeling fearful, or anxious, or stressed. Tapping is one way I’ve found to help shift those feelings and create more enjoyment, happiness, peace, laughter… all of which is FUN.
How do you tap? Obviously you can’t see me so I’ll do my best to explain this, but there are a ton of videos on YouTube or you can just Google tapping to get a visual graphic to help you.
Point your first two fingers, your index and middle finger. Thats your tapping tool right there, which is very handy because its with you wherever you go!
You can literally tap anywhere, anytime, any situation. You can use both hands or just your dominant hand, either is fine and just as effective. I’m a leftie so I’m most comfortable tapping on my left side.
You’re going to use those two pointy fingers to tap on specific points around your head, face and torso, as you say or think the things that are coming up for you.
The tapping points are:
✌️ The karate chop side of your other hand
✌️ Crown of your head
✌️ Above your eyebrow
✌️ The outer side of your eye
✌️ Under your eye
✌️ Under your nose right above your lip
✌️ Your chin right below your lips
✌️ Your collarbone
✌️ Under your arm, where your bra strap goes around, if you happen to wear one of those!
Tap a few times on each one, move through the points and repeat!
If you want to know more about tapping, I highly recommend Brad Yates on YouTube, hes my ‘go to’ person.
He has a lovely ‘dad vibe’ about him, a calm and rational presence to help settle your emotions and get you back on track with a subtle sense of humour. Just tap along where he taps and repeat the phrases he says, either out loud or in your head. 
Brad has a video for pretty much every emotion or situation you can think of – including tapping for more money and more clients! There’s even one about having fun at work, which is obviously something I’m down for!
Get tapping and go do your thing without stressing about all the stressy things.
If you want more personalised guided help I can also recommend some amazing EFT coaches that can help you with specific challenges you might be experiencing if needed. I’ve worked with an EFT coach a few times and its beyond amazing to release that stuff that kept getting in my way.
I’ve also started incorporating tapping in my Sacred Money Archetypes® group program, its an amazing way to release all the angst and BS around money. Come and play with me and money in a whole new way!
Thats my quick tip, or tool, for today, tappity tap tap tap your troubles away so you can take the emotions out of it and see the logical, practical step you can take next. Which may be to put Taylor Swift on so you can dance around and shake it off, but tapping first definitely helps!
How do you feel about tapping? Have you tried it? Send me a DM and let me know! I’m @funbusinessfunmoney on both Facebook and Instagram, or send an email to
Thats what I’ve got for you today, take care, have fun, get tapping and I’ll catch you in the next episode!

Want to know more about the Sacred Money Archetypes group program?

Its a super fun 9 week online course with recorded modules and a workbook to guide your progress. Twice a year I run this as a LIVE group program with Q&A Zoom calls, coaching directly with me. Click here to grab your spot now and get a head start!