Fun Business Fun Money Podcast

EPISODE 115 – Make your offer irresistible for your dream clients

Do your offers speak to your dream clients in a way that inspires them to buy?

If you’re not speaking their money language, you’re missing a simple but very important step in the sales process.

The words you use and how you deliver your expertise are just 2 of the ways you’re either attracting or repelling your dream clients.

In this coaching episode we’re taking a look at the difference between your marketing and what your audience are actually looking for. I break down each of my 1-1 coaching offers and tell you exactly why they appeal to different people.

Let’s make your offers irresistible to your dream clients with some simple adjustments.


Hey there, and welcome back to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast! I’m your host, Deirdre Amies.
Right now its absolutely PELTING DOWN rain at my house! If you can hear any of that in the background, just roll with it! If you can’t, never mind, carry on lol

First up… emails

If you’re someone who regularly sends emails to your list, you’ve probably been frantically trying to figure out the tech stuff to comply with Google and Yahoo’s new deliverability rules.
If this is the first time you’re hearing about it, as of 1st February 2024 there are some simple criteria you have to have in place if your emails are going to be delivered to the inboxes of the people on your list. If you actually want them to receive your emails, otherwise it might be marked as spam.
I’m not going to outline the process for you, or all the reasons, thats not what this episode is about. There are a gajillion blogs and videos from tech experts explaining it in really simple terms.
I will say YES its a lot if you’re not tech minded. But its also not hard to do once you understand the process.
Get it done, or get someone to do it for you. Make sure your voice can be heard by the people who have chosen to hear from you via email!

Are you on the FUNday email list?

This was top of mind for me as I was writing and setting up this week’s email to MY list on Monday just been, it goes out every Monday.
This week’s email is business as usual as its the end of January, but next week will be interesting to see if I’ve set it up properly and how the numbers play out.
Will people receive my email? Will it go to their inbox or spam? Will they open it?? I don’t know, but I’ll still send the emails!
If you’re not already on my email list, I have to say you’re missing out! These days I’m putting some of my best content into my emails, rather than on social media. Its a weekly fun-focused note packed with good vibes around life, business and money. 

There are 2 ways you can get on the FUNday email list:

1. If you just want the emails without any bells or whistles, without signing up for a freebie you may never look at, head over to, pop in your details and BAM! You’re on the list. 
2. If you love getting something useful in exchange for your email address, check out the freebies in the description of this and every episode.
You can take the Sacred Money Archetypes quiz, which will give you some insights into your relationship with money.
You can take the Brand archetypes quiz for help bringing more personality to your online content.
Or you can download my Start Stop Continue checklist to help streamline your business activities, to name a few.
The links to all of those AND the email list are in the description and in the show notes!

Let’s talk about personality tests for a moment…

What I actually want to share with you today was some insights into how different personalities respond to different words, formats, offers and ideas.
If you’re just new here, its important to note that when I talk about personalities I’m talking about archetypes with a focus on money and business.
Not the 16 personalities defined by the Myer Briggs personality test. Those are great, I love them. I’m an ENFP, aka the Campaigner, in case you’re wondering.
I’m also a 7 in the Enneagram, I’m a Generator in Human Design and I’m sure there’s some other personality test I’ve taken that ALSO clarifies what I already know about myself. DISC is another one!

Look for the insights on your offers AND dream clients

Most entrepreneurs will take a one dimensional view of this. They look at the results from their own perspective. If you’re lucky as a consumer, they also look at how they can use it in their marketing.
I have a different approach. Those free quizzes I mentioned earlier that will pop you onto my weekly email list? Those are multi-faceted insights into YOUR relationship with money and how you show up online.
But they’re also a very useful tool when it comes to your niche, your offers, your pricing AND your marketing.
In a nutshell, we can turn those insights about YOU into a simple way to identify your ideal clients and how they’re inspired to buy from you.
I fully admit that in the past I’ve focused more on the money archetypes as a marketing tool. It absolutely works, I mean, if you’re speaking your ideal clients’ money language they’re going to sit up and take notice, right??

But what if that still doesn’t feel aligned with how you want to market yourself?

Thats where the brand archetypes come into play.
We use brand archetypes to position YOU and showcase your natural talents, style and personality. 
We use money archetypes to position your offers and pricing so you’re reaching your financial goals in the easiest way possible AND so you’re using the right words that inspire your ideal clients to take action and buy from you.
I don’t have a marketing background, its not my field of expertise. But what I DO know is that most marketing courses, memberships and coaching is designed around the MODALITY.
By that I mean the social media platform, the videos, reels, the podcasts, the sales copy. Its about the content you share in a particular format.
Its still up to you to have a solid offer that speaks to the right people in the right way to back that up.
That’s what I help you with.

You can’t market something that’s full of holes and gaps.

Its the proverbial square table with 3 legs. Sure it can stand there and balance just fine on its own – as long as nobody leans on it or puts any weight on it.
The moment your clients touch it you’re scrambling to prop it up with a bunch of patches and a stack of old books. “Nothing to see here, we’re all good here, how are you doing?” Distracting them from the wobbly bits.
Thats the point where most of my clients are coming to me for help, and I’d like to help YOU before you get to that point. 

Want to go from solopreneur to digital agency?

If you’re wanting to scale your business, maybe turning your solopreneur web design or copywriting business into a digital agency with other experts supporting your clients alongside you, you’re going to need a solid foundation to build that on.
Same goes for all the fabulous tech VAs out there. You can keep going as a solopreneur, putting out fires and saying “Yeah I can do that!”Meanwhile you quickly go and learn how to actually do that thing!
Or you can get really clear on your brand, your own relationship with money, what makes YOUR clients buy things, and set up your business for growth in the long term.
When you do this, you eliminate a LOT of potential burn out. And reduce all the faffing about.
Trust me, theres nothing worse than burning out trying to be everything to everyone. I’ve done in twice in my corporate career, I’ve almost done it in my business as well. It takes a lot longer to recover from burn out than you’d think, and thats time out that you probably can’t afford.
Let’s get you set up with that solid foundation NOW.

You, your dream clients and the archetypes

Your money archetypes influence how you feel about money, which influences how you set your prices, the way you talk about money, the energy with which you pay your bills. All aspects of money.
Your client’s money archetypes do the exact same thing, but now you’re on the receiving end of it. What do YOU need to say, feel or charge for THEM to take action, click the button and pay you money?
Your brand archetypes influence how you show up in the world. Its all well and good to follow a marketing expert’s advice to do reels, show up daily on social media and follow up with every person who comments.
But what if all of that feels like the ultimate ICK for you? Ugh! You’re not going to do it!
Even with the strictest drill sergeant yelling at you to do it, do it, DO IT! You’re not going to do it.
And if you do, it doesn’t feel good, its not fun, you’re going through the motions rather than adding real value, and you’re unlikely to make much as much money as you could with that approach.

That time I did it anyway…

I’ve done exactly that many years ago, a mentor literally giving me a deadline of an hour or two to speak to 10 people about my offer.
It didn’t matter to her that those 10 people weren’t remotely interested in what I did, let alone wanted to pay me anything! It was beyond cringey!
I can laugh about it now but DAMN it felt gross at the time and I swore I’d never do that again.

Why your brand archetypes matter

This is where your brand archetypes come into play. The easiest way to explain this is through my own experience and my own archetypes, because obviously I know that the best lol
I’ve mentioned before that my brand archetypes are a combo of Alchemist and Innocent.
That basically means I bring a playful energy to everything.
I will always find the simplest, easiest path instead of piling on all the complexity BS.
You also can’t help but transform and change in some way just by being in my world. Just think of all the ideas you’re now seeing for your business by listening to this podcast, interacting with me on social media, or having an actual conversation with me.
Thats transformation and change.
By sharing my expertise with that kind of vibe, I naturally attract people who are done with complex BS.
They’ve maybe tried the hustle and hard work thing and said “HELL NO!” to that. They’re experts in their own field but they’re stuck trying to figure out the next steps to move forward.
The overarching feeling that people get when they come into contact with me and my online brand is a sense of relief. 
Relief that they don’t have to hustle, work hard, they can be themselves, they can let go of all the expectations they’ve placed on themselves to be, do or have anything that’s out of alignment for them.

Your archetypes speak to your dream clients via your offers

I was thinking about this earlier in terms of my offers as well. I’ve recently shared a couple of ways clients can work with me short term, rather than investing in my IGNITE business and money coaching program.
That’s a minimum 6 month commitment because we’re going ALL IN on every aspect of your business.
🔥 We work on your goals and make sure they’re aligned with your money archetypes. 
🔥 We create a brand personality guide that will support you for YEARS to come. Its not about colours or logos, its about defining and embracing the power of your personality in your online presence.
🔥 We use that to really nail your niche and specialise in a way that makes it very clear what you do and who you help. Those people can’t help but know you’re ‘their person’.
🔥 We define your client roadmap, the process you take your clients through, and make sure its robust and solid. No wobbly 3 legged tables around here!
🔥 We take that roadmap and create 1-3 offers that specifically speak to your ideal clients – the ones we identified in your niche.
🔥 And I give you my pricing framework that will help you build that profitable future you’ve been talking about for years.
That is IGNITE. All foundational work designed to help you scale and grow.
We barely even touch the marketing side of things because that becomes a whole lot easier when you get this stuff right.

You probably already know how to market what you do, we need to get the foundations right.

All of my other 1-1 offers are based off this main IGNITE 6 month offer.
That includes my Business Alchemy Days, where you can throw all of your ideas at me and we make sense of everything.
We go back and forth on Voxer rather than scheduling a Zoom call and having to work around time zones. There’s a lot more flexibility for both of us.
IGNITE VIP days are where we take one of those specific things, such as your niche, your brand, your offer or your pricing, and we dive into it in great detail in a workshop format.
These are done on Zoom and recorded so you don’t have to worry about taking notes in the moment. Plus I give you workbooks to guide you through the process.
And there’s also my GSD 30 offer, Get Shizz Done in 30 days. 1-1 coaching for 30 days to help you implement and take action on the things you’re faffing about with.
This is a mix of Zoom and unlimited Voxer messages, you can message me as much as you want. Depending on what we’re doing together I send you workbooks, videos, audios, all the things!

Each of those 3 offers are variations on the same basic concept of 1-1 business and money coaching. But they’re targeted to different money archetypes.

A Business Alchemy Day is really appealing to Alchemists, Romantics and Mavericks. They don;t necessarily want the commitment of a Zoom call and just want to bounce ideas around.
IGNITE VIP days attract a lot of Connectors, Nurturers and Celebrity archetypes. Partly because of the wording, partly because of the delivery style.
And GSD 30? That speaks the language of Rulers and Accumulators. Who want to knuckle down, aim for a goal and get it implemented.
You may have heard me talk about one or all of these offers here on the podcast and in my emails.
You may have paid more attention to one than any of the others. Thats because it probably appeals more to your money archetype than the others do.
If this kind of thing is sparking all kinds of ideas for you and your business, lets talk!
We can apply the exact same strategy to your expertise and offers so you’re showing up with a value packed offer that speaks to YOUR ideal clients using their language.

Its not rocket science, its people science. And theres no manipulative scarcity tactics or forceful energy involved.

Send me a DM for a quick chat about how I can help you, whether thats my full IGNITE program or one of the shorter variations. I’m @funbusinessfunmoney, all one word, on Facebook, Instagram and Threads.
If you’re on LinkedIn, I’m Deirdre Amies there, lets get connected!
Or you can email You’ll find the links to all of those ways to get in touch in the description and in the show notes. Because lets face it, thats easier than trying to spell my name!

How are YOUR offers speaking to your audience?

Take a closer look at them today, in the next 24 hours, and ask yourself if this is attracting the right people. The ones that are an absolute pleasure to work with.
If not, some simple changes could be all you need to fine tune it. I can help you with that.
Thats what I’ve got for you today. You might want to go back and listen to this again because it can be a LOT to take in, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the different archetypes.
If thats the case I also recommend you head on back to episode 3, Unlock the Power of your Money Personality, where I outlined all of them in more detail.
What I do hope you take away from this episode is that there IS an easy path to sharing your expertise and making your offers.
There IS an easy path to growing and scaling your business without burning yourself out.
And there IS an easy path finding the exact right people who are super fun to work with.
Take care, have fun and I’ll catch you in the next episode.

Want to make a BIG SHIFT in your business?

IGNITE private coaching could be the answer you’re looking for! Click here to check out the details, or send me a message for a quick chat about which option is the best one for you right now.