Fun Business Fun Money Podcast

EPISODE 114 – Bring 🔥 fire energy into your business and attract ‘your’ people

Want to take a stand for something that ignites a FIRE in your soul, but you don’t know how it’ll be received? You’re not alone.

With so many hot topics in the world it can be hard to know how to share your thoughts without it being misinterpreted.

Knowing your brand personality makes it a whole lot easier to navigate the complexities of being visible, sharing content and signing on the ‘right’ people.

In this quick tip episode I share what fires ME up and how that comes across in my content as a live ‘in the moment’ example 😆


Hey there, and welcome back to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast! I’m your host, Deirdre Amies.
If you’re listening in real time, its Thursday 25th January 2024, which means its time for a quick tip, tool or tactic episode. And if you’ve been listening for a while, you’ll know I don’t mean quick in terms of the time I take to tell you this quick tip, tool or tactic! 
I have TRIED to keep it to between 5-10 minutes, sometimes I pull it off, sometimes not. I’m 100% ok with that!
What I REALLY mean is quick in terms of you taking action and implementing it. 
The more in-depth coaching episodes that come out on Tuesdays my time in sunny Queensland Australia? Those might take you a bit more time and effort to implement, but always worth it if you do.

Take a global stand

Today’s quick tip is for your business, obvs! But also closely related to a lot of what we’re seeing across the globe in terms of people speaking up and taking a stand for something they believe in. 
For many, it might be your political views, which is something I absolutely have but I will rarely share mine. If you hang around me for long enough though, you’ll figure it out.
Also a hot topic is women’s rights, the right to choose what happens to your own body, trans rights, any and all variations on an individual’s right to choose how they live their life. 
THAT is something worth taking a stand for, in my view. See, I told you my political views would show up if you stick around – it didn’t take long at all did it!

Where this intersects with your business is your brand

Now I’m not a brand expert, but I definitely consider myself a HUMAN expert. How we interact with each other says way more about us than any glossy marketing campaign can possibly do.
I’m sure I’ve talked about this before in a previous episode, but its ALWAYS relevant, its something we need a constant reminder of.
My main area of focus in your brand is how your personality influences your business and money.
I’m talking about you as a person, because there’s NO WAY a business can completely separate itself from the beliefs and personality of the founder, or the CEO. Thats true whether they’re a small business or a big corporate, even with a CEO who wasn’t around at the start.
You only have to look at some of the biggest companies in existence right now and see how their leaders’ personality influences its overall direction. I’m looking at you, Elon Musk taking over Twitter and basically running it into the ground. It was never my kind of platform anyway, but now? Its a legit cesspit of every kind of human ugliness we can imagine. 
But I digress! That’s not where we’re going today!

How your fire energy shows up in your business

Let’s focus on the stand YOU take in YOUR business, and how that can benefit your own growth and that of your clients or your audience.
When you take a stand for something, it should ignite a fire inside of you.
Literally everything I’ve said in this episode so far has had that effect on me! I’m buzzing all through my body and you can probably hear that energy coming through in my words and my voice. 
That’s because right before I pressed record I also took a look at my brand personality guide that I created a few years back and have stuck to my wall. Its always in my line of sight.
Mine says “I’m a stand for people stepping into their own leadership.”
10 simple, clear words that re-ignite my passion for what I do every single time I look at it.

Everyone has leadership energy

I’m a firm believer that we’re all capable of leading the way. We don’t have to follow the path forged by anyone else. We don’t have to conform to the beliefs, traditions or “rules” created by someone else no smarter than you.
Theres nothing wrong with that of course, not everyone is born to be a leader in the obvious sense. But we are ALL leaders of ourselves. We get to choose where we put our time and attention, our energy.
Just to be clear, I’m putting my time, energy and attention into supporting everyone’s right to choose, to be who THEY choose, to do what THEY choose with their body, time or anything else, regardless of anyone else’s opinion. That’s a basic human right that we all deserve.
I see so many people, women in particular, who either want to have their own business, or they’re struggling in their business. They’re holding themselves back simply because they haven’t stepped into their own leadership.
You’ll never hear me squash your dream or tell you you can’t do something. And thats because too many people ARE told they can’t do something, or they’ve had someone laugh at their dreams so they put it back on the shelf where it gathers dust for all eternity.
If everyone felt empowered to lead themselves we’d live in a VERY different world. So if I can help more people transform and step into leading themselves, I’ll have zero regrets when I die.
Are you feeling my buzzy energy yet? lol

Why did you start your business?

YOU started your business for a reason, and I’m betting part of that was because you wanted to step into some form of leadership, even if you think you’re not, in fact, a leader. You are. You can step into those shoes anytime you want.
You probably also saw some BS in your industry that fired you up and inspired you to do something about it, to counteract it.
Maybe you’re a copywriter who very much dislikes manipulative bro sales tactics and scarcity marketing. Take a stand for sales copy that speaks to the heart and aspirations of your people and inspires them to move towards better things without shaming or blaming them.
Maybe you’re a web designer who knows your clients get better results with a customised website, even if it means they have 25 pages instead of a basic 5 page template. Take a stand for personalised service over copy and paste.
Maybe you’re a health coach who is fed with all the popular trends because you KNOW there’s no such thing as one diet for all. Take a stand for creating personalised meal plans that meet your client’s goals without stressing them out or making them feel like a failure.
Whatever it is, whatever industry you’re in, whatever expertise you have, pick something that feels like a fire within you. I mean, there’s a reason why my coaching program is called IGNITE and theres a recurring fire theme right through my entire business!

How does your fire energy show up?

Taking a stand is something you feel so strongly about that you would fight to defend it.

Taking a stand about something is NOT about your expertise, thats not what’s important here.

What IS important is that YOU are crystal clear about it.
I could have said I’m a stand for people stepping into their own leadership with the support of a coach.
Its not that, that would be making it about me. Of course I do think we’re better together, when we have a cheerleader and guide. But its not important.
So now, over to you. What are YOU a stand for in your business and how does that show up? Are you shouting about it loud and clear? You don’t have to, it can be something subtle that shines through in everything you do.

Shout about it and bring your fire energy out!

I would LOVE to hear what you’re a stand for in your business. Share something about it on social media and tag me so I can cheer you on with it!
I’m @funbusinessfunmoney, all one word, everywhere! @funbusinessfunmoney on every platform including Facebook, Instagram and Threads. The only different one is LinkedIn, I’m Deirdre Amies there. 
You’ll find the links to my profile on all of those platforms in the description and in the show notes.
Will it alienate some people if you share your stance publicly? Absolutely!
But were those people ever YOUR people? Probably not. 
And that’s ok. We were never meant to conform to one belief, one way of life, one culture, one political view. As much as others try to force that one view upon us!
This is just one small aspect of your brand personality that I work through with my clients.
It starts with taking my free brand personality quiz to identify your brand archetypes.
I’m an Alchemist Innocent, some of my clients are an Alchemist Jester, or a Hero Humanitarian combo. We all bring a different energy and perspective, even when we’re in the same industry with the exact same information.
What’s your brand archetype? Go find out, its free! Head over to – you’ll find the link to the brand quiz in the description and in the show notes as well.
Thats what I’ve got for you today. A little spicy fire from my soul to yours.
Take a stand for something and let it shine in your business. You’ll feel far more aligned with your audience, in your marketing, your clients, EVERYTHING, when you take a stand.
Take care, have fun stepping up and being seen as the inspired leader that you are, and I’ll catch you in the next episode.


Find out YOUR brand personality so you can see how you can bring more FIRE ENERGY to your content.