Self doubt and negative talk will take you out in a flash. Here’s what you can do to override it…
Lets face it, self doubt is a bitch.
We humans have this incredible ability to talk ourselves out of pretty much ANYTHING, no matter how awesome it may be.
No matter how many lives it can change (including our own!).
We spend so much time holding ourselves back, that little voice in the back of our minds that whispers “You suck.”
Or maybe your inner critic says things like…
🙄 Pffft who are you to think you can do THAT??
🙄 As if!
🙄 Nobody wants to hear from you, you’re not an expert so stop talking and let the real gurus take care of it.
🙄 Why on earth would anyone pay YOU money when they can go to a big company who has more experience?
Yeah, that bullshit. Thats the stuff that eats away at your confidence, your self belief, and ultimately your bank account when the money isn’t rolling in like you imagined. It stops you in your tracks.
The little inkling of self doubt becomes overthinking.
It can quickly develop into a nasty case of comparisonitis, looking at what others are doing and thinking they’ve got their shit together.
Look at them being super successful, what are they doing that I’m not, blah blah blah.
And from there, its a downward spiral of continuing doubt about every single thing you’re doing, not only in your business but in your life.
Let me tell you what those other people are doing that you’re not.
They’re refusing to listen to the niggle of self doubt that raises its ugly head in EVERY single person on the planet.
They’ve found ways to work around it, to overcome it, to beat it into submission until its choked out of existence.
And you can too.
You know that really powerful phrase “Know thyself”? Two small words that pack such a huge punch that most people prefer to look away or skim over it, they don’t want to actually ‘know themselves’, all their bullshit limiting beliefs and crap will show up!
But when you truly do know thyself, you wonderful amazing human, you discover the same incredible power within you that those ‘successful’ people have. And its the perfect antidote to self doubt, overthinking, comparisonitis, and all the other stuff that stops us from living an awesome life.
I don’t journal every day, I mainly use it as a form of therapy to work through ideas or challenges. Getting stuff out of my head and into physical form on paper or on a screen can be just like talking to someone who completely understands it all.
A recent entry was a slap in the face of self doubt and comparisonitis – yep, it happens to me too! I used the phrase “Who am I to….” and listed all of the thoughts running through my head that were stopping me.
🤔 Who am I to think I have anything to offer?
🤔 Who am I to think anyone wants to hear from me?
🤔 Who am I to think I have something unique to say?
On and on it went, until I ran out of stories. Because thats all they are, stories I’ve made up, with absolutely ZERO evidence to suggest any of its true.
The only thing left to do was ask myself “Who am I NOT to do all of those things??”
So the real here question is… Who are YOU not to do all the things and live an awesome life?
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