Fun Business Fun Money Podcast

EP 026 – Connection is a two way street

True connection means being genuinely interested in your network. In order to ‘get’ new clients you also need to ‘give’.

When you connect with someone on social media, is your intention to ‘get’ a new client who pays you money?

Or is it to connect with a fun and interesting human being who ‘may’ become a client who pays you money?

There’s a big difference between the two! Turning new connections into paying clients is a two way street, its not just about you and what you offer.

Hey there, and welcome to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast!

As you may know if you’ve been here for more than a hot minute, today is a Thursday, in fact its Thursday 23rd of March 2023, and that means its a quick tip, tool or tactic episode.
It should also be under 10 minutes, lets start the timer and see, shall we??
I also want to remind you that the Sacred Money Archetypes LIVE group program begins on Wednesday 12th April, only a few weeks away.
This is the exact same 9 week program that you can purchase at any time to uplevel your money mindset and have an awesome relationship with money.
BUT… twice a year, beginning in April and in October, I run this as a live program, with weekly Q&A calls on Zoom. Along with the other group participants from around the world, you get live coaching with me on the module we’re working on that week.
Its a whole lot of fun, if I may say so myself, you get to meet the other fabulous people in a small group setting, and in just 9 weeks you’ll have a whole new outlook on yourself, money, your business, everything around you.
You’ll find the link to grab your spot in the description of this episode and in the show notes, its on my website
Alrighty! Today is definitely a tip episode, this is something that actually comes up a lot in the Sacred Money Archetypes program.
Its one of my core reasons for doing what I do, because if more people valued the human connection as much as they value the money they make in their business, we’d all be far better off – and wealthier because you’d make more sales! Go figure!
When you connect with someone on social media, any platform, is your intention to ‘get’ a new client who pays you money? Or is it to connect with another human being that ‘may’ become a new client who pays you money?
Same end result, but different process.
I recently had an interaction with someone on LinkedIn, we’d been connected for a while and he kept cold messaging me for literally MONTHS about his offer and what he does. Which is fine, its great to tell people what you do and how they can get it.
The problem was he was all about the pitch, there was absolutely no interest in who I am, what I do, all that stuff.
At no point had he asked a single question about me to find out if what he offers was something I might be interested in.
I know, its a very common situation, I can guarantee every single person has had at least one of these, right?
I usually ignore the pitch messages, I’m not an early adopter of ANYTHING! I mean ANYTHING! FOMO and scarcity tactics very rarely work on me for a whole bunch of reasons.
This particular one I responded to with something like “Hey, thanks for the info but its not for me because I’ve already got that stuff covered.” I was happy to remain connected on LinkedIn, its no big deal, I was just hoping to stop the weekly pitching in the inbox.
His response? “I’ll delete you as a person who’s not interested.”
And poof! He was gone, we’re no longer connected. Which is totally cool, it honestly makes me laugh.
But like I said, at no point had he asked a single thing about what I do. His sole purpose was to get his own clients, it was all about his own business, not the human beings he’s interacting with.
That stuff makes it really hard to build a connection. Being in business is ALL about relationships, whether we want it to be or not.
Thats something people tend to overlook in the online space. Its a lesson I learnt right through childhood, watching my grandparents interacting and building relationships with the guests at their motel, its just what you do!
Being in business is a give and take relationship, it’s a two way street.
And in order to make that happen we need to be asking better questions and connecting with PEOPLE.
I don’t mean asking those tedious leading questions either, you know what I mean – the second you connect with someone they’re in your inbox asking about your goals for the year, or what made you become a coach or whatever you do.
THAT is where my alter ego ‘Frank’ comes out, the very direct side of me.
I’ll talk more about this in another episode because being Frank is about being direct but WITHOUT being rude or offensive. And being Frank is a LOT of fun as well!
So theres my quick tip for you today – connection is a two way street.
Connect with people for genuine reasons, the main one being “I like the sound of you and I want to see more of your stuff, get to know who you are.”
The people who do THAT usually end up having the BEST conversations, it instantly feels like we’re friends on the same wavelength when we start chatting in the DMs.
Bonus tip – if you really do want to say hi to a new connection, keep it simple. “Hey, nice to meet you, I look forward to seeing your posts and getting to know you!” Thats it, no pitch.
Oh and an extra bonus tip – GET THEIR NAME RIGHT! I mean its right there on their profile, take half a second to check the spelling. If you call me Debbie I’m going to have fun getting creative with YOUR name right back.
Thats it, take care, have fun getting to know the humans BEFORE you talk business and pitch your offers, and I’ll catch you in the next episode!
(Was that under 10 minutes? Yes it was! Mission accomplished this time!)

Want to know more about the Sacred Money Archetypes group program?

Its a super fun 9 week online course with recorded modules and a workbook to guide your progress. Twice a year I run this as a LIVE group program with Q&A Zoom calls, coaching directly with me. Click here to grab your spot now and get a head start!