Fun Business Fun Money Podcast

EP 028 – Are you a misfit?

Do you feel like you don’t quite belong, or haven’t quite belonged where you were, where you are, where you’re going?

If you do or have, theres absolutely nothing wrong with that! Its simply a sign that you’re meant for something different. A different path, career, physical place, different people, different energy.

My goal with this quick tip episode (or is it a tactic? I don’t know!) is to help you embrace being a misfit and focus on the other misfits at the back of the room who are nodding along to the tune you’re playing – NOT the rest of the crowd who don’t quite ‘get you’.

PS – you can tune in on YouTube too!


Hey there, and welcome back to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast!
Today is Thursday 30th March 2023, which means its a quick tip, tool or tactic episode, something you can take and implement immediately, or get a quick insight from without too much trouble.
I’m sure this topic will resonate with sooooooo many people, its very rare that there isn’t a chorus of “OMG! Me too!” when this topic comes up.


My big question for you is “Are you a misfit?” Do you feel like you don’t quite belong, or haven’t quite belonged where you were, where you are, where you’re going?
If you do or have, its simply a sign that you’re meant for something different. A different path, career, physical place, different people, different energy.
Given that most people who listen to this podcast are entrepreneurs or small business owners I know I’m preaching to the choir here!
You’ve already stepped outside the norm and done something different by starting a business and being your own boss.
I was a little late coming to this exciting and sometimes scary part of life, I spent 25 years working in corporate admin, with government authorities, big corporates and small businesses.

The puzzle piece that doesn’t quite fit…

But in the background there was always this niggling feeling that I hadn’t found ‘my place’ yet, it was still out there waiting to be discovered.
Like I was a puzzle piece left on the side of the jigsaw, so many other pieces were neatly slotted in but I couldn’t see where I fit yet.
This topic of being a misfit came up the other day when I got an SOS message from my business bestie, Laura.
Shes awesome, we message each almost every day about business and life stuff, with the occasional phone call thrown in as well. We have to do a time check for those because that woman loves to TALK!
I was actually on the phone with my hubby at the time, he was in New Zealand in the midst of clearing out his dads house because he’s going into a home.
Its a seriously mammoth task that I’m sure you’ll relate to if you’ve ever moved house or had to deal with someone else’s stuff that has built up over DECADES! its a big job!
But I said to hubby “I’ve got a 911 from Laura, gotta go!” Which we all know from the movies is code for an emergency, even though thats not the emergency call number for anywhere other than the US. In New Zealand you should call 111, In Australia its triple zero, and in the UK its 999. In case you were wondering!
Now, the specifics of the situation aren’t relevant, but the end result of our emergency, all hands on deck, 911 call is relevant.

Misfits can be polarising

We came up with a solution that rapidly defused the issue, instead of leaving it to fester and develop into something that completely distracts from the initial purpose, which was 100% spot on in the first place. Even though it ruffled feathers, I guess you could say it was a polarising topic.
Us misfits might not conform to traditional ways of doing things or adhere to the LinkedIn standard of ‘professional’, but most of us aren’t trouble makers.

We play with the rules and colour outside the lines, but we tend to stick to the guidelines.

Sometimes we ruffle feathers, but it doesn’t mean we’re wrong. We’re simply highlighting a different perspective and not everyone is going to agree with it or like it.
I’m a huge fan of Queen, and the movie that came out in 2018, Bohemian Rhapsody. Theres a scene in there where the band is meeting with a record producer about signing to his label.
The record producer makes some comment about what an odd bunch they are, Freddie is so flamboyant and the rest are completely different to each other. And I absolutely love the response from Freddie Mercury…
“We’re four misfits who don’t belong together. We’re playing for other misfits. They’re the outcasts right at the back of the room. We’re pretty sure they don’t belong either. We belong to them.”

The misfits niche

And thats exactly why YOU, me, Laura and the other misfits ruffle feathers. The majority of the population probably aren’t going to understand us and the song we’re singing, at least not at first.
But the other misfits at the back of the room? They get you. They’re nodding along to your tune and loving what they hear.
You’re playing for THEM, not the shouty loud opinionated people, not the ‘professional’ corporate crowd who are keeping up appearances while secretly wishing they were as cool as you and the other misfits.
I come at almost everything with a personality perspective – we’re NEVER going to see eye to eye on everything because we’re all made different.

Not everyone is ‘your people’

The shouty loud people who try to force their opinions on others about literally everything imaginable haven’t worked that out yet, but thankfully a lot of people HAVE.
Laura and I worked out that the ones with ruffled feathers are a certain personality type, and they’re not her target audience AT ALL.
Hers are the ones who feel left behind, the ones who feel energetically drained trying to follow the systems created for a completely different personality type.
Thats what I want to share with you today.

Being a misfit IS your six-figure superpower

Its ok to feel like a misfit, you don’t have to conform to or follow along with what anyone else is doing.
Its safe for you to forge your own path, create your own system and do things your own way – even when it goes against expectations.
You’re not playing for the majority. You’re playing for the other misfits at the back of the room who don’t fit in with the majority’s way of doing things either.
While we’re talking about personality types, don’t forget to check out my Sacred Money Archetypes money personality quiz.
It’ll take you 5-10 minutes to complete and you’ll end up with some fascinating insights into your relationship with money. It helps make sense of all the places you feel like a misfit when it comes to money.
How you do money is rarely how someone else does money, so knowing more about yourself is where the magic lies.
You’ll find the link to the quiz in the description of this episode and in the show notes, its – not easy to spell, hence why the link is in the description and the show notes!
Take care, have fun being your awesome misfit self with all the other amazing misfits of the world, and I’ll catch you in the next episode!

Want to know more about the Sacred Money Archetypes group program?

Its a super fun 9 week online course with recorded modules and a workbook to guide your progress. Twice a year I run this as a LIVE group program with Q&A Zoom calls, coaching directly with me. Click here to grab your spot now and get a head start!