by Deirdre Amies | Jul 11, 2023 | FUN BUSINESS FUN MONEY PODCAST, MINDSET
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 057 – How to plan your FREEDOM Got plans? Cool! Have you planned your FREEDOM? 🤔 Here’s a little secret: Structure creates freedom. You can’t just wing it if you’re going to achieve your goals without burning yourself...
by Deirdre Amies | Jul 6, 2023 | FUN BUSINESS FUN MONEY PODCAST, MINDSET
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 056 – A quick overthinking tip: Use the 5 Second Rule Got 5 seconds? Cool! Thats all it takes to quit overthinking and take action. In this VERY quick tip episode we’re talking about the 5 Second Rule, brought to us by the...
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 055 – What does your ideal client REALLY care about? “Why should I care?” 🤷♀️ Thats what your ideal clients are saying and thinking as they scroll or click around the internet. Harsh, but true. In this longer coaching...
by Deirdre Amies | Jun 29, 2023 | FUN BUSINESS FUN MONEY PODCAST, MINDSET
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 054 – Share your brownies and change the world Are you sharing your brownies, aka your expertise, with the world? Or are you keeping it under wraps like an undercover entrepreneur? If nobody knows about you, its no wonder nobody is...
by Deirdre Amies | Jun 27, 2023 | FUN BUSINESS FUN MONEY PODCAST, MINDSET
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 053 – REPETITION: a boring but powerful success habit Repetition IS boring! At least it is until you see the impact it has over time. Then it becomes a powerful habit for success in all areas of your life, business and money. In this...
by Deirdre Amies | Jun 22, 2023 | FUN BUSINESS FUN MONEY PODCAST, MINDSET
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 052 – Get your business in the right zone Are you in the Comfort Zone? Or the Zone of Genius? Lets get your business in the RIGHT zone for you to make money AND have more freedom. In this quick tip episode (which is clearly not all...