Did I ever tell you about my client who owned up to her trail of debt and ended up boosting her credit score?


Grab a cuppa and a comfy seat, this is a long one that’s totally worth reading – and no I’m not giving you a TL:DR!


We’ll call her Jane. That’s not her actual name, but debt can be a sensitive topic and I respect her courage in sharing this story with me.


Jane had spent quite a few of her younger years saying a hearty “YES! Please and thank you!” to pretty much any offer of credit, from student loans to payment plans and zero limit credit cards.


When it came time for those debts to be repaid, she ignored it. If you don’t acknowledge it then it doesn’t exist, right?


That’s a strategy for the short term, but as we all know theres only so long you can do that. 


Unless you LEAVE THE COUNTRY! If you’re not a resident paying taxes they can’t track you down or take your money. Yep, Jane packed up her life and bought a one way ticket to explore the world. Problem solved!


Or not. Of course the debt is still there, that doesn’t magically disappear just because you do. DAMMIT! 


😬 THEY know you still owe money.

😬 YOU know you still owe money.

😬 And that energy loiters in the back of your mind like a bad hangover after a really good night out full of questionable choices.


Jane initially joined my Sacred Money Archetypes group program because looking at money from a personality angle sounded like FUN, what a brilliant way to understand how to make more money and all that.


I mean, OBVIOUSLY its fun, otherwise you’d be attending a boring AF finance snorefest full of suits and spreadsheets instead of reading stuff from me, the FUN Business & Money Coach, wouldn’t you? 😉


But what Jane didn’t anticipate was the overwhelming urge to clean up that trail of debt so she could finally let go of the icky hangover feeling.


She also didn’t anticipate the reaction of the collection agencies and businesses when she picked up the phone to tell them she wanted to put things right. 


They were HELPFUL. They were CALM. They were UNDERSTANDING. And they appreciated that she was taking action to improve her financial situation.


The whole process was simple and easy. Who knew?? 😆 (Me. I knew. Its one of those “has to be experienced” things though).


Lets not sugarcoat it, Jane’s credit score was BAD. But those small payments had an impact and her credit score improved month by month.


Fast forward a year and a bit, the hangover has long faded and she feels GOOD about money. She now qualifies for a credit card with a small limit and doesn’t look completely rubbish when applying for a house to rent – winning!


Jane is committed to having a great relationship with money, being a good custodian of it and making sure there are only good money memories from here on out.


That’s the magic of working on your money mindset. Its not always sunshine and lottery wins. Its also having the courage to embrace awkward money conversations so you can release the icky thing that drags you down every time you think about it.


This may have brought up debt memories for you too, some of which may still exist. But as Marie Forleo says, “Everything is figureoutable.”


🤨 Summon the courage.

🤨 Make the calls.

🤨 Have awkward money conversations.


You might just find that financial hangover vibe disappears.

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Sacred Money Archetypes® can be the catalyst for you to feel more empowered and more aligned with money. 

You can have more fun and make more money doing the work you love – without selling your soul or burning yourself out in the process.