You know all those New Years Resolutions and goals you’ve ever set up until this moment?

Forget about them.

If you haven’t achieved them yet, they’re probably complete bullshit. You’ve never stuck with them long enough to make it a reality before, so WHY would this year be any different?

Here’s why, let’s fire up your under-utilised imagination for a moment…

Imagine waking up TOMORROW and feeling happy with where you are in life RIGHT NOW. It doesn’t matter what your current situation is, what your bank account looks like, or whether those New Years Resolutions and goals you’ve set out to achieve will actually happen. All that matters is RIGHT NOW.

You’re grateful for every damn thing in your life, all the good stuff, all the not-so-good stuff, all the people you’ve ever met or going to meet, and you’re completely at peace. You’re overflowing with this amazing feeling of joy, simply because you’re alive.

You’re excited to wake up every single morning and get to work on whatever it is that you do. It doesn’t even feel like work because you’re so inspired by the positive impact it is having on your life, by the changes you can see in the people around you. Your belief in yourself and what you’re up to comes across in your social media posts, your videos, your conversations, everywhere and in every possible way.

There’s an energy that seeps out of every pore, it’s a vibration in the air around you and everyone can sense it. They have no idea why but people are attracted to you, they don’t know what it is about you, they just know they want to be part of it because it makes THEM feel good too.

This year is going to be different because YOU CHOOSE HAPPINESS RIGHT NOW.

Those resolutions and goals you’ve set each year?  They don’t mean a thing if you’re not HAPPY.  And in fact they’re going to be near impossible to achieve if you’re NOT HAPPY.

Be on a mission to make this your BEST YEAR EVER, whatever time of the year it is. Do it for your family, for you, for everyone who wants it to be. That all starts with happiness, right here, right now.

Right about here you might be saying “Oh yay, that’s great! But how on earth are you going to make ME happier, huh??”

I’ll let you in on a secret – the how doesn’t matter.  The how shows up when you know WHY you want more happiness in your life.

Its the WHY that matters.

When you understand exactly WHY you do the things you do, nothing will stop you from achieving the goals you set for yourself – even the seemingly crazy impossible ones.

If you’re like most people, your imagination has been gathering dust in storage since you were at school. All those times you were startled by the teacher whacking your desk with a ruler and being told “Stop daydreaming! Pay attention!” It was the biggest handbrake on your creativity and imagination, right? All that negative energy and frustration directed at YOU, just for doing something that makes you happy.

Somehow you were the one getting in trouble, ending up with detention or some other punishment for ‘not following the rules’, simply because you’re tapping into the incredible ability to use your imagination.

We’ve come to associate using our imagination and THINKING with a negative outcome, that we’ll get in trouble or be judged in some way for dreaming something that others think is unattainable or unrealistic.

It’s time to call BULLSHIT on those dumbass rules. Stop living life based on stuff made up by someone no smarter than anyone else on this beautiful blue planet.

Let go of anything and everything that doesn’t serve you, anything that doesn’t light you up and make you happy. Whether its a story that you’re not good enough, holding a grudge over something, listening to gloomy music, or spending time with ANYONE who make you feel bad about yourself.





Just be you, everywhere, all of the time. You’ll be just fine 😉


Click here to get my “Secret To Being Happy” ebook, with 9 top tips for feeling happier every single day.