More money, more… FUN!
How’s THAT for a reframe on the ‘more money, more problems’ belief? 😏
I talk a lot about finding the FUN in your business (and life in general) so you can generate more of what you want.
Its interesting how people interpret that.
Theres the obvious eye roll from ‘professional adults’, because fun is silly, childish and inappropriate in business. Whatevs, you’re boring, move along! 🤪🥸😆
For some, ‘fun’ is high energy things that generate endorphins, they thrive on social engagement and events, basically a ‘party all the time’ kind of thing.
For others, ‘fun’ is getting lost in a great book, talking through ideas with their loved one, connecting with nature or creating something.
I’m more the creative, book-reading dreamer type, but I love seeing others enjoying music festivals and ‘people-ing’ just as much. Fun by association? Osmosis? LOL!
Thats because the end result is the exact same thing – your mind is relaxed, your body is buzzing with happiness and you’re on a higher frequency because you’re enjoying whatever you’re doing.
As I sit here at my desk writing this on a gloomy winter morning I’ve got some awesome tunes playing on Spotify. You betcha I’m dancing in my chair and singing along even when I don’t know the words! 😂
The stunning new art pieces that I framed and hung on my wall over the weekend are directly in my line of sight.
And I have my favourite English Breakfast tea in a mug with a special message that was written just for me…
“The more fun I have, the more I am open to receive.
The more I am open to receive, the more money flows to me.”
In other words… more fun, more money!
And thats exactly WHY I preach fun – because when you’re ‘playing’ and enjoying yourself, you’re channelling the good vibes that attract more of the things you want in life.
Making money and having fun go hand in hand, don’t you think? 😉
Put the serious stuff aside for a bit, ignore the doom and gloom scarcity BS that gets so much attention these days… and go do something that makes you smile, laugh, feel good in some way.
Not only will you FEEL better about everything, you’ll find the answer to the thing you’re stuck on.
You’ll see more engagement on your content, more people will buy your stuff and what do you know, you’ll make more money!
More fun, more money… its a never ending cycle of awesomeness 😉
What do you do on a daily basis that you can redefine as FUN? Leave a comment below and let me know!
Want to create more FUN in your business?
Click here to find out how you can do that AND smash your financial goals with ME as your business coach!