Fun Business Fun Money Podcast
EP 020 – The subtle art of tooting your own horn



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Take the Sacred Money Archetypes quiz

Join the Sacred Money Archetypes program

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Hey there and welcome back to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast!
Today is a quick tip, tool or tactic episode, something you can take action on immediately and implement easily, as long as it sounds good to you.
I caught up with a friend recently that I’ve only known online because we lived in different cities within Australia. Not close by a long shot! Over the past year we’ve both moved to the same state, Queensland, we’re now only an hour’s drive away from each other, so we met up FOR REAL, IN PERSON!
It almost feels weird to say that because its been so long since I’ve had to be fully presentable, not just in my comfy clothes behind the microphone or camera! My entire business operates online, I get to choose when and where I meet people in real life.
We’re both business coaches, and let me tell you its such a breath of fresh air to catch up with someone who TOTALLY GETS IT! We’re talking the same language!
We’re not in competition with each other in any way, and even if we did have the same ideal clients, or audience or even the same content that we teach, it wouldn’t matter. We don’t, but it wouldn’t matter because we’re also very different personalities with different experiences. We naturally attract different clients.
As we’re chatting away about business (and also how ridiculously hot and humid it is in Queensland in February!) we both had a moment where we confidently tooted our own horn, so to speak.
It wasn’t weird at all to say out loud to another human being (that isn’t my lovely hubby) that I’m bloody good at what I do. I know my stuff, I know the impact my work has on my clients, their clients, their families, their results, their bank accounts.
We all need to do that more often, don’t you think? Toot your own horn! Its time for all of us to let go of the invisibility cloak, no more holding back on sharing your awesomeness with the world. Claim your space and OWN IT! Its not a boast if its TRUE!
And thats why the tool I want to share with you today is one of my own!
That tool is my Sacred Money Archetypes quiz. You may have already taken the quiz, you’ll find the link to it in the description and show notes of EVERY episode, because its that good.
Of course I didn’t invent the Sacred Money Archetypes concept or the quiz, it was developed by my amazing money mentor Kendall Summerhawk, but I’ve put it into an online format thats super easy for you to access and to get the benefits from it.
I don’t know about you but I LOVE quizzes, they’re fun and interesting ways to discover something about yourself, a situation, a skill, basically anything at all can be done in a quiz. So if you don’t have one for your business, consider doing one!
The Sacred Money Archetypes quiz is made up of 64 questions – yes I know thats a lot but they’re all single statement questions with multi choice answers, it’ll take you less than 10 minutes to complete. In fact, most people do it in about 5 minutes.
Those 64 questions determine how you feel about money from a variety of different angles and calculates your money archetypes.
Side note, if you’re just learning of this money archetypes concept right here for the first time and it all sounds like a bunch of jargon, don’t worry I got you! Pop on back to episode 3 which is titled “Unlock the Power of your Money Personality”. That’s where I explain ALLLLL about the money archetypes.
Once you’ve taken the quiz you’ll be taken to a results page specific to your top money archetype which will give you some insights along with a video from ME sharing some fun and interesting things about it. You’ll also receive an email with the full list of your results across all 8 archetypes, which is super handy to know when you come to explore your relationship with money further in the Sacred Money Archetypes program.
Thats my recommended tool for you to go check out today, my Sacred Money Archetypes quiz. If you’ve been here for more than a hot minute you’ll know its on my website which is Not the easiest thing to spell thanks to my unique name – and yes I do love that my name spells ‘dream’ in the middle! That is why its also linked in the description and show notes.
Taking the quiz also gets you onto my weekly FUNday emails, every Monday my time in sunny Queensland Australia, I send out a fun-focused email about business, money and life stuff. You can unsubscribe any time of course, I mean if you don’t want a little more fun in the inbox then I’m probably not your kind of person anyway!
Go take the quiz, . You’ll find the link in the description and in the show notes. And tell me if it hit the nail on the head and sounds JUST LIKE YOU! Send me a DM on Facebook or Instagram, I’m @funbusinessfunmoney on both platforms.
Thats what I’ve got for you today! A humble brag about something awesome that will completely change your relationship with money – the Sacred Money Archetypes quiz. Its safe for YOU to  toot your own horn too!
As always, take care, have fun, and I’ll catch you in the next episode! And also, go take the quiz!

Want to know more about the Sacred Money Archetypes group program?

Its a super fun 9 week online course with recorded modules and a workbook to guide your progress. Twice a year I run this as a LIVE group program with Q&A Zoom calls, coaching directly with me. Click here to grab your spot now and get a head start!