Fun Business Fun Money Podcast
EP 018 – There is always MORE

Worried that you don’t have enough money, time, energy, clients or anything else right now?

Today’s quick tip episode will give you a perspective shift to help move from scarcity to abundance in an instant.

Let’s play!



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Hey there, and welcome to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast!
If you’ve been listening for a while – hey! You’ll know that today is a quick tip, tool or tactic episode, which ideally is less than 10 minutes, so lets just see if I actually can do that, shall we?
I’m not sure if this is a tip or a tactic, I don’t know, you decide! We’ll see by the end!
I’ve titled this episode THERE IS ALWAYS MORE.
That may be a new concept for you – or maybe not! I can’t remember where I first heard it but I do know that its had a massive impact on me, its like a huge relief, and I hope it does the same for you.
In a nutshell, its about shifting from a scarcity mindset and fear that there isn’t enough. Not enough clients, money, time, energy, all the things.
Instead of all those low frequency emotions that DEFINITELY don’t help you grow, shift into the future focused mindset of abundance that there is always MORE – more clients, more time, more money, more energy, more than enough for everyone, anytime that you want.
This applies to everything in life, but of course its particularly relevant for business and money.
Move away from seeing others as your competitors, even when they do the exact same thing you do.
As an example let’s say, you’re a podiatrist and what do you know, there is another podiatrist in the same geographical area as you. Great! You can BOTH contribute to better foot health in your community. You’ll each attract different clients for different reasons.
You don’t have to agree on everything, although it would be amazing if you have a great working relationship, respecting each other as peers in the same industry. 
Imagine if you could collaborate in ways that don’t take anything away from your client base? Thats a benefit to your whole community, there’s an exponential impact.
There are ALWAYS more benefits for you AND your community when you shift out of scarcity mindset and embrace the idea that we’re better together.
Another example, maybe you’re a health coach, there are certainly a lot of those out there in the online world.
Who are you competing against?
Really its no one but yourself, because there is an entire HUMAN POPULATION out there searching for the help you can provide. One person, one business, cannot possibly serve the needs of everyone, therefore there are always more people who need YOU.
Do you see where I’m going with this? Expand your thinking and get out of scarcity.
See the bigger picture and increase your awareness of the possibilities instead of fearing you’re going to somehow lose what you already have. Because guess what, thats a self-fulfilling prophecy!
One of my favourite things I tell my clients to do whenever something important comes up, is to put it on a post-it note.
So grab a post-it note, or a piece of paper and some blue tack, some way to stick it somewhere that you’ll see it as a constant reminder.
Write down…


You get to decide what MORE relates to in any given moment, but this is your reminder to shift out of scarcity and fear, into feeling abundance and peace.
There is always more money
There are always more clients
There is always more time
There are always more ideas
There is always more of whatever it is you need, if you just expand your awareness and see it.
There is always MORE!
And that includes more Fun Business Fun Money episodes each week! Make sure you hit follow on your favourite platform, whether its Spotify, Apple Podcasts or any of the others, so you don’t miss any of the episodes when they go live!
If you like what you’re hearing, it would be A-MA-ZING if you could share it with someone who would ALSO like it, and take a few seconds to rate it on Spotify or leave a review on Apple Podcasts, because that also helps it reach more people.
And, of course I’ll be forever grateful to you for showing the love!
Thats what I’ve got for you today, take care, have fun, and remember – there is always more!

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