Fun Business Fun Money Podcast
EP 044 – Are you TLDR? You’re missing out!

If you’re one of the TLDR crowd who hates long content, you just might be missing out on some seriously good stuff by only focusing on the small tasty bites.

In this quick tip episode (which is the quickest episode I’ve done yet!) I’ve got some quick insights on how you can consume that longer content in shorter pieces.


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Helloooooo and welcome to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast!

Yes, sometimes I like to draw out my words like hello, just for fun. Because I can and it amuses me.
Not everyone likes long drawn out things though, in fact, theres a clear shift towards short content over the past few years thanks to social media.
Reels are ON FIRE, short form video is extremely popular.
And conveying a message in as few words as possible has always kind of been a thing, which is why Twitter has always been so popular – although maybe not quite so much since the new owner of Twitter took over and is seemingly running it into the ground, just because he feels like it. CLASSIC Maverick money archetype behaviour right there!
Anyway, I digress, my intention with these tip episodes is for them to be short and concise. Not always the easiest thing for me, which is why I’ve not yet done one Reel on any platform, I just can’t get my head around the time and energy it takes to produce a few seconds of video. Its NUTS!
Today’s topic is now becoming quite ironic with me talking about all these OTHER things and I’ve still not got to the point of it yet LOL!
But that IS my point – those people who love consuming vast quantities of short content are probably not going to be into this podcast anyway!
Yes, I’m talking about the TLDR crowd, and for those of you not familiar with the acronym TLDR, it stands for Too Long Didn’t Read. They’re simply not interested in reading more than a few words, they don’t want to watch or listen to more than a few seconds of something before they move onto something else.
I’ve always found that response quite fascinating because I’m the opposite – if I find something intriguing I want to know ALL about it, the buzz that learning new things creates in my brain is my drug!
Its becoming more apparent that its a trait shared by neuro-divergent brains as more and more adults are diagnosed with ADHD and other similar things – which is actually AWESOME! Its so good that people are getting the answers to the things that have challenged them for literally YEARS.
I get it, sometimes I don’t have the time to watch a 30min in depth training video on a FB live. But I can break it down into smaller pieces by opening a new tab on my laptop browser, opening Facebook again, and watching it there.
Or listen to podcasts, they tend to restart at the exact place you left off.
Or read a page in a book instead of trying to consume the whole thing at once. Although how anyone can do that is beyond me, a page is just the first bite of a delicious meal!
Thats what I’ve got for you today, in a nutshell for the TLDR crowd who skipped right to the end, if you’re only consuming short content you’re missing out on some potentially life changing gold in the longer content. Maybe try something different from the usual content menu.
Take care, have fun whatever size bite you prefer your content to be, and I’ll catch you in the next episode!