Fun Business Fun Money podcast

EP 003 – Unlock the power of your money personality

Money is a lot more fun when you do it YOUR way!

Your money personality defines how you interact with money, your relationship with it. Understanding your unique combination is the key to unlocking your own financial success in the simplest, easiest way possible.

As a certified Sacred Money Archetypes® coach I LOVE talking about this stuff! You’ll hear me refer to the various money archetypes in other episodes, so this one is especially useful in understanding the ‘jargon’.

PS – you can tune in on YouTube too!



Welcome back to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast!


I’m pumped, I’ve done my happy dance and unlocked some fun energy to start the day.


If this is your very first time listening, hey there! I’m glad you’re here and I hope you find it useful enough to stick around.


If you’ve been listening for a while, a HUGE thank you from the bottom of my heart, I appreciate your time and energy.


I love getting messages via DMs and email telling me that you’re listening and what aha’s you’ve had about various things, so keep that up! Its always ME that sees and responds to those messages as well, you’ll be able to tell by my excessive use of emojis and exclamation marks lol!


So lets talk about today’s topic. This is a longer coaching episode on something very dear to my heart because it can have a MASSIVE impact on your business, and in fact your entire life.


That might sound like a big call, but its absolutely true…


When you unlock the power of your money personality, everything can change for you.


I also want to cover this one as a priority in the early episodes as a way of defining the ‘jargon’ you might hear me use over time.


I hate it when people use jargon and don’t explain it, like corporate lingo or spiritual people talking astrology, human design, or any of those specific niches. 


Don’t make me work harder than I have to just so I can understand what you’re on about!


Before we dive into the juicy details though, let me just ‘qualify’ what I’m about to share with you.


Back in 2019 I discovered this life changing concept of money archetypes, or money personalities.


I was so blown away by it that I completed the certification for Sacred Money Archetypes with the amazing money mentor, Kendall Summerhawk.


I wanted to be able to legitimately talk about this stuff because I believe it has the power to shift your relationship with money in ways that you won’t learn elsewhere.


I didn’t want it to be something I cobbled together based on something I vaguely understood. Being officially certified in this concept and material is hugely important to me.


Being a certified Sacred Money Archetypes coach means I get to help amazing people around the world, whether you’re a business owner or not, to smash your money blocks and unleash the full power of your personality, so you can confidently show up as the full technicolour 4K version of yourself and talk about money like you’re saying “Pass the salt!”


That version of you is already in there, waiting for you to let go of your old money stories and general BS, so the REAL you can break through to the surface and really shine.


Life and business isn’t meant to feel like hard work, its meant to feel natural, light and full of fun, whatever fun means for you.


Chances are you’ve got a bunch of old beliefs and stories about money lurking in your brain. I certainly did, and it kept coming up for me until I finally tackled it in 2019, and it actually blew my mind.


What I realised is that while I know the origins of my own money story and what caused the blocks, I still didn’t know HOW TO SMASH THROUGH THEM, and it just kept coming back to bite me in the ass.


I’d always had the belief that I’d have to become this force of nature, capable of working long hours and forgoing social events and fun stuff in order to achieve the big goals I have.


That doesn’t sound like fun AT ALL to me, so I just didn’t take action on it.


Let me know if you’ve had that thought as well, that you have to work really hard and go all in, sacrificing everything in order to achieve success and make money. Its a really common thought, and most people aren’t able to perform at that level for long before they burn themselves out.


It turns out you CAN achieve your goals without having to become a completely different person – yay!


You just need to unlock and embrace the power of your money personality.


You don’t have to do things the way everyone else does it. If something is out of alignment with your money personality, even if you KNOW its something that others have done to achieve massive success, you’re not going to do it, or you’re going to give up fairly quickly.


If you’ve taken my Sacred Money Archetypes quiz you’ll already have an understanding of your money personality, how it shows up for you, and the challenges that you likely need to overcome if you want more money flowing into your life and business.


You’ll find the link to the quiz in the show notes for this episode.


The money archetypes are much like any personality traits, but with a specific focus on money.


This helps with awareness around your money habits and relationships, so you can make small adjustments that create significant positive changes in your finances and your energy around money.


So what ARE these money archetypes? I’m going to give you the quick highlights of each one in a moment, and I’m sure you’ll be able to identify something about yourself or people you know. I’m constantly seeing the traits show through in people or characters on TV and in movies!


In no particular order, other than alphabetical because it makes sense to my logical brain…



Accumulators can be a total rockstar when it comes to being smart with money, saving and investing, but can be a bit rubbish at investing in THEMSELVES. 

Think of the old lady who lives in virtual poverty, and then on her death she bequeaths a million dollars to animal rescue shelters.

Theres a lack of trust that money will always be there for them, which can cause stress and anxiety, and a bunch of self-imposed limitations that stop them from reaching their full potential.

If an Accumulator could let go of even some of that, they’ll have incredible success in their business.



Alchemists have a magical ability to see money making opportunities everywhere, but can also have a love/hate relationship with money and rebel against having it because it represents greed and inequality.

Picture a starving artist who undervalues their work so they can avoid becoming one of those rich greedy people.

Alchemists are really creative, great at coming up with new ways of making money, but they can be a bit rubbish at the follow up.



Its obvious by the name, but Celebrities thrive in the spotlight. And they’re also brilliant leaders who empower others to be more visible.

They have no problem spending money to enhance their image, including designer brands, trendy clothing, entertaining and plenty of bling.

Celebrities love being recognised any time they’re generous, they thrive on being appreciated for their kindness. But they can also carry a mountain of debt because they’ve spent their rent money on a fabulous pair of new shoes. 



This one is me, if you didn’t already know!

Connectors give amazing value and build incredible long term relationships with everyone, clients feel like friends, and they’re not overly stressed about money.

Connectors can also be the one who connects the dots between people and information, which is definitely my forte.

They often forget about the money making aspect of business and go all in on helping people, then wonder why they have no money coming in! Theres a bit of a “She’ll be right mate!” attitude when it comes to money!

Basically us Connectors will bury our heads in the sand about money stuff because it all seems too hard, and it feels weird to charge your friends for the work you do.



Mavericks love to stand out in a crowd because of their uniqueness, they have a lot of courage and tenacity when it comes to generating income.

Mavericks are the risk takers willing to put it all on the line in exchange for a potential big win, but also has the potential to burn down a great income source purely for the thrill of building something new.

You might recognise this in some high profile entrepreneurs who quickly achieve success, then walk away after a few years to start fresh with something completely new.



Nurturers are incredibly generous, kind and caring people in all areas of life, giving so much of themselves to support others, including their time, energy and money.

A Nurturer will give away products for free, overdeliver on the service they provide, and offer a discount without being asked.

But they can also feel resentful about all of that when their efforts aren’t reciprocated or appreciated by the people they’re giving to, especially if they’re exhausted or broke as a result.

Boundaries are a Nurturer’s best friend when you gain the confidence to utilise them well.



I love the energy of Romantics, they LOVE all the pleasures in life, its to be enjoyed now in the moment, and they hate being told NO.

They want an easy life, and won’t expend unnecessary energy or overcomplicate anything, but that should never be confused with being lazy. They can be brilliant leaders who see the easiest and simplest way to success.

Romantics can be easily bored by too many choices and hate the fine print, and doing their taxes is a total snore fest. The Romantic can sometimes use spending and lavish gifts to others as a mask for feeling ’not good enough’.

You may be drawn to the most expensive item in the store because you deserve the best, or you’ll book the all inclusive package at the salon or spa. 



Rulers are driven to achieve, a natural leader who loves empowering others through their business, you’ll find a lot of entrepreneurs have the Ruler energy in their top 3 archetypes.

But they can also be so driven and focused on their goals that they sacrifice everything else by thinking “I’ll take a break and be happy when I achieve XYZ”, not pausing for a moment to celebrate their achievements along the way.

You’ll see this show up in someone who is super focused on their goals and will push their team to do the same, then feel frustrated when the team can’t keep up.

The Ruler can seem like a total business rockstar, and they are, but they have to balance their ambition and drive with the needs of others to avoid burn out, frustration and being seen as a ‘dictator’ who is no fun to be around.


Phew! Thats a lot, huh?


You’re probably thinking some sound way cooler than others, or more likely to be successful than others.


Totally untrue. Every single archetype, every combination of archetypes, has the potential to create a successful and profitable business doing things your way.


By learning about my own strengths and challenges and shifting my relationship with money I figured out a few things:

🤩 Running 5 day challenges or big launches that completely exhausts me, I’m an introvert when it comes to energy. In fact, thats why I switched to hosting a podcast over doing Facebook lives, summits, webinars or all those other marketing things. Its a much better use of my time and energy.

🤩 I love to build strong relationships online through the power of my personality, having fun and sharing my expertise.

🤩 Boundaries are a powerful thing! I can be more direct and mindful of everyone’s time, including mine.

🤩 Letting go of trying to ‘push’ for a desired outcome means I can more easily achieve my goals without burning myself out. Its all about balancing work and play time.

🤩 Saying NO more often than I say YES is really empowering!

🤩 And I’ve taken more responsibility when it comes to understanding the boring financial stuff. Its still boring, but I don’t ignore it like I used to!


One of my SMA clients has taken action on her finances and boosting her credit rating.


Another has shifted her energy out of fear and grown her confidence so she can have open and honest money conversations with her hubby, and together they’re working on their debts.


Another has taken more responsibility for her money and what shes spending on, and actually has savings set aside for some major investments.


And one finally faced up to her outstanding taxes, got it sorted and decided that even though she had a huge tax bill to deal with she would just go sign up some more clients and make more money to cover it. There was zero angst, fear or guilt about the situation.


Whats possible for you? Well it all depends on your money personality!


Whichever one you are is perfect for you. With a few tweaks to bring you into alignment with your strengths and gifts you can easily step up to take charge of your finances and smash your goals.


You absolutely can earn more money, create better saving habits and reduce your debts.


One of my favourite shifts I see in clients going through the Sacred Money Archetypes program is their energy and confidence in talking about money. They go from holding back and feeling a bit weird about it, which is NOT helpful when you’re making offers and selling things, to being totally relaxed and confident in everything they’re doing.


If you’d love to feel that kind of shift and create amazing money results for yourself, regardless of your money archetypes, come and join the Sacred Money Archetypes program.


You can purchase this course any time and take yourself through the modules, but I also run it as a LIVE group program twice a year. Beginning in April and in October, it runs for 9 weeks.


We have live Zoom Q&A calls each week for 9 weeks, with TWO call times every week to suit most time zones around the world. Nobody gets left behind!


You’ll have access to all the awesome training videos to support your learning each week in MemberVault, my online course platform.


You’ll find the link to the sign up page in the show notes, and of course if you have questions please let me know! You can send me a DM on Facebook or Instagram, I’m @funbusinessfunmoney on both platforms, or you can email me, you’ll find the link to that in the show notes as well because its not the easiest thing to spell!


I hope you’ve gained some insights into how your money personality impacts your relationship with money. Just a few small shifts can unlock the magic you’ve already got inside of you.


Theres SO MUCH I can talk about that will shift the balance and help you generate more money in your life and business, and you’ll find all that good stuff in the Sacred Money Archetypes program!


Thats what I’ve got for you today, take care, have fun and I’ll see you in the next episode!

Want to make a BIG SHIFT in your relationship with money?

The Sacred Money Archetypes® program is for you! Click here to check out the details, or send me a message for a quick chat about your quiz results.