Fun Business Fun Money Podcast
EP 016 – What if it was easy?

What if *it* was easy to grow your business, make the money you want, work with the clients you love and have fun doing it all?

In today’s quick tip episode we take a look at how one simple question can eliminate all the ‘hard work’, challenges and random BS you might otherwise find yourself bogged down with.


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Hey there and welcome back to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast!
I’ve got a quick tip for you today, one simple question that, I think, blows almost every problem or challenge you’ll ever have out of the water. That is, of course, if it was sitting in the water. You know what I mean!
And yes, I know thats a big call, that it blows them all away, but I’m still putting it out there as a complete game changer.
First though, I want to remind you that I have an EMAIL LIST!
Emails have become one of my favourite things in recent months, it feels kinda retro and old school, but it also feels like a more focused way to communicate with people.
I love getting emails from the people or businesses I’m actually interested in, its like a curated social media news feed without all the other noise vying for my attention.
If you’d like to get an email from ME a couple of times a week, in particular my Monday FUNday email, hop on over to and get yo’self signed up via the pretty blue box you’ll find there!
My FUNday emails are usually a longish read, and I’m not going to apologise for that. I’ve tried making them short and punchy but it turns out thats just not my style! Its honestly EASIER to write whatever flows and edit it down from there, than it is to try cramming it into a pre-defined word count.
Of course that is a perfect segue into today’s quick tip which takes the form of a question… What if it were EASY?
We all WANT it to be easy, right? Whatever ‘it’ is, but do we ALLOW it to be easy? Hmm probably not! If we allow more ease I can guarantee the easy things would seem even easier!
I’ve just realised I’ve said a lot of ‘easy’ in those few statements! You can probably tell from my tone and energy that easy is fun, light, full of possibilities. Its not heavy or a drag at all.
Its really important to note that easy doesn’t mean no effort, but its without drama, its just simpler. The work itself is EASY.

Easy has a particular feel to it, certain emotions are activated in you, thought patterns come up around it that will be different for everyone.

Its like easy has answers, insights and it gives you a direction. When something feels hard, difficult or challenging our brains naturally go down a different pathway.
It can feel exciting to come up against hard stuff, but for honestly most of us things being EASY means a smoother ride with far more clarity. I’m totally down for THAT!
It also doesn’t mean you lack courage or the conviction to do something, that’s not it at all.
You don’t shy away from new things, or things that don’t have a clear path. Most women, and I’m being very broad here, most women are waiting for absolute certainty and clarity, and thats holding us back.
I want you to write this down if you can, or if you’re out walking or driving right now, you’ll find everything you need in the show notes which is linked in the description of this episode, so go check that out later.
Write down this question…


Put it on a post it note, which in my opinion is one of the best inventions EVER! Don’t hide this one away in a notebook. Put it on a post it note and stick it somewhere that you’ll see it every day as a reminder to yourself.
This question, “What if I allowed it to be easy?” can release all of the pressure and the expectations you have for yourself and your business.
It can shift you from feeling isolated, especially if you work from home on your own like I do. I find it super easy to focus with fewer people around because they distract me so I can get the work done and then I can get out and go enjoy the freedom that easy things create.
It also taps into possibility and support, you’re literally creating an attitude of EASY. Sometimes easy can mean slow as well, they’re related, and thats not a bad thing at all.
If you find yourself getting off track ask yourself WHAT IF I ALLOWED *IT* TO BE EASY?
Here are some examples of using this question:
  • What if I allowed starting, creating and producing a podcast to be EASY?
  • What if I allowed creating content to be EASY?
  • What if I allowed emailing my list to be EASY?
  • What if I allowed signing on new full pay clients to be EASY?
  • What if I allowed raising my fees to be EASY?
  • What if I allowed creating boundaries to be EASY?
  • What if I allowed setting goals and going for it to be EASY?
Honestly I could just keep going with these but you get the picture!

Normalise the things you’re doing in your business and life, and your money, as EASY. It doesn’t have to be hard.

If “Allowing it to be easy” is really uncomfortable for you right now, you can also ask yourself “What do I need to believe for it to be easy?” Because every single challenge, roadblock can be easy if you allow it.
Every single thing, no matter what it is, I believe there is an easier way.
I’m going to give you some HOMEWORK on this today, a challenge for you.
I want you to choose one thing in your business right now, a project, task, decision, anything that needs to be EASY right now.
How are you making it difficult?
What do you need to change in order for that to become easy?
I want to hear about it! Send me a DM, I’m @funbusinessfunmoney on both Facebook and Instagram, or you can email me and tell me what you’re going to switch from difficult to EASY!
Thats what I’ve got for you today! Your life, business and money stuff doesn’t have to be hard or complicated AT ALL, especially when you reframe it and just allow it to be easy.
As always, take care, have fun and I’ll catch you in the next episode!

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