FUN FACT: How I do money is probably not how you do money.


I assume everyone else is great with money, buying things because they’ve saved up for it.


I assume everyone is LIKE ME. And we’re most definitely NOT the same #obvs


Yeah, I still laugh at myself when I think about that! 😆


You see, I’m a Connector money archetype.

😎 I’m trusting and innocent. But if you mistake innocent as dumb or stupid with money you’re in for a BIG wake up call 😏

😎 I’m full of faith and optimism that everything can and will work out.

😎 I wish I didn’t have to think about making or managing money.


Theres a whole lot more to it, but that pretty much sums up why I assume everyone is so great with money.


The reality is everyone has a different relationship with money, depending on their personality.


An Accumulator can have tens of thousands stashed away in savings – but they’ll keep using something until it literally falls apart because “its still got some life in it!”.


An Alchemist has a natural talent for making money in unusual ways – but can feel insecure about their ability to create an actual income.


A Celebrity values money as a tool to achieve the status, image and recognition they want – even if that means going into debt.


A Maverick loves to take a financial risk if theres a big financial win on the cards – even if it means losing everything in the process.


A Nurturer thrives on giving generously to others in exchange for every penny they earn – but asking for what they’re worth takes every scrap of courage they can find.


A Romantic doesn’t see the point in saving money, life is to be enjoyed! Who needs a safety net or a plan for the future anyway?!


A Ruler is a natural leader that people want to follow – but they’re never satisfied that they’ve made enough to be happy, there’s alway MORE to be, do and have.


That’s just a snippet about each archetype, they’re all very different. But one thing they have in common is they’re all capable of making TONS of money. 


That’s why I love my Sacred Money Archetypes® program so much – it brings you and money into alignment so you’re making bank YOUR way. 


Sacred Money Archetypes® helps you step into the power of your money personality and do the things that work best for YOU, no more blindly following someone else’s path to success. 


Come join the fun in my 9 week Sacred Money Archetypes group program.


CLICK HERE for all the info and to sign yo’self up for Sacred Money Archetypes®!

Or send me a message for a quick chat about payment plans and when I’m running the LIVE version of this life-changing program again.

What's YOUR money archetype?

Don’t know your archetypes yet? Click here to take my quiz and find out! Your results might just blow your mind and change how you see money for ever!