Fun Business Fun Money Podcast

EP 022 – What’s your motivation?



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Hey there, and welcome to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast!
If you’re listening in real time, today is Thursday 9th March 2023, which means this is a quick tip, tool or tactic episode, and its meant to be less than 10 minutes. I think I’m doing alright with that goal so far, but I also make no guarantees when I start each episode as to where it’ll end up lol!
A quick reminder before we actually get into today’s quick tip – I will be running my Sacred Money Archetypes® program again as a LIVE group program, kicking off 12th April 2023.
What does that mean? That means not only do you get to up-level your money mindset in the most fun way possible with the online course that you can purchase at any time, you also get to join myself and the other fabulous group participants on weekly Q&A calls, where you get on the spot live coaching with me.
If you could see me right now I’m doing a little happy dance in my office chair because I legit LOVE doing these live calls, they’re so much fun! Everyone has breakthroughs with their money mindset, including me no matter how many times I’ve gone through this content. Which is quite a few times now!
There are TWO live calls each week through the 9 week program, to cover the various time zones across the UK, Europe and US, as well as Australia and New Zealand. Its really fun – obviously, if I’m involved its going to be fun! – and not only do you learn about your own relationship with money, but hearing from the other group participants and seeing money through THEIR archetypes takes you to a whole new level.
If you’re interested in this, you’ll find the link to the website with all the info and the sign up link in the description of this episode, and in the show notes. Or you can send me a DM, I’m @funbusinessfunmoney on Facebook and Instagram, or email – you’ll find the links for all of those in the description and the show notes.
Alright! Today’s quick tip is about motivation, specifically whats YOUR motivation? This is something that comes up a fair bit with my clients and people in the online world in general. We’re all motivated by different things, we take different actions for different reasons, and of course we get different results.
That alone is a big lesson if you’re stuck in comparisonitis or imposter syndrome, feeling like you don’t measure up or you’re not good enough. Let. That. Shit. GO!
As always the best way I know to explain this is to use the money archetypes with a couple of quick examples, its my thing!
Accumulators are amazing at saving and investing, they’re motivated by seeing the numbers grow and feeling a sense of security and safety that they’re doing ok – for now. But theres also the underlying fear that something bad is going to happen and they’ll lose it all, which motivates them to keep going.
Meanwhile the rest of us are watching in awe at this ability to accumulate wealth and abundance, and we’re scratching our heads that the Accumulators aren’t out spending any of it! Having ‘stuff’ or appearing to be wealthy just isn’t their thing.
Rulers are amazing at taking action, they’re motivated by making big dreams a reality. They know exactly how far along they are towards that goal, they know how many clients paying X amount they need within a certain time frame. They’re laser focused on the process and the end goal, theres no time for distractions. But theres usually no big celebration of achievements either, they’re already onto the next goal, and the next one after that is on the list as well.
Meanwhile the rest of us are watching in awe at this ability to GET SHIT DONE while we’re still floundering around trying to figure the shit out in the first place! Ruler’s don’t doubt their ability to achieve a goal, simply setting the goal and knowing the parameters is all the motivation they need.
Alchemists tend to be idea generators, they have amazing creativity and a fresh perspective on things that other archetypes would probably never come up with. They’re motivated by the buzz of the new idea and the possibilities, but their downfall is actually implementing those ideas. That can feel completely overwhelming, frustrating, all the annoying things show up to the party. Alchemists take action but they can be a bit rubbish at the follow through to completion, which can make it really hard to stay motivated.
Meanwhile the rest of us are blown away by their magical ability to create anything and everything out of thin air, do they have a hot line to the Universe or something?? I WISH I had more of that in me, because I’m great at the follow through and completion part, I just need the idea to start with!
Thats just 3 of the money archetypes, but as you can see they’re motivated by different things. Accumulators are motivated to move away from the pain and discomfort of not having enough. Rulers are motivated to move towards the goal and success, whatever that may be. Alchemists are motivated by the buzz they feel about creating something new.
Some people are motivated by external results, physical things like houses and cars. Others are motivated by feeling safe, secure, free, happy.
Knowing what YOUR motivation is will go a long way towards creating the financial freedom you want because then you can approach it in a way that feels perfect for you. NOT in a way that someone else tells you you should do it.
You can offer me all the money, gifts, vacations and luxury you like, but thats not what gets me into action. You can also crack the whip and stand over me trying to force an outcome, but that doesn’t work either.
I’m motivated by moving away from uncomfortable things and feeling happy instead of stressed. Its not a big money goal that inspires me, its having a nice financial buffer between me and debt, between me and financial stress, between me and uncomfortable money conversations.
I’d love to hear what motivates YOU – is it moving away from uncomfortable things? Or is it moving towards a goal or achievement? Send me a DM and tell me about it, I’m @funbusinessfunmoney on both Facebook and Instagram, or email .
Of course if you’re just hearing about this money archetypes concept for the first time in this episode and you want to know which one YOU are, go take my Sacred Money Archetypes quiz – you’ll find the link in the description of this episode and in the show notes. That’ll give you some fascinating insights into your relationship with money and get you started on making money your financial BFF.
I also did a whole episode on the money archetypes, so head on back to episode 3 which is called “Unlock the Power of your money personality” for a full run down of ALL of the archetypes.
Thats what I’ve got for you today, motivation is a pretty important part of being your own boss, don’t you think?
Take care, have fun and I’ll catch you in the next episode!

Want to know more about the Sacred Money Archetypes group program?

Its a super fun 9 week online course with recorded modules and a workbook to guide your progress. Twice a year I run this as a LIVE group program with Q&A Zoom calls, coaching directly with me. Click here to grab your spot now and get a head start!