Fun Business Fun Money Podcast
EP 068 – 4 simple ways to reset your mindset
EVERYONE experiences self doubt and compares themselves to others at some point.
How you choose to handle it makes the world of difference to your progress and results.
In this quick tip episode I’m sharing 4 simple ways to reset your mindset when comparisonitis creeps in and tries to take you out of the game.

Hey there, and welcome back to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast!
Let’s get right on into it, this is meant to be a quick tip episode but I couldn’t cut it down to just one thing, so how about we just call it a bonus coaching episode this week!
Today I’ve got FOUR tips to help reset your mindset and beat comparisonitis and self doubt into submission so you can conquer the world!
(I’m not condoning violence here, but you know what I mean!)
I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve had to deal with this, even with all the self development work I’ve done on myself in the past 10 years or so! Even with knowing in the moment that thats exactly what’s going on – IT STILL HAPPENS.
So thats the most important thing I want you to remember – EVERYONE experiences self doubt and compares themselves to others at some point.
You’re not alone in feeling like this. And it doesn’t matter what stage of your business you’re at, you’re going to experience it over and over again, especially if you’re aiming for a big goal and a new income level.
This came up in a few conversations last week with clients, and also with a friend I used to work with in my corporate career.
Everyone feels like they’re not good enough at some point, in some way.
It also reminded me of Drew Barrymore – side note I absolutely adore her, shes so real and authentic, not afraid to laugh at herself and share her highs and lows.
Drew shared a video on YouTube a few years back now. A behind the scenes moment from when they were planning her new talk show and figuring out how to do it in the middle of the pandemic.
She literally had a meltdown on a call with her team, self doubt and comparisonitis kicked in and she was freaking out along the lines of “Who the hell am I to think I can do this??”
That just warms my heart to be honest, to hear someone like her say that and prove that not everything is perfect.
It comes from this deep seated belief that I AM NOT ENOUGH.
I’m not good enough, I’m not smart enough, I’m not pretty enough, I’m not whatever enough to achieve the success that others do. And its all complete bullshit.
So this is the first mindset shift I want you to write down if you can – if you’re out driving or walking, you’ll find the transcript and show notes with everything you need in the description of this episode.
1 – Don’t compare how you feel to what someone else shows.
I’m a big fan of positive statements and this doesn’t quite fit the sentiment, but it highlights what we’re actually comparing. They’re not equal in any way, shape or form.
Its not even apples and oranges, its Granny Smith apples and an Apple Macbook Pro. The only thing they have in common is the word apple, they’re not in the same category of being fruit or even food, they’re poles apart.
When you’re worrying about what others think of you, unless you have superpowers and you can actually read minds, you have no idea what someone else is thinking about you.
You also have no idea how anyone else feels as they’re doing their thing, taking action to create something that they eventually show to the world.
Of course everyone goes “WOW! You’re AMAZING! WELL DONE!” But what we’re seeing is the amazing end result of all the self doubt, fears, anxiety, broken sleep, the money they’ve poured into up-skilling themselves to reach this point.
So if you’re sitting there thinking “WOW! You’re amazing, look at you go!” let me tell you, I’m no different to you. I feel the same doubt and fear that you do, theres always a shit ton of work behind the scenes, stuff nobody hears about, to get to this point.
Which leads into the second mindset shift:
2 – If she can do it, so can I.
She, he, they, choose your pronoun and know you can do it too.
You are no different to me, to Drew Barrymore, to ANYONE.
We are all human beings having a human experience on this beautiful blue planet. The only thing stopping you from achieving what you want is yourself.
Obvious I know, a bit cliche, but it needs to be said repeatedly so that it sinks in and maybe we’ll all finally get it. I’ll keep saying it so that you hear it when you need it the most – if she can do it, so can I.
Is there is someone you admire for what they’re doing, what they’ve achieved, or something about their personality that really stands out for you?
That same quality already exists within you, you just need to focus on it and amplify it.
We tend to put people on a pedestal when they’re smashing it, achieving their goals, making more money and showing you the results of it on social media.
Don’t do that. We’re all human, we all have doubts and fears, nobody is more special than anyone else.
3 – My only comparison is the person in the mirror
Another one you likely already know. but still needs repeating.
The ONLY person you should be comparing yourself to is who you were yesterday.
If you think back 6 months ago, who were you back then versus who you are now?
Think back to a time when you achieved your best success in your business. It doesn’t even matter what that success was or how much money you made.
What matters is WHO WERE YOU?
How did you feel ?
What actions were you taking?
What were you telling yourself to keep you in momentum?
THAT is the person you want to emulate, not anyone else. It doesn’t matter if it only lasted a day, an hour, or a moment, you can tap into that version of yourself anytime you want and use that to move yourself forward.
And the last one…
4 – There is nothing to fear
If you need to remind yourself of this on a moment by moment basis in order to move forward and do your thing, so be it. Write it on a post it, put it somewhere it can remind you – there is nothing to fear.
Focusing on the fear of what might happen will keep you small and stuck, no two ways about it.
Put yourself out there
Become more visible
Make more money
Share your brownies (your expertise, value and amazingness!) with the world.
And come back to tip number 1 – Quit comparing how you feel to the results other people show. Remember – Granny Smith apples and Apple Macbook Pro. Both awesome but no comparison whatsoever.
Mindset work is one of my biggest passions, I’m a firm believer that we can overcome anything with a strong mindset.
Thats why its woven through everything I do, whether I’m coaching someone to think bigger, to take action, or challenging them to raise their prices and put out their offers.
If you’d like my help with your mindset, strategy and practical actions as you grow and scale beyond your fears and upper limits to achieve the freedom and goals you want, send me a DM for a quick chat about IGNITE, my business and money coaching program.
Connect with me on LinkedIn and send me a DM there, I’m the only Deirdre Amies in the world.
Or send an email to – you’ll find the links to all of those in the description of this episode, and in the show notes.
One last thought I want to leave you with on this:
Most people aren’t watching you take action towards your dreams and thinking “Who does she think SHE is??”
Thats the story WE think they’re thinking. But they’re not. They’re comparing themselves to YOU.
Most people are watching IN AWE of your guts, your tenacity to keep taking action and moving forward, taking action no matter what.
They’re waiting for you to make your next move because they’re excited to see what’s next, they want you to achieve your goals.
Thats what I have for you today, I hope that helps to shift your mindset, reset in some way, and release some self doubt or comparisonitis.
Honestly, the only thing we should be worrying about is standing still, getting to the end of our lives with a bunch of regrets about the doubts and fears that hold us back from living our awesome life.
Take care, turn any of those fear or doubt into having fun and taking action, and I’ll catch you in the next episode!
Want to make a BIG SHIFT in your business?
IGNITE private coaching could be the answer you’re looking for! Click here to check out the details, or send me a message for a quick chat about which option is the best one for you right now.