Fun Business Fun Money Podcast
EP 067 – Accelerate client results and create raving fans

Want clients who rave about you to EVERYONE from the get go?

Don’t skip THE most important step as a service provider working with clients.  

Its not the sales call or sales process.

Its not your pricing, the videos you produce, the workbooks or resources you provide.

Its not even the number of calls or level of interaction you include in your offers. 

In this coaching episode we’re diving deep into what happens after clients sign up to ensure they (and you!) have the best possible experience.


Hey there, and welcome back to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast!
If you’re new here, an extra special welcome and HEYYYYY to you! I hope you find it useful AND fun because thats always my intention, especially for your business and money stuff.
You’ll notice I refer to a couple of things you may not be familiar with, one of which is the money archetypes, or money personalities.
Yes, you have a money personality! Those personality traits influence your relationship with money, whether you love it, hate it, ignore it, spend it like theres no tomorrow or anything else in between.
The quickest way to understand how you’re interacting with money is to take my Sacred Money Archetypes quiz.
It’ll take you less than 10 minutes and you’ll get some pretty cool insights into whats going on. You’ll find the link in the description of this episode (and all the others as well!) and in the show notes.
And of course if you’ve been listening for a while, shout out to you as well! I appreciate you tuning in on the regular!
Don’t forget the Sacred Money Archetypes quiz is for you too, even if you’ve taken it a while back, it never hurts to do a refresh and see how you and money are doing.
Now, today is a slightly longer coaching episode, there is one of these every week, as well as a shorter tip, tool or tactic that you can implement immediately if you so desire.

Let’s accelerate your client results

What I want to share with you today is one of THE BEST WAYS – in my opinion! – you can accelerate your clients’ results so they end up raving about you to everyone right from the start.
It’s one of the most important steps as a service provider working with clients. 
Its not the sales call or that they can click to buy, if thats how you prefer to do it.
Its not your pricing, the videos you produce, the workbooks or resources you provide.
Its not even the number of calls or level of interaction you include in your offers.
That stuff IS important. But if your ‘getting started’ process is crap, everything that follows kind of falls flat. And thats the LAST thing we want, right??

We need to talk about your onboarding, your first call or session with them, whatever you like to call it, and anything that fits between making the sale and that first call.

Its that next step once they’re signed up and paid, ready to do the work. They’re sitting there going “Ok! Now what??” And if you’ve got nothing, we’re in trouble here!
I’ve worked with a number of coaches and mentors over the past few years, I’ve taken courses and been part of memberships. The best ones have nothing to do with the format and everything to do with the experience I had in that initial getting started phase.
Some were simply “Heres the link, get yourself in there and find something useful!” Which I can tell you, is actually not that useful!
Especially if you have a huge membership vault packed with good stuff, you still need to give people some direction.
If you don’t already, please consider including a quick 15min welcome call or a direct message conversation with your new members.
That personal connection has a huge impact on those people sticking around in your world or community for the long term. They’ll pay you more money!
You can ask some very specific questions and discover what their top needs are. You can recommend a place to start that will help them solve their biggest problem right away.
They get to know you as a real person from that direct interaction, you’re no longer just a face in their social media feed or a voice on a podcast.
If you have a 1-1 offer rather than a group program or membership, its just as important for you to start your clients off on the right foot. Yes you’ll be having a lot of interaction with them during your time together anyway, but that first experience influences the overall outcomes.
The easiest way I can explain this is to share MY getting started process with you, so lets play with this!
I always want to dive into EVERYTHING with a new client in our first session but I have to rein myself in because I don’t want to overwhelm them. Its a common trait across several of the money archetypes to want to overdeliver and prove your value for their investment right out of the gate.
So theres your very first tip. Take a step back and ask yourself…

“Is this person going to be excited at the end of our session? Or are they going to go silent before asking for a refund because its too much?” Nobody wants to be ghosted!

Its okay for you to be excited, but you want your new client to feel excited as well. And you want them to be excited EVERY step of the way, no matter what you’re working on together.
Its super important to have simple, clear action steps that aren’t overwhelming. They might seem TOO easy, and thats ok.

Keeping people excited and feeling like its manageable? That’s the key to great client results.

I love to send my new client some pre work tasks to do BEFORE our first session. None of which are particularly hard or time consuming.
The first one is the Sacred Money Archetypes quiz, that I mentioned earlier.
This gives me an indication of your relationship with money.
Whether you’re a Connector Ruler Accumulator like me, or maybe you’re a Romantic Nurturer Alchemist as your top 3.
Whatever your particular combo happens to be, I can help you with your money stuff. Knowing that right up front helps determine HOW I COACH YOU.
A Romantic uses different language, a different energy, than a Maverick would, even if they’re facing a similar challenge.
The second thing I send my new client is the Brand Archetypes quiz. Similar concept to the money quiz because it uses personality traits, but a very different application of it.
This gives me an indication of how you show up in your business, your life, your online presence.
I’m an Alchemist Innocent combo, which means I have a playful fun approach to everything, I don’t do complexity and I’m full of creative possibilities. I’m the big vision dreamer.
You might be a Ruler Explorer combo, you love adventure and freedom, and you’re not afraid to shoot for the stars in order to have the experiences you want.

Knowing your brand archetypes helps me coach you on a far more personal level than if I simply said “Heres the system for success, do these things and you’ll magically achieve your goals.” Thats complete BS and its not helpful for you OR me as your coach.

And the third piece of pre-work you’ll do before our first call is to run through my “Start Stop Continue” checklist. Or what one of my biz besties refers to as the “Business Happiness checklist”.
Which is ironic considering when I first started out life coaching I was referred to as the happiness coach because thats exactly how people felt – HAPPY!
That checklist is a quick analysis of the things you’re doing in your business and how you feel about each one. You can easily see what’s sucking your time, energy, money and FUN, and figure out what you do or don’t want to be doing.
Now all of that might sound like a lot, the money quiz, the brand quiz AND a business review checklist? Especially if you’re currently a very busy person. But this is the stuff that can revolutionise your money AND your business in a flash.
This is where you start to see the possible reasons for your current money situation.
You start to see how you’re showing up online and ways you can improve it.
You start to see how you can simplify your business, save money, save time AND create more freedom for yourself when you know what to outsource, delegate or get rid of completely!
All o f that is a huge relief, don’t you think? Using tools like this helps to quickly focus in on their biggest challenges – and we haven’t even got to our first official call yet!

What client results tools do you have available to help your client get started before you’ve officially started? 

Give them something useful, insightful, something that supports their growth and aligns with the work you’ll do with them.
I call the first official call with my new clients a VIP Kickstart call. I want my clients to feel like a VIP, like they’re seen and heard, as a human being and a business owner, and to kickstart their momentum right away.
So when we get on this call… what do we TALK ABOUT??
Well, we talk about the results from your money archetypes quiz, your brand archetypes quiz, and what you’ve identified in your START STOP CONTINUE checklist.
Can you see the value in that pre work now? We’re not wasting our precious time together working this stuff out, we’re getting to work on it right away.
We talk about your current situation with your business and money. I want to know where you’re at, what you’ve tried so far, what results you’ve had.
I want to know what your financial goals are, from your survive number right through to your thrive number.
The survive number is what you NEED to be making in order to cover your costs. It includes paying your rent or mortgage, groceries, all the day to day living costs that you usually pay for, plus the costs of actually running your business.
Everyone needs to know THAT number at an absolute minimum. If you don’t yet know that, go crunch your numbers so you know your baseline that your business needs to generate.
Knowing your money archetypes helps put your current financial situation into perspective.

If you’re trying to make money the way someone else does but they have a VERY different relationship with money than you do, its always going to fall flat. Or like you’re pushing a rock up a hill.

You’ll feel frustrated at the time spent learning and implementing their systems only to end up burnt out and no better off.
Ain’t nobody got time for that!
We also look at your goals and what you want to achieve. You’re not there yet but you have some idea of what you want your business to look and feel like.
We wrap up the VIP Kickstart call with some actions, because nothing happens without action!
Its usually something like…
What do you KNOW you need to stop doing in order to move forward right now? Commit to doing something about it in the next 24 hours.
Or “What’s one thing you would like to START doing right now, even if its a baby step, that aligns with the goals you want to achieve?” Again, taking action in the next 24 hours creates a deadline.

A note about accountability…

There’s a perception that a coach will keep you accountable.
I very rarely have to ask clients if they’ve done it because they’re excited to get into action. They tell me without prompting! Thats the magic of working with me – you’re accountable for the actions and results you create without feeling like you’re being HELD ACCOUNTABLE.

Other things that need to be part of your post-sale process to accelerate client results include:

A client agreement that outlines the scope of work, the terms and conditions of your time together.
This is important no matter what kind of business you have, whether you’re a coach, consultant, web designer, copywriter, any service provider – and regardless of what you charge for that service.
If you’re a web designer contracted to do a specific project for your client, a done for you service, you need to make it clear whats included and what’s NOT included.
It can feel awkward getting into this kind of detail, but it’ll save you so much time and energy to minimise scope creep.
If you’re a VA charging by the hour, which is not something I recommend by the way, you need to have a way to track your time and the tasks you’re doing so your client feels reassured they’re getting value for money. They want to know whats going on.
How often are you going to meet with your client? Make it clear and get those calls or sessions booked well in advance. Having a regular call schedule is a life saver when it comes to planning your time.
You won’t get to the end of your contracted agreement time frame and have them say they still need to catch up on some calls.
I meet with clients twice a month, in the first and third weeks, and in between they have access to me via email and Messenger, either written or voice notes. Theres always a lot of back and forth as they celebrate their wins, they’re super excited about what’s going on.
They know I’ll respond within my regular work hours, something I’m very clear about, and so should you, especially with clients all over the world in different time zones.
Time zones are never a barrier to working with someone, you just need to be very clear about it.
If you’re running a membership, what level of contact will your members have with you? Who do they contact if they have a problem?
Set up some guidelines around how you work and make sure its crystal clear how they should communicate with you, and vice versa.

All of this getting started process is about making sure the client has the best experience, but its also about BOUNDARIES.

You can feel good about delivering maximum value for your client without burning yourself out along the way when you have powerful, health boundaries.
I’d love to hear about your onboarding or getting started process – Do you have one??
Do you NEED one?
Do you have something that works really well that I’ve not mentioned here? Send me a DM and tell me about it!
Send me a DM on Facebook or Instagram, I’m @funbusinessfunmoney, all one word.
Connect with me on LinkedIn and send me a DM there, just search for Deirdre Amies, I’m the only one in the world.
Or you can email – you’ll find the links to all of those in the description of this episode, and in the show notes. Because thats not an easy name to spell, amiright??
Getting your clients started off on the right foot, in the best possible way, is how you create a lasting impact. Feeling like you’ve made a great investment isn’t just about the outcomes, its about the experiences you have along the way. Make sure you’re creating a good one for your clients.
Having a clear support and guidance process in place for your clients turns them into raving fans who recommend YOU to everyone they know. Thats a pretty good thing to have in an online business, don’t you think?
If you’d like my eyes on your business to help you speed up and implement a great onboarding process along with everything else, reach out to me for a chat about IGNITE, my business and money coaching program.
IGNITE is for coaches and digital creatives – the fabulous copywriters, web designers and social media managers who make all our online businesses look and sound amazing! You’re the support team for other businesses and I’m here to support YOU to grow and scale without burning yourself out.
Send me a DM on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn, you’ll find the links in the description and in the show notes.
That’s what I’ve got for you today!
There’s so much more to your online business than simply marketing and getting clients to sign up and pay for your awesomeness. Making sure they have a great experience right out of the gate is ESSENTIAL as a service provider.
Take care, have fun with alllll those fabulous new clients raving about you from the get go, and I’ll catch you in the next episode.

Want to make a BIG SHIFT in your business?

IGNITE private coaching could be the answer you’re looking for! Click here to check out the details, or send me a message for a quick chat about which option is the best one for you right now.