Fun Business Fun Money Podcast
EP 014 – The easiest way to beat procrastination


Seeking perfection is another form of procrastination.

Yeah, I said it! From one master procrastinator to another, you know its true.

Trying to make everything perfect will stop you in your tracks and impact your growth.

Done is always better than perfect. But you’ve still got to be happy with the level of completion, a standard that you set for yourself, before you can unleash your creation on the world.

In today’s quick tip episode I share the simple mindset shift I use to help clients beat procrastination and take action.


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Hey there and welcome to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast!
As you may know by now I do TWO episodes each week, one is a longer coaching episode where we go into a bit more detail on a particular topic, and the other is, in theory, a quick tip, tool or tactic that you can implement immediately.
And thats what I’ve got for you today, a quick tip, or a reminder really, that done is better than perfect.

I remind every client as I take them through the steps of creating their offers, formulating their pricing and identifying their ideal clients, that we’re looking for completion, not perfection.

We’ve only got a limited time together so lets not get bogged down with precise wording and finessing of the nuances.
I’ve sat in meetings back in my corporate career where a whole hour was spent doing exactly that, talk about a snore fest! So its no surprise at all that everyone was exhausted for no good reason and very little progress was made!
Each area that I work on with clients has a workbook to help guide them through it, it makes it easier for them to take notes as we go so that by the end of our session they’ve got a quick easy reference to remind them of what we covered – along with the recording of course!
The same goes for any courses you’re creating, any offers you’re developing, maybe you’re starting a new business and you’re faffing about with the little details.
Take a step back for a minute and ask yourself – is this complete as it is, is this good enough? Or am I seeking perfection?

Because I can tell you now, nobody actually cares if its perfect to your exact standards, they just want to know if you can help them solve their problem!

A great example of this is this podcast! I had the inspiration to do it in mid 2021, and its now February 2023, so its been a while! We were in hard lockdown with the pandemic in Sydney, fun times!
I faffed about with it, talked about it, came up with a name, changed the name, came back to the original name, took courses on audio quality and mixing… I did all the things!
It took me until the end of 2022 to actually start recording anything and commit to launching it because I wanted it to be of a certain standard. Once I was happy with it being that standard, I just launched it. I didn’t keep tweaking it and changing things to be “perfect” because that’ll never happen!
Could it be better? Of course it could! I apologise to all the audio engineers out there because I’m sure your finely tuned ears will pick up ALL the things mine don’t! But is it complete? It sure is!
So thats my tip for today – completion not perfection. Just take action and do the thing. Make it good enough and then you can work on your skills so you can review and upgrade it down the track, as you go.

Perfection is ridiculous anyway, so just aim for completion and you’ll do just fine.

If you feel like you’re in perfection mode and you’d like my help moving forward to actually complete your offer, or to sort out your pricing or settle on your ideal client, send me a DM about IGNITE, my private coaching program.
We’ll have a quick chat about what you need and how I can help you to get it in the simplest, easiest, most FUN way possible.
I’m @funbusinessfunmoney on both Facebook and Instagram, or you can send an email to – you’ll find the links to all of those in the description and in the show notes.
That it from me, take care, have fun and I’ll catch you in the next episode!

Want to make a BIG SHIFT in your business?

IGNITE private coaching could be the answer you’re looking for! Click here to check out the details, or send me a message for a quick chat about which option is the best one for you right now.