Fun Business Fun Money Podcast
EP 035 – Connect with Future You

Serious question: do you know what you want? 🤔

If you don’t, you’re probably going to be really vague about stuff and end up with a soggy boring sandwich instead of the glorious, delicious roast beef sandwich that you ACTUALLY feel like.

In this coaching episode we’re exploring some woo stuff, aka your imagination, and how you can use it to connect with the future version of you.

Asking for what you want and taking the steps to make it happen is a whole lot more fun than wandering around aimlessly for the next decade or so, don’t you think??



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Hey there and welcome back to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast!


If this is your FIRST time here, an extra special hello and welcome to YOU! As I write my notes for each episode I always hope that new people will enjoy it as much as those who have been here for a while, since the start even!
I love when I look at the download stats I can see which countries and areas of the world people are tuning in from – Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Norway, the UK and US to name a few! So hello to everyone everywhere, I appreciate you!
Before we get into today’s topic I want to acknowledge the service of our veterans, past and present.
If you’re listening in real time, today is Tuesday 25th April 2023, which is a very significant day in Australia and New Zealand every year, its ANZAC day. ANZAC stands for Australia and New Zealand Army Corp, and refers to the allied expedition that set out on 25th April 1915 to capture the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey during World War 1.
Its now the day that we remember those Kiwis and Aussies who sacrificed their lives in that campaign and every one since, including World War 2. Both of my grandfathers served in the New Zealand Air Force in the Pacific in WW2, thankfully both of them came home, but so many didn’t.
I know thats a bit of a solemn start to an otherwise fun-focused podcast, but its actually very relevant to today’s topic, which is I’ve called “Connecting with Future You”.
If those who serve our country, your country, wherever you live and call home, during those times of conflict DIDN’T have some kind of connection to the future they want to live, we wouldn’t be here living the lives we do today.
They would have made different choices, they would have sat back and let things happen and the world would be a very different place.
So lets see what we can do NOW to create a different future for yourself, your family and all the future generations to come.
This topic was actually inspired by a conversation I had recently with my gorgeous friend Carrie from the UK. And just a heads up, this one is going to be a little more on the woo side than the practical logical side. Whether you like it or not the woo stuff is a critical foundation in your business AND life, so suck it up on the eye rolls!
Now, over on my Facebook personal profile, I share updates about what I’m up to most days, which includes taking my paddle board to the beach and getting out on the water.
Side note, you’re absolutely welcome to follow my personal profile on Facebook, just search for Deirdre Amies and you’ll find me, I’m literally the only one in the online world. I think if you Google me the whole first page of results is related to me – one of the benefits of a unique name!
So the paddle boarding, I haven’t done it as much this past summer as I wanted to, but like anything its a work in progress. I’ve only had it about 6 months, my family got it for my birthday in 2022.
I’ve still not actually stood up on it yet, I have some balance issues after a couple of spine surgeries in my 20s, but I’m determined to get there. In the meantime I absolutely love sitting cross-legged on it, paddling around and coasting back in on the waves and wind.
During our chat, Carrie mentioned that she’s envious of me going to the beach with my paddle board.
Instead of downplaying it and pointing out all the ways I’m not ‘proper’ paddle boarding yet, I realised that the me of 18 months ago was envious of this version of me too!
Thats because 18 months ago, as I’ve mentioned before, we were living in Sydney, an hour from the beach – and getting there meant toll roads and sky high parking fees.
Its hard to enjoy your time at the beach if you’re constantly having to watch the clock to make sure you don’t go over the parking limit because the rangers are always around checking and will slap you with a $70 ticket the minute you’re over your time.
Needless to say we didn’t go to the beach a lot in Sydney! We were also going through hard lockdown with the pandemic 18 months ago and there wasn’t a lot of freedom to be had.
It was the catalyst for me to connect with the future version of myself, the one that I am NOW.
This is something I’ve been doing for years, and of course I do it now with my clients. And thats to use my imagination to see and feel what its like to be, do and have the things I want.
18 months ago I was visualising the freedom I have now – working from a beautiful home in Queensland, with my own office which has a door I can close!
In our old house I was working in the open plan spaces, begging my family to be quiet for a bit so I could record something, or do a call, all that fun stuff that goes with being self employed and working from home!
I was visualising being able to go to the beach for walks, to swim, and that I would have a paddle board to get out on the water as well.
I talked about these ideas for the future with Chay, my gorgeous hubby, and our adult kiddos. We decided to go for it, sell the house and move our lives to a new state because we ALL wanted to experience that freedom.
This is why its so important to connect with Future You.
If you don’t know what you want to be, do, have, experience, then not much is going to change because you’ve got nothing to move towards.
Its not unusual to be triggered to move away from what you DON’T want as well because that helps to highlight the alternatives you DO want, but don’t wait to be pushed into it by a conflict or outside influence that you have no control over.
Nobody WANTS to go to war but they did it anyway because there was no other option if they were going to preserve our way of life for future generations.
Have a destination or a goal so you can take action is the first step.
I know its a bit cliche, but the saying “You don’t need to know the HOW” is 100% true.
You can’t let yourself get bogged down in the how, and needing to know ALL the details before you take a step. Thats not how things work and it’ll only lead to disappointment if things don’t work out exactly as you planned.
I didn’t have our exact house visualised in my head as I was searching online for months. Ironically the one across the road from us was on the market before we were ready to buy, I really liked the style of it and there was something about the street that really appealed.
When we were actually ready to buy, our house came on the market literally 2 days later. A week after that it was ours, and we moved 6 weeks later, at the end of January 2022.
If I hadn’t been visualising and imagining life in our new location for months, and to be honest YEARS beforehand, we wouldn’t have had a clue where to start looking or what we were even looking for.
So how do you connect with Future You? Its easier than you think. It starts with connecting with Future You in your mind and knowing what you want, instead of what you currently have.
Heres a question for you – What do you WANT?
Most of us poo poo these thoughts as soon as they come up because they sound ridiculous, unrealistic and out of reach, so its important to take note of those negative Nelly moments and let them slide off you like drops of water.
Allow your imagination to run wild, ignore all the little snarky thoughts that scoff at your big dreams.
I find it best to close my eyes because it shuts out the obvious physical environment around me, which of course is evidence that the snarky thoughts are RIGHT – you don’t have this amazing environment you want, YET.
What kind of environment do you want to be in? Is it the same general location where you are now? Or somewhere completely different?
What kind of house do you want? Is it modern and bright? Is it historic and intriguing?
What kind of work do you do? Are you working from home online like I do? Are you in an office with others?
Do you have a job? Are you running your own business?
How many hours do you work? What kind of boundaries do you want around your time?
What do you do for fun? Who do you spend time with?
Whats the VIBE? The energy you surround yourself with is critical in how you feel about this new Future version of yourself.
So as an example, when I was picturing our new life 18 months ago there weren’t many specifics but there was lots of sunshine, an ocean breeze, a beautiful spacious home filled with light and surrounded by trees and nature. I could be at the beach in a short amount of time.
It felt amazing, everyone around me was happy with their jobs, their work, their personal lives, everything.
I didn’t have to question what I would do to fill my time because I already love my business and what I do, that was a natural thing to bring into the future with me.
Thats all I needed to know. I didn’t know how it would happen or when, the important part was knowing what you want. Because then you’re able to take the small actions over time that led to it becoming real for us.
There was another occasion about 4 years ago, I did a presentation at a conference in the UK on this exact topic of Future You and stepping into that life you want one step at a time.
It had a huge impact on the attendees, a lot of people came up to me afterwards to share their experiences and how excited they were about this new future version of themselves, simply because they hadn’t allowed themselves to do that before.
Its one of my favourite sessions I’ve ever done to be honest, because in that moment I also realised I was living the exact vision I’d held for a few years to that point – standing on an international stage talking about things I’m passionate about.
The evolution of getting where you are to where you want to be often happens gradually, we don’t always notice the changes we’re making towards that future life, but they’re happening anyway.
Then one day you notice all the changes you’ve made and you’re where you dreamed you’d be. It might look different, but it still meets the criteria you set out for yourself.
THAT is the power of acknowledging what you want.
You’ll naturally start to take the actions needed that lead you where you want to be.
Whether its walking away from your job and working for yourself, increasing your fees and cutting down on your work hours so you can have more time freedom.
Setting up systems, processes and automating repetitive tasks so you can do more of the fun things in your business… all of those are a lot easier when you give yourself permission to have the things you want.
Once you know that stuff you can then look at the practical steps you need to take. What’s this new life of yours going to cost? How much money do you actually need to make that happen?
Knowing that number can be a little scary but its also a huge relief because in a lot of cases its less than you think, but you have to crunch those numbers first, simply so you know the facts.
In one of the first sessions I do with clients in IGNITE, my private coaching program, we look at what they actually want to create, and how we can get them closer to that.
We identify the gap between their current income and what they actually need to be making in order to create the freedom they want.
From there we can focus on the specific areas that help them get there, like making sure they’re talking to the right people in their marketing, checking they’ve got a solid framework to support their clients journey without gaps and potholes, and their offers are simple and clear.
None of it is hard or overwhelming when you’re taking small steps (with my support!) towards the life and business you WANT.
If that sounds awesome, send me a DM and lets talk about IGNITE! It could be the 3 month, 6 month or 12 month package thats perfect for you. I’m @funbusinessfunmoney, all one word, on both Facebook and Instagram. Or you can email – you’ll find the links to all of those in the description and in the show notes.
So, I hope this helps you see how important it is to go right back to basics on the regular and ask yourself “What do I want?”
Writing that stuff down, saying it out loud as you talk it through with a friend, coach, mentor, perhaps even ME, is like placing your order with the Universe.
One of my favourite money mindset books is Jen Sincero’s “You Are A Badass At Making Money”, I love her hilarious stories and fun way of talking about money. 
Theres a section in the book where she talks about exactly this stuff, placing your order with the Universe. She said…
“Vague aspirations lead to vague results. Specific aspirations lead to kicking ass.”
And shes absolutely spot on! As is the analogy of how you wouldn’t go into a deli and say “I’d like a sandwich please.” And then being annoyed that you didn’t get the exact thing you actually want.
You’d place a specific order of roast beef, mayo, no mustard, pickles, lettuce, tomato, on a roll. Not that roll, the bigger one at the front please.” You get exactly what you wanted and you’re happy!
You have to be specific about what you want Future You to look like, the business you want to have, the money you want to make, what you want to do, be and have.
List out the experiences and how its going to feel. That is you putting in your order with the Universe and asking for what you want.
Then you can look back on it at some point and see you’re living that life already – just like magic!
Thats what I’ve got for you today, all this talk of sandwiches and paddle boarding has got me thinking thats exactly what I’m going to do now!
Whatever you’re doing today, make some time to connect with Future You, have fun with it, don’t get bogged down, its not heavy or a chore, and I’ll catch you in the next episode!

Want to make a BIG SHIFT in your business?

IGNITE private coaching could be the answer you’re looking for! Click here to check out the details, or send me a message for a quick chat about which option is the best one for you right now.