Fun Business Fun Money Podcast

EPISODE 102 – Micro goals: the best daily actions for sustainable growth

The best business growth is created through micro goals, small daily actions that add up to big results.

Small enjoyable bites that don’t burn you out – or give you indigestion, its not a hotdog eating contest lol!

This quick tip / tactic episode is your reminder to set micro goals every day, every week, every MOMENT, so you can see all the awesomeness you’ve created while barely breaking a sweat.



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Hey there, and welcome back to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast! I’m your host, Deirdre Amies.

If you’re listening in real time, and of course depending on where you are in the world, its the middle of December 2023, we’re in the home stretch to the Christmas break.

You may not celebrate Christmas or be taking a break at all because thats not how your culture operates. I love learning about the diversity of cultures around the world!

If there’s something that YOU do at this time of year that isn’t part of the global phenomenon called Christmas, I’d love to hear about it! Where in the world are you, tell me all the things!

Send me a DM on Facebook or Instagram, I’m @funbusinessfunmoney, all one word.

Or connect with me on LinkedIn, I’m Deirdre Amies there.


Goals, everywhere, every day

This is a quick tip episode, and its also a TACTIC that you can implement immediately! We’re still on the theme of goals because its GOAL SETTING SEASON! 

Remember goals aren’t just for December, or January, or any set time period.

Goals are for every single day, every hour, every MOMENT. Not to be too dramatic about it!

Maybe thats the Ruler archetype showing up in me! But days are always best spent moving towards something rather than standing still and going nowhere.

That means every day, every hour, every moment is a MICRO GOAL.


Micro goals for the win

I’ve talked about micro goals in a previous episode, and I was reminded of this again just yesterday as I was in the pool swimming laps.

Its summer here in Australia and right across the Southern Hemisphere – which is partly why I have a huge resistance to traditional Christmas stuff like a decorated tree, hot food and basically anything that leans towards snow. Its baking hot here!

Humidity is up along with the temperatures, which means going for a walk with the dogs is a rather unpleasant sweaty experience. I much prefer clocking up laps in the pool than steps on a walk at this time of year.

But in order to achieve my daily exercise goal I have to break it down to smaller micro goals. Can I reach a certain distance in less time? Can I burn more kilojoules than I usually do? Can I swim further than I did yesterday?


Micro goals for business and money 

The same thing applies to business AND money. Breaking down big goals into tiny micro goals is more like taking a sip than trying to chug a whole bottle of water. Or a bite of a delicious meal, rather than trying to consume it all as fast as you can – this isn’t a hotdog eating contest!

Micro goals mean you can get to the end of the day and say “Yeah, I done good.” At the end of the week you can reflect on your overall progress and see a bigger picture. Same goes at the end of a month, a quarter, a year.

They’re all made up of micro goals.


Quit overthinking and take action

Don’t get stuck overthinking what you want to achieve. Just get in there and do what you can do TODAY. Tick that off your list and come back to the next thing tomorrow.

If your goal is to post daily on social media to boost your visibility? Focus on posting something TODAY.

If your goal is to connect with more people? Focus on connecting with a few new people TODAY.

If your goal is to make a certain amount of money by the end of 2023? Break it down and focus on that smaller amount TODAY.

I know this isn’t rocket science, you’ve heard it all before from me and countless others. But maybe this is the thing you need to hear again today so you can release some stress and overwhelm.

Yes we’re coming up on the end of the year.

Yes you’ve got big goals and dreams.

You might not have achieved everything you wanted to in 2023.

Instead of stressing about THAT, focus on what you can do right now, today, this week.


What micro goal are you going to focus on right now?

Share something about it on social media so everyone can cheer you on, and make sure you tag me so I can too! I’m @funbusinessfunmoney on Facebook and Instagram, and I’m Deirdre Amies on LinkedIn.

That’s what I’ve got for you today!  Set yourself micro goals that move you towards the bigger goal in some way.

Give yourself the grace of space, time and energy, and you might just surprise yourself how much progress you actually make in these last few weeks of the year.

Take care, have fun smashing your micro goals, and I’ll catch you in the next episode.

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