Fun Business Fun Money Podcast
EP 094 – Stop selling free. FREEDOM is your best money maker

You can create a low cost monthly membership, or a high ticket offer at whatever price you want to put on it.

But if you’re not selling the FREEDOM people can create when they use your product or service? It may as well be free for all the use its going to get.

Its not about the price. Its about whats possible for your audience when they buy your thing, no matter what the price is.

This quick tip episode packs a punch with a perspective shift on what you’re really offering your audience.


Hey there, and welcome to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast! I’m your host, Deirdre Amies.
If you’ve been listening for a while, maybe even from the very start, HUGE shout out to you, amazing human!
I appreciate you, and I love the DMs I get telling me about your ahas and results from implementing what you’re learning here on the podcast. Its SO GOOD! 
🤩 If you’re just new here, hey, hello, welcome!
Grab a cuppa if you’re at home…
🎧 Pop in your earbuds if you’re out walking…
🚗 Crank up the volume if you’re in the car…
and lets create some fun around business and money, shall we?! 
What I’ve got for you today is a quick tip. This is a phrase I’ve had on repeat for such a long time that I have no idea where it came from…


This is about focusing more on the transformation that your clients have, and less on the value of your time. Which is important, but its not everything.
It relates to this idea that you have to start out giving valuable content or insights for free, then upsell to a low cost thing, then continue on up the value ladder to your ultimate high-ticket offer.
Side note – high-ticket offer can be anything YOU decide it is, but generally its something you sell for $3K or more. The details of it will vary depending on what your offer actually is, but thats the gist of it.
Theres this notion that you HAVE to start small and work your way up, earn your stripes and all that. But you don’t.
If thats what you needed to hear today, there it is.

You don’t have to follow that road just because others say so.

What I DO want you to focus on is where you want to be.
🤔 Do you want to put your marketing time and energy into promoting low cost offers and freebies?
🤔 Or do you want to put your marketing time and energy into promoting your highest value offer that creates more FREEDOM for you and your clients?
Whatever you want to sell is totally up to you.
I’m almost always going to recommend going with your highest value offer, simply because its easy to do a down sell when someone says they can’t afford that. An upsell to a higher package can take a lot more work AND time.

CASE STUDY – turning 8 bucks into multiple six figures

BUT… here’s an example of a low cost offer that can turn into a money maker for the right kind of person. I mentioned my business bestie Laura in last week’s quick tip episode, she’s getting another shout out this week!
Laura has an $8 membership. 8 BUCKS! Its for a very specific group of people in a very specific industry. I also mentioned this one back in episode 43, Smash a BIG goal in 90 days.
Its easy to think theres no way that 8 bucks per person, per month, would make decent money, its only 8 bucks, right?
Well, Laura being the superstar relationship builder that she is, has turned that $8 monthly membership into a multi six figure business in less than 12 months.
Let me tell you, its been awe inspiring watching her take action and create this thing literally out of nothing. It came from a conversation we had, just chatting back and forth.
Thats not to say its been a smooth road by a LONG shot.

She has a very specific message around creating FREEDOM for her very specific audience.

They resonate so deeply with it that what she offers is a no brainer to sign up and do the work.
And THAT, I think, is where a lot of people get stuck.
You can create an $8 monthly membership, or a high ticket $3K offer, $10K whatever price you want to put on it.

But if you’re not selling the FREEDOM people can create when they use your product or service? It may as well be free for all the use its going to get.


Its not about the price. Its about whats possible for your audience when they buy your thing, no matter what the price.

Now I realise not everyone is great at using their imagination and ‘painting the picture’ of whats possible, the results your clients can get from you.
Thats most likely a hangover from the education system and the emphasis put on conformity and compliance.
So lemme just tell you now… You ARE creative. You have an AMAZING imagination. Its just suppressed from years of not being used to its full potential.
So that whole ‘Oh I’m not creative enough’ thing? That doesn’t fly with me AT ALL.

If you’re intent on growing your own business, you’ve got to have VISION. You need to tap into your creativity, at least a little bit, and play with the possibilities.

This is something that comes VERY easy to me, so if you’re stuck with expanding your ideas, lets talk!

I don’t work for free, but I can help you create the freedom.

You can book a 60min Spark session where you get to ‘tap into my brain’ for an hour.
One of my natural talents that I literally can’t contain is brainstorming the possibilities when someone shares an idea with me.
I’m like a kid in a candy store with all the ideas. It goes something like “OOH! What about this! Or that! Have you considered this angle?”
Or you can take it further and book a virtual VIP Day  and get 5 hours of my attention on your biggest challenge right now. We’ll brainstorm and simplify the shizz out of one area of your business so you’re creating more FREEDOM for yourself and for your clients.

One of my clients said recently that shes now making PLENTY of money, her monthly income has more than tripled in the first 6 months we worked together.

So right now, making more money isn’t her primary focus. Its refining her offers and outsourcing various tasks so she can support other business owners.
Thats something that really lights her up, knowing that she can pay someone for THEIR special talents, something they love to do, and that money in turn helps support that persons family and their own business growth.
Thats all part of bringing more FUN into your business and your money.

When you stop doing things that don’t feel fun for you, and give them to people who DO get a kick out of it, the whole energy of your business shifts. Thats FREEDOM.

When you’re charging appropriately for the work you (and your team) provide, you’re creating FREEDOM for yourself and countless others.
Freedom in the form of time, energy, head space, emotions, and yes, freedom for your bank account as well.
You can feel great about having more time and energy for your kind of fun, and you can feel great about supporting someone else’s idea of fun too.  Its a win win situation!
Thats what I’ve got for you today! Stop selling free, start selling freedom. The possibilities for you and your clients are endless when you shift your thinking about what you can offer and what you charge for it.
Take care, have fun selling freedom in everything you do, and I’ll catch you in the next episode.

Want to make a BIG SHIFT in your business?

There are multiple ways I can help you do exactly that. Click here for ALL the deets of a Spark Session, a virtual VIP Day or the full IGNITE private coaching package.

(Or send me a message for a quick chat about which option is the best one for you right now!)