Fun Business Fun Money Podcast
EP 072 – The BEST entrepreneur mindset tip ever

The internet is FULL of advice about mindset for entrepreneurs.

Do this, not that. No, not THAT! This other thing!

As a mindset coach I consider this one mindset tip to stand out above the rest.

In this quick tip episode you’ll learn the simple 4 word phrase that has helped me stay the course for the past few years.


Hey there, and welcome to this week’s quick tip episode of the Fun Business Fun Money podcast!
There’s one of these each week – although whether its actually a QUICK tip or not is debatable lol!
I call it quick because its usually something you can take and implement immediately, or write it on a post it note as a reminder of something.
Thats in contrast to the weekly coaching episodes which generally run a little longer. They’re a deeper look at a specific area of your business.

Today’s quick tip is honestly one of THE BEST for an entrepreneur’s mindset.

You’ll hear endless advice about mindset all over the internet, but this one simple thing has been so incredibly useful to me since I first heard it a few years back.

And that is to “Stay in the room”.

I know it might sound a bit weird or random, but its something that I’ve really embraced and found it to be an incredible reminder that everything will work out if you just ‘stay in the room’.
Basically, don’t give up, don’t quit when things feel hard. Or when everyone else seems to be achieving their goals, and you’re not.
I think I first heard it in some form or another from the very lovely Helen Tudor, who is a LinkedIn and digital marketing expert, and then also from money mindset mentor Denise Duffield-Thomas.
In a nutshell its about being consistent with your learning and your mindset.

When you commit to ‘staying in the room’ it means you’re there for the highs AND the lows.

And like I said… Don’t quit on yourself if it feels hard.

We all go through cycles with our energy and our mindset.

Nobody is completely positive and full of energy all the time. Anyone who tries to convey that they are, are feeding you some serious fluffy BS.
I’m a positive, optimistic person by nature, but I still have the same lows and highs as everyone else.
What does ‘staying in the room’ look like?
It means surrounding yourself with others who are doing what you’re doing. Whether they’re further along or far behind you on the path.
It means asking for help or advice when those negative Nancy thoughts creep in and try to take you out. Send a DM to a friend, have a quick chat with someone you trust, share your thoughts instead of sitting with them by yourself.
Get someone to help you with accountability.
Not in a drill sergeant kind of way because thats just horrible, no! But in a kind and loving, “Hey, how are you going with that thing? Got anything you’re stuck on right now?” That kind of thing.
It means listening to the podcasts or trainings that feel right for you, that don’t make you feel like you’re doing it wrong or you’re a failure for not doing all.the.things all at once.
I don’t follow most of the big name influencers that everyone recommends, simply because they’re so far ahead of me in business.
I want to know the nitty gritty, in the moment or “I just got through this phase” kind of stuff. The couple of steps ahead instead of all the way up at 30,000ft in the private jet.
Thats what feels right for me, and that’s how I stay in the room when it comes to business insights and ideas.

It also means recognising when you’re in a learning phase, a growth phase or a stabilise phase.


Learning phases are where your brain feels like a sponge, you’re soaking up ALL the info and seeing how you can put it into action.
Growth phases are super fun and exciting, full of action. You might be launching something, or preparing to launch. Implementing those things you pulled together previously in your learning phase.
And stabilising phases are where you’re settling into a new normal.
Maybe you’ve brought on a whole bunch of new clients and you’re working through your program with them. Or you’ve brought on a new team member and training them to do certain things.
Recognising whatever phase you’re in helps you ‘stay in the room’.
If I’m in a growth phase I’ve got NO TIME for learning. My brain is already full, the plan is mapped out and I’m all about action and implementation. THAT’s the room to be in.
But if its a learning phase you might pull back from posting on social media a bit, spend more time reading, working through courses, implementing self care strategies so you don’t burn yourself out like might have done in your last growth phase.
You could learn a little something each single week via your email inbox when you get yourself onto my FUNday email list! Its nice to read stuff rather than wading through endless videos and scrolling through social media posts.
Head on over to , pop in your details and voila! You’re on the FUN list!
Or you can grab one of my most excellent freebies which will ALSO pop you on that FUNday email list. You’ll find the links to my Sacred Money Archetypes® quiz and my Stop Start Continue guide in the description of this episode, and in the show notes.
Whatever the phase is, be consistent with THAT.
Let it run as long as it needs to.
Don’t get distracted by what everyone else is doing. Ignore their posts about their launch numbers, celebrations, whatever it is.
Put those blinders on, like a race horse, and focus on what YOU are doing right now.

Don’t let the lows take you out. And don’t let the highs BURN you out either.

Stay in the room – whatever room that is – and find a comfortable balance between learning, growth and stabilising your business. And your life!
You’ll do just fine.
Thats what I’ve got for you today, stay in the room, have fun doing your thing, and I’ll catch you in the next episode.

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