Fun Business Fun Money Podcast

Episode 104 – The magic content management system you need in 2024

Planning content and managing content are VERY different things.

Knowing you can find exactly what you need within seconds is SO empowering. You might even say it makes you feel like the 👑 Queen of your Content!

This simple content management system utilises free software, including Google Drive, Sheets and Docs.

It’s something I’ve personally developed and used for several years. Those I’ve shared it with love the simplicity and how easily it fits into their content creation workflow.

Now I’m sharing it with YOU.


Hey there, and welcome back to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast! I’m your host, Deirdre Amies 👋

This is a quick tip, tool or tactic episode… its a TOOL episode. Something you can take and implement immediately to create more fun or simplicity in your life, business and money.

Thats a little different to the longer coaching episodes that come out every Tuesday my time, which is Queensland Australia. It could be Monday in your part of the world!

Those ones are usually a little longer in length but also detail, giving you insights into particular areas of your business or money mindset that might take a little extra time to implement – but absolutely worth it if you choose to do so.

It could be life-changing stuff for you!


Simple systems for the win!

What I’ve got for you today is one of the tools that I’ve personally been using for a couple of years now. It’s a simple system that I developed that aligns with my values of freedom, fun and simplicity.

I don’t want to use convoluted processes that take up unnecessary time, or even extra software that only serves one purpose.

But I also don’t want to NOT do something that will cost me extra time later and then I’ll regret the few moments it could have taken.

What am I talking about?? I’m talking about my simple system for managing your content. If you’ve got an online business, you’re productng content in some way, shape or form.

My simple system utilises Google Drive, Sheets and Docs.


Introducing the Queen of Content Master Index

I’ve mentioned this before on the podcast, I call it my Master Index. And because it makes me feel like the Queen of MY Content, its now known as the Queen of Content Master Index!

In my head there’s always this evil “muahaha” kind of laugh that follows every time I say or think “Queen of Content Master Index”, I have no idea why! lol! Its an absolute pleasure to use and implement. Its not hard at all, and not evil in any way shape or form!

Maybe its the feeling of empowerment that comes with knowing I’ve got my shizz together when it comes to my content. I would love for that same feeling to come across to YOU.


Content management vs content planning

I do have to point out though, that this is NOT a content planner.

It’s not about mapping out where you’re going to post which piece of content and when, what images you might be using with it, although you could probably expand on it to include that stuff if that floats your boat.

There are a TON of content planning tools out there, including Canva and all of the social media platforms which have a native scheduling tool. You can see it all mapped out on a calendar right there in the platform, so I’m not into recreating that kind of thing.


Why Google products?

When I started creating content for social media I was using Evernote, and I had a pretty good system for that.

I’d write it in a notebook called CONTENT IDEAS. I’d copy and paste it into a Facebook post, or wherever I was sharing it. Then I’d MOVE that note to a CONTENT ARCHIVE notebook, adding an additional line highlighted at the top about where and when I shared it.

That super simple system enabled me to keep track of where and when I was sharing things.

I’d do a keyword search for something I was thinking about writing, see what I’d already created around that, and I could repurpose it. Or the various drafts that I hadn’t yet shared would come up and I could complete those ready to share and put through that little process to the Archive.

But I was a bit frustrated that I didn’t have more info available about each piece of content in one location. I had to do a search every time and then open each note to see what had happened with it, when did I share it.

I know in Evernote you can create a table and add links to other notes, but for some reason that felt really clunky.


The back story…

Then in 2021 I started working with an amazing writing coach, Megan Barnhard, to uplevel my skills.

If you’re looking for help with your words, Megan really is a storytelling magician. If I could keep her in my back pocket forever, I totally would! You should absolutely check her out! I’ll link to her website and social media in the description and in the show notes.

In order for me to easily share my content with Megan for review – I would write something, send it to her, she would give me feedback on it – I switched to using Google Docs.


My content management mic drop moment

One day I mentioned how frustrated I was that I couldn’t figure out a way to organise and manage my growing stash of content easily. Everything I’d seen online was too complicated, separate software, involved paying a monthly fee in some cases, and my brain would go all staticky just thinking about it!

Megan mentioned that you can link Google Docs to a Google Sheet. That was a mic drop moment!

My brain kinda exploded with “Wait… WHAT?? How did I not know about this??” My systems brain kicked in and the Queen of Content Master Index was born.

Its evolved and become more efficient over the past couple of years, but its still incredibly simple to use and implement.


What other people are saying about it

Anyone with any level of skill can do this.

I’ve shared the concept with a few people since, its blown their minds too. Its helped them feel like the Queen of THEIR content.

Like Carrie, who I shared it with a few months ago. She said…

“I am not a naturally organised person (even though I want to be) but Dee’s Master Index has given me a failsafe framework to track my content so I know what I’ve drafted, what I’ve used and where I’ve used it. Mind blown!”

And Sam said…

“OMG I couldn’t love you anymore right now!! This is absolutely incredible, its fab to have seen it and how it all fits together. Thank you so much. This is just what I need for the tracking of content. I currently have about 800 posts and have started a tracker but I got stuck as to how to organise it better! I’m a visual person and I need to see how it works for it to sink in.”

So thats nice! I can honestly say helping people simplify their processes and free up their time is one of my absolute favourite things!


Get your very own Queen of Content Master Index template

That’s why I’ve turned the Queen of Content Master Index into a template with full instructions that you can download and implement for yourself. Its fully customisable so you can adapt it to your specific needs and way of working.

I’ve also included a series of short videos showing you how to use it, for those visual people. Plus a behind the scenes look at MY Google Drive. There’s a live working example so you can see how it works in real time with clickable links.

You can get the Queen of Content Master Index in your hot little hands – ok, more like in your Google Drive right now for just $15 AUD.

Right now, at the end of December 2023, thats about $10 USD and £8 GBP. Small investment for something that can have a huge impact – not only on the time you spend on your content, but how you feel about it as well.

You’ll find the link to the Queen of Content Master Index in the description of this episode, on my website and in the show notes.

That’s what I’ve got for you today!


A simple content management system that utilises free tools – Google Drive, Sheets and Docs – to simplify your flow.

If you’re already a user of the Queen of Content Master Index system, I’d love to hear how its going for you!

Share something about it on social media and make sure you tag me, I’m @funbusinessfunmoney, all one word, on both Facebook and Instagram. And I’m Deirdre Amies on LinkedIn.

Take care, have fun being the Queen of YOUR content, and I’ll catch you in the next episode!


You can create content all day long. But if you don’t have a way to organise and manage it, you’re the Queen of Chaos.

Straighten your crown, take back control and become the Ruler of your Brilliant Words with this simple content management system. I’ll show you exactly how to implement and use it, including a behind the scenes look at MY Google Drive.