Fun Business Fun Money Podcast

EP 100 – The magic of 100 and having fun along the way

Reaching 100 in ANYTHING is a significant milestone.

Your experience getting there is completely up to you, but focusing on having fun will never steer you wrong no matter what 100 goal you’re aiming for.

I recently read a fascinating article with 100 tips from 100 centenarians for a life well lived.

There’s no right or wrong way to reach 100 anything: 100 episodes, $100K or 100 years. There’s just the right way for YOU.

This is my quick take on those 100 tips…


Hey there, and welcome to episode ONE HUNDRED of the Fun Business Fun Money podcast! I’m your host, Deirdre Amies.

If you can’t tell, I’M EXCITED because this is episode ONE HUNDRED!!


Celebrating = having fun

I’m just gonna say right out of the gate that 100 feels like a BIG DEAL – and no big deal at all lol! Weird huh?!

When you get into the swing of doing something and it becomes a habit you really enjoy, I think its easy to dismiss the milestones and significance of something, its just “what you do”.

Lets not do that! So I’m celebrating 100 episodes going live today, what are YOU celebrating? Big or small, every single thing is worth celebrating. 

I want to hear about it! Send me a DM!

I’m @funbusinessfunmoney, all one word, on Facebook and Instagram.

Or connect with me on LinkedIn, just search for Deirdre Amies and you’ll find me, DM me there as well.

What are you celebrating this week?


The magic of 100 in anything…

What I’m NOT going to do is talk about the highlights of the previous 99 episodes, that sounds kinda boring to me so I’m not doing it lol! Because this podcast isn’t all about ME. Its about helping YOU make a fun difference in YOUR life, business and money.

There’s something magical about 100, whether its 100 episodes, $100K in your business or 100 years of age. And that reminded me of a fascinating article I read a while back.


Have zero regrets about anything that matters

This article was about life insights from 100 people who had reached 100 years of age or more.

There wasn’t a single regret listed, although I’m sure they may have had some. That wasn’t what this list was about.

Which is an important insight right there. We can regret all kinds of things in life, business, money, career, everything.

But holding onto those regrets? That’s a pretty crappy way to live the rest of your life, so find a way to let it go. Mistakes are crap but they don’t have to define everything you do. Just learn from them, adapt and go again – move on!


Keep your mind and body active = having fun

Every single one of these insights carried the message to keep your mind and body active, whether its dancing, singing, music, art, writing, doing puzzles, reading, volunteering or playing golf 3 times a week at 104 years old. True story!

They also have an overarching theme of FUN.

Avoid stress, have the odd tipple of whiskey, keep your temper and laugh whenever you can.


ALL of their insights made me smile—especially the 101-year old man who said a combination of alcohol, exercise and the love of good women – with the odd bad one thrown in.

LOL Bless him!


A reframe on wealth

Of course some mentioned the pursuit of wealth – and that money is not the thing that makes you happy. I love that so much!

Make enough money that you don’t have to worry or to be a burden, the rest is icing on the cake.

I really like that perspective. That’s what FREEDOM looks and feels like for me. Not having worries or feeling like a burden. Having fun and enjoying every moment.

Of course I talk a lot of about making money, taking simple easy actions that move you forward, and having fun no matter what you’re doing.


Have more open and honest conversations

I strongly believe that we need to be having more open and honest conversations about this stuff, instead of talking about money in hushed tones or hiding how you actually feel as you go about your day.

Having a crap day? Talk about it! Its not all sunshine and roses!

Whether thats feeling good, great, not great at all, being more open about it means more people understanding they’re not alone, you’re not the only one. And that people who look different are experiencing the same thing they are. We’re all human beings.


Freedom is: having fun EVERY day

Everything I talk about is with the goal of FREEDOM in mind, for myself and everyone I come into contact with, whatever that looks like for you. I would love for you to have freedom in your life.

Freedom is things like…

Walking out of Bunnings (a hardware store in Australia that has almost anything you didn’t know you needed lol!) saying “Oops! I came here for this $5 thing and ended up spending $100 on this other stuff!” and shrugging it off because you’re not worried about the money.

Freedom is…

Allowing yourself to feel good about making MORE than enough money through your creative talents, whatever those might be.

It’s educating yourself on the basics of financial management, so you feel confident and empowered with money no matter how much you have. That one is especially important for women.

Freedom is creating a solid financial foundation so you can ‘play’ with the surplus, instead of burning everything down for the fun of it. And I’m looking at YOU, Maverick money archetypes! lol

Having clear boundaries and standards around money so you can say “Yes!” or “No!” without feeling guilty or sacrificing your own financial security. That is NOT COOL, doing that! Clear boundaries and standards are your friend.

Feeling the urge to experience something new and booking a last minute weekend away without worrying about the cost or the impact to your budget because you KNOW you’ve got it covered.

It’s creating an empire where EVERYONE thrives, so you can achieve your goals and dreams without burning yourself (or anyone else) out in the process. Burnout SUCKS, we don’t want that. And especially as a result of running your own business and trying to make money, ok??


Having fun is influenced by your archetypes

All of those can be summed up as FREEDOM – not having to worry or be a burden.

Some of those things I’ve listed might be a no brainer for you, while others might seem like a really long shot.

That’s your money archetype showing up.

How you interact with money influences your financial situation, your buying behaviour, your ability to do your taxes on time (and pay anything you owe!) It influences your level of debt, your savings, everything.

Understanding your money archetype and your relationship with money is the first step to financial freedom and letting go of any regrets you might have about it. Whatever happened up to this point? Let it go!


Take the quiz

If you don’t know your money archetypes yet, go take my Sacred Money Archetypes quiz. You’ll find the link in the description and in the show notes because I like to make things easy for you! But its

It’ll take you less than 10 minutes and give you some great insights into how you think about, feel about or interact with money.

You’ll also find a breakdown of all 8 of the different money archetypes in episode 3, Unlock the Power of your Money Personality. Because sometimes it can seem like a bit of jargon when I talk about being a Connector Ruler Accumulator, so go check that one out for all the details! The link is in the description and the show notes as well.


Take some advice from those who have reached the magical 100

Do more things that make you happy.

Do more things that make you money.

And do more things that add value to your life.

That’s what I’m doing. Lets play together and make everything about your business and life way more fun.


I have zero regrets about starting this podcast, about the work that gone into 100 episodes. About the growth of it and the topics I share. ZERO! Its fun, its about business and money, and it feels like a bit of magic!

Thats what I’ve got for you today.

Take care, have fun and I’ll catch you in the next episode.


Are you a Connector? A Ruler? Or maybe a Celebrity? 

Take the quiz to find out why YOU think, feel and interact with money differently to others. (There’s no perfect money archetype, they’re all awesome!)