Fun Business Fun Money Podcast
EP 082 – One simple tip to beat overwhelm and take action

I LOVE action takers, I love taking action and making progress myself, no matter what I’m doing. 

I love seeing my clients implement and see the results.

I especially love hearing their excitement as things fall into place and they see a clear path open up like magic when they have simple systems and a solid foundation in place.

BUT… In amongst all the doing and the action, there can be a bigger problem developing. A lurking under the surface kinda thing!

You see, we’re human, and we don’t run on autopilot. At some point we have to take care of and prioritise ourselves over everyone and everything else.

In this quick tip episode we’re confronting and slaying ‘The Beast Of Overwhelm’ once and for all with one simple tip. Tune in to find out what it is!


Hey there, and welcome to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast!
I’m gonna be super quick with this one, not because I’m trying to beat the clock or anything like that. But because sometimes all you – or I! – have capacity for is something quick, to the point, with zero fluff.
Thats always my intention with this podcast, to not add to your workload because you’ve got important money-making, empire-building shizz to do, don’t you! As do I!


I LOVE action takers, I love taking action and making progress myself, no matter what I’m doing.
I love seeing my clients implement and see the results. I especially love hearing their excitement as things fall into place and they see a clear path open up like magic when they have simple systems and a solid foundation in place.

Breaking point…

BUT… In amongst all the doing and the action, there can be a bigger problem developing. A lurking under the surface kinda thing!
You see, we’re human, and we don’t run on autopilot. At some point we have to take care of and prioritise ourselves over everyone and everything else.
As I’ve talked about in other episodes and in my weekly FUNday emails, if you keep pushing and pushing, something is going to break. It could be something in your business, or it could be YOU. Which is NOT cool!

Have you met the Beast of Overwhelm yet?

I love Jen Sincero’s term for this – the Beast of Overwhelm, which she talks about in her book “You Are A Badass At Making Money”.
Basically when you set out to make a big change in your life, thats usually when the Beast of Overwhelm appears.
You’ve got all these things going on in your life and business, and now you want to add something more?? Are you CRAZY??
It sounds a bit like…
“I’ve got all these things on my plate, I don’t know what to do next, or first, or at all!”
“I’ve got so much to do I can’t even think straight!”
I have absolutely said those myself.
It can feel so damn big it blots out the sunshine and awesomeness that everyone else seems to be enjoying. 
But here’s the thing…

Overwhelm is a state of mind

You get to choose whether you’re going to attend that particular party, or if you’ll say a calm but clear… “No thank you. I’m staying home in my comfy PJs, making a cup of tea and going to bed early. I’ve got an empire to build and big goals to pull off, so Imma gonna put myself first.”
I don’t know about you but that sounds like absolute heaven to me lol!
This is something I’ve gone through recently when all the external circumstances took over and I’m suddenly responsible for everyone and everything.
My business bestie is in the exact same boat on a different scale, as are countless others right now.
The circumstances might be different for everyone, but its the same Beast of Overwhelm shoving its enormous ugly damn head in your business and life.
What do we do about it?? How do we slay this beast, so to speak?
Thats it – ask for help.

Communication is one of the best solutions to almost every problem a human can have.

As Marie Forleo says, everything is figureoutable. You can figure it out!
Figuring it out starts with asking for help!
Talk to someone you trust and tell them how you feel. Don’t feel bad about ‘unloading your problems’ on them. If they’re the right person for you they’ll understand and listen without diminishing how you feel.
Because guess what?

You’re allowed to feel how you feel. But you also don’t have to go it alone, ok?

I first had the spark of an idea that I could see myself as a coach in 2016.  The Beast of Overwhelm showed up to that party IMMEDIATELY, driving a fancy car, laughing loudly as it stomped through my mind and waving a billboard-sized banner that said “Who do you think YOU are to do this??” 
That stopped me for another 12 months before I even thought to ask for help.


Asking for help from the right people who didn’t laugh at me or poo poo the idea? Thats what created a shift of energy from “Who do you think YOU are to do this?” to “Who are you NOT to do this??” 
I made a pivot and launched my own coaching business within 3 months of saying to someone out loud “I think I want to be a coach”. Just that statement alone felt like a huge weight came off me in an instant.

Life is MEANT to be easy and effortless.  We don’t have to make it so damn hard!

I don’t mean its not hard work, but that work shouldn’t feel like a mountain is sitting on your shoulders. 
Simplify the work, get clear on what you want, implement clear systems that work for you, and take the small daily steps to make it happen. THAT feels easy and effortless, even though its also a lot of actual work to make it a reality.


Since officially launching my coaching business I’ve helped well over 500 people slay their own “Beast of Overwhelm” and simplify their stuff through group mastermind calls and one on one coaching calls. 
I’ve helped hundreds more people in Facebook groups as a trusted expert. From the feedback I’ve had, most, if not ALL, have felt that same sense of relief and clarity that they can move forward and do SOMETHING.
I’ve watched people go on to take flying leaps forward in their businesses, lives and relationships. 
There have been new businesses started, old ones ended, collaborations with like-minded people. 
Some have made major changes, others small shifts that carry a huge ripple effect.
Theres a lightness in their voice and a smile on their face, a sense of “HELL YEAH I’M AWESOME!!” about them.  And I LOVE THAT!

What happens to the Beast of Overwhelm in all of this?

It shrinks down in size, it drops its now tiny banner and rides off into the dark on its crappy old bike because it knows you don’t give a shit what it has to say anymore.
I love what I do, it never feels like hard work. Online entrepreneurs are built tough, durable and committed to the big picture goals that, in a lot of cases, only they can see.
But it never hurts to ask for help and have someone on your side as you slay your beasts along the way.


Thats what I’ve got for you today! If you’re feeling the pressure and don’t know what to do right now, this week or anytime at all, take a look over your shoulder and see if the Beast of Overwhelm is lurking around.
Punch it in the face, show it the hand, talk to the hand, whatever works for you.
Ask for help from a trusted friend, a business bestie, a coach, or me.
Send me a DM and tell me whats going on for you right now. I’ve got endless resources, ideas and people that I can point you to, its not just about anyone hiring me as their coach.
I’m @funbusinessfunmoney, all one word, on Facebook and Instagram.
DM me on LinkedIn, just search for Deirdre Amies and you’ll find me.
You’ll find the links to all of those in the description and in the show notes.
Take care, have fun slaying those beasts – because even dealing with the crappy stuff can be a variation of fun! – and I’ll catch you in the next episode.

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