Fun Business Fun Money Podcast
EP 083 – Accelerate your Q4: proven mindset tips for building momentum

We’re already halfway through October 2023, which is when a lot of people start to go “Oh shit! I’m running out of time to do the things I said I wanted to do way back at the start of the year!”

And theres usually one of two paths taken from here…

The first is feeling like you’ve left your run a bit late, shrug and decide you’ll work on it in the new year, you’ll have more time to give it a proper go then. 

The second path is to get on and take action NOW. You give it a red hot go and see what you can create in this extremely profitable time of year.

Pick your path and lets see where they lead in this coaching episode! I’ve got 10 self-coaching questions to help you create more momentum in this final quarter of the year. Lets make it a good one!


Hey there, and welcome back to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast!
Its time for another coaching episode! This is where we take a closer look at a specific area of life, business or money.
Sometimes its mindset work, sometimes its practical systems and processes that could help you streamline your business. Sometimes its personality related. And sometimes its a whole bunch of insights wrapped up in a story.
This one is kind of a continuation on the last episode, number 82, a quick tip about handling overwhelm when it shows up at your door.


I’m going to say this is a mindset focused episode. Something thats especially important as we come into the last quarter of the year.
Its already halfway through October 2023, which is when a lot of people start to go “Oh shit! I’m running out of time to do the things I said I wanted to do way back at the start of the year!”
And theres usually one of two paths taken from here.
The first is feeling like you’ve left your run a bit late, shrug and decide you’ll work on it in the new year, you’ll have more time to give it a proper go then.
The second path is to get on and take action NOW. You give it a red hot go and see what you can create in this extremely profitable time of year.

Which path will you take?

If you’re leaning towards that first path of “Eh whatevs, I’ll work on it next year”, you can probably hit stop and go listen to something else instead. This episode is probably not for you right now!
There’s a quote I picked up from the amazing Lisa Nichols years ago. I don’t know where from or when, about being in your comfort zone. I just did a quick search in Evernote and I found it! She said…
“Conviction and comfort don’t live on the same block.
If your’e going to be convicted about something, you might have to go through some discomfort.
If you want to stay comfortable, just relax where you are because thats where you’re gonna stay.
Don’t define me by my circumstances.
Define me by my intention.
I’ve only got one life, and I’m going to ride this one until the wheels fall off.”
That right there? Thats the second path, where you grab life by the handlebars and ride it until the wheels fall off. No matter WHAT time of year it is.

Momentum requires wheels!

If you listened to episode 82 about beating overwhelm and taking action, you’ll know I’m not a fan of pushing yourself until your wheels literally fall off. Not cool!
That’s chronic stress which leads to overwhelm, mental and physical health issues. The kind of stuff that can kill your ability make money. AND its no fun either!
So lets ride this one beautiful life in STYLE instead. Lets have fun and play at the same time as we’re taking action and smashing goals, shall we?


There are always going to be growth cycles and stabilising cycles in your business. Particularly in the first couple of years it all feels like a growth cycle, but in reality its more of a ramping up phase – you haven’t gotten to the point of real growth yet.
However EVERY business at every level goes through a ramp up cycle. Doesn’t matter where you’re at.
You’re doing a lot thats brand new to you, you haven’t done it before. You’re venturing out into uncharted territory, you’re challenging yourself. And you’re being challenged.
The situations and experiences feel like the first time, even if you’ve technically been through it before, you’ve now got different kinds of energy and circumstances going on. Different experience to build upon.

More money, more mindset work!

More money doesn’t mean more problems, it means you need to work on your mindset and strengthen your business processes so everything feels stable – even through a ramp up phase. Which means growing a team, implementing new systems and processes.
This is the perfect time, in a ramp up the momentum phase, to lean on an experienced coach. One who can support you in the particular area you’re developing. It all feels easier, faster and better when you’re not going it alone.

Ramping up is what creates momentum and growth

When its NOT happening the way you want, it can lead to you feeling helpless,  thoughts of “I don’t know what to do”.
You have to have enormous compassion for yourself at all times and especially during a ramp up cycle.
Look at it with a sense of pride that you’re learning and experiencing this growth, even if it feels like you’ve gone a bit off road on a 4 wheel drive track.
How you self navigate these kind of experiences is the difference between feeling helpless or powerless, and feeling confident and committed.
This is you staying in your power, its an essential skill to learn – otherwise you forget how incredible you actually are!

Self-coaching questions incoming!

I’m going to give you TEN self coaching questions that you can use for yourself today, this week, whenever it feels relevant for you.
They might sound fluffy depending on your personality type, but they’re no less valuable so just answer the damn questions, alright? 😉
I like to open a fresh note in Evernote and type my answers like a free thought journalling process. If you’re more of a pen and paper person, cool, do that. Whatever works best for you is the best thing to do.
Pick a situation in your business where you know you want to up-level in some way. 
It could be visiblity, organising your finances, all sorts of things.
This isn’t about strategy or tactics. Don’t go hopping from one thing to the next because thats a band aid solution.
I see too many people adding things to their business thinking “This is the magic pill that will solve all my problems and magically make money.”
For some thats true, but for most online entrepreneurs? You need to take a step back and reassess.
This is you as a human being, what do you want?
Thats not one of the questions by the way! But its a good place to start, knowing what you want.

“I don’t know what I want!”

If you’re in the “I don’t know, how about you tell me?” stage, hop on over to my Powered By Personality Hub, where my free resources are stashed, and check out the Future You visualisation.
Thats me taking you through a visualising process to meet your future self. Go in with an open mind and make it easier for your future self to show you what you need to do next in order to become, Future You.


So! Pick a situation in your business where you know you want to up-level in some way.  Big or small, money or visibility, clients or workload, doesn’t matter. This is your self awareness coaching, remember?


Not a bad place to start, right? If the answer is anything but a hearty “yes, of course I do!” you’re gonna want to do some digging into why you don’t believe this thing is possible.


We’re making it more personal with this one! It might be possible, but not for you. Thats something only others can do. If thats where your thinking goes, thats where you need to dig deeper and ask yourself why the hell NOT you?


Believing its possible and believing you can achieve it? Those are two different things. This is something thats stopped ME countless times as the thought of how much energy is required to achieve that thing comes roaring in like a crazy thing! Which leads me to the next question…


We seem to have a default setting when anything new comes up, we say or think “Yeah, but HOW? HOW does that happen? I need to know all the things before I can do anything!”
This question is actually an easy one to answer with another question – how much do you need to know before you take action?  Figure that out, and then DO IT!


You’ve done the work, got the goal, where are you?
This is where you need to get really specific about the money, family, friends, lifestyle, self talk, feelings, your big vision. What would all of that look like if you were doing the do and achieving that goal? Pretty darn amazing, I would say!


Are you willing to feel uncomfortable? To do something different that you’ve never done before in order to feel amazing at the end of it?
Don’t be afraid to acknowledge the feelings that come with taking action and getting into momentum, creating growth, working with more clients, making more money, all the things! We’re human, not robots – we feel.


Another way to say this is what are you no longer available for?
I’m no longer willing to feel stuck, frustrated, think of the negative words you use when you talk about your current situation. All the ‘reasons’ you tell yourself. 
And then decide if thats how you want to carry on feeling, which is your comfort zone, or you want a new feeling. Where you have to get a bit uncomfortable.


There are always things we’re doing that run their course, they’ve hit their use by date and we need to move on from them.
Maybe you’ve done your dash with coaching 1-1 clients, or done with being a freelancer. If you’re a coach you want to move into group programs, running courses. If you’re a freelancer maybe its time to grow a digital agency.
What no longer serves you as you grow into the amazing future version of yourself?


Theres always something new to learn. If you’re not growing in some way, you’re dying. There are new skills to learn and no such thing as an old dog that can’t learn a new trick.

What do you need to learn in order to grow your business and create momentum? Do that.



This is a whole other level of learning and expertise – whats your zone of genius? A set of skills that you have, that people will pay for, that you love doing?
Focus on THAT, master that skill and watch your business take off with more momentum than you ever thought possible.
I know, thats a lot of questions! And some might seem quite similar, but they build upon the previous one. This exercise you can do over and over in different areas of your business.
If you’re wanting to uplevel your marketing in a specific way, this kind of self analysis can help you get more clarity on how you can do that without burning yourself out.
If you’re wanting to streamline your processes so you’ve got a clear client roadmap and a support team that works like a well-oiled machine, these questions can help.
Let me just recap those 10 questions in a nice neat little bundle for you, a quick summary:
  1. Do I believe its possible?
  2. Do I believe its possible FOR ME?
  3. Do I believe I am capable of achieving this?
  4. Do I believe I am capable of achieving this without knowing the HOW?
  5. What would it be like if I was achieving this goal right now? Get specific.
  6. What am I willing to feel to reach this goal? Am I willing to be uncomfortable?
  7. What am I no longer available or willing to feel? How DON’T you want to feel?
  8. What doesn’t serve me?
  9. What am I willing to learn?
  10. What do I want to master?
You’ll find that list of questions in the transcript and in the show notes for this episode, just to make it nice and easy for you.
These ARE quite coachy questions, and I don’t always ask them in this way. It depends on the personality of the person I’m working with at the time. There’s nothing worse than forcing yourself to answer questions that don’t resonate for you, the words don’t hit home quite right.
This is about reframing your situation, shifting your mindset and seeing a different angle.

You CAN ramp up momentum in your business and achieve all the goals and dreams you have.

But you have to ramp up your mindset at the same time.
Thats the magic of working with a coach, someone who can help you get over that hump faster than you can do by yourself.
Its easier to develop strategies, systems and processes that work for you, that facilitate more fun for everyone AND they make you money, when you’ve got a strong mindset that matches your goals.
If you’d like MY help with all of that, send me a DM about IGNITE, my 1-1 business and money coaching program. Lets talk about you, your business, all the things!
We’ll work out what you need to create more momentum and growth, and get you on that fast track to six figures in revenue, then six figures in take home pay and profit. AKA fun money!
Send me that DM! I’m @funbusinessfunmoney, all one word, on Facebook and Instagram.
DM me on LinkedIn, just search for Deirdre Amies and you’ll find me.
Or you can email
You’ll find the links to all of those in the description and in the show notes.
Thats what I’ve got for you today! A bunch of coachy questions to guide your mindset around creating more momentum.
Get out of whatever rut you find yourself in, get back on the smooth and easy path, and the wheels of your business are a lot less likely to fall off anytime soon. They’re going to last a LOT longer!
Take care, have fun whatever ride you’re on, and I’ll catch you in the next episode.

Want to make a BIG SHIFT in your business?

IGNITE private coaching could be the answer you’re looking for! Click here to check out the details, or send me a message for a quick chat about which option is the best one for you right now.