Fun Business Fun Money Podcast
EP 090 – The best niche mindset for long term results

If you’re talking to everyone you’re being HEARD by no one.

And thats an absolute waste of your time, energy and expertise!

Theres a simple mindset shift you can make that leads to long term results WITHOUT burning yourself out along the way.

In this quick tip episode we’re focusing on the importance of being very clear and specific about your work.


Hey there, and welcome back to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast! I’m your host, Deirdre Amies.
This one is quick tip episode, not always quick in terms of TIME, but its always something you can quickly and easily implement.

I want to give you a little mindset tip about niching, and narrowing your focus on the specific, ‘just right’ people in the right way.

This one came to me from a rather random source, and its a good example of how my brain quickly puts things together in a logical way.
I was reading a Guardian article about how the majority of sports performance research and even medical studies and information is based on men and the study of male bodies. Blew my mind!
Theres a gender gap thats been overlooked for centuries, through this belief that there is one human body in its basic form, with some obvious but slight differences.
Well it turns out those differences are NOT so slight at all! The recommendations for what kind of exercise, nutrition, health regime and even medical treatments that we’ve all accepted for years? They’re not all designed for the female body.
As a former Crossfitter and competitive swimmer I know all too well the pressures to do more, go faster, lift heavier, adjust technique and make improvements.

But thats not always what YOUR body needs.

As I’ve gotten older, and dealing with some injuries over time, I’ve discovered a more gentle way of exercising my body that still gets great results.
As women, theres a clear difference between us and men! We have a menstrual cycle, we have hormones, we have different energy cycles, we have a whole bunch of other things that men DON’T have. Which, in turn, affect our ability to perform in the same way. We’re never going to BE the same!

You’re probably wondering what on EARTH this has to do with your niche!

The same mindset we need about listening to our own bodies and operating in a way that is best suited for us, you, me? That ALSO applies to your business.

We need to let go of this notion that we can’t exclude a certain type of person from working with us.

I covered this in more detail back in episode 61, “The truth about your niche”. Go check that one out after this! You’ll find it linked in the description and in the show notes.
As a quick example, I’m a business and money coach. I can work with anyone who does any type of business, right? Yes! But no! That REALLY doesn’t help my marketing message, and it REALLY doesn’t help anyone see how I can help them!

Specialise your niche

But by specialising and telling you I work with online entrepreneurs, I’m instantly excluding the brick and mortar business owners.
Take it further and specialise to coaches, web designers, copywriters and online business managers, and it becomes a whole lot clearer for me AND for those people.

Everyone else out there? They’re well taken care of by someone else with a better set of skills to handle what they need.

Focus on the people who truly need to feel like they’re seen and heard by you. 
Give them a voice for their needs through your marketing, and those people will self-identify by reaching out to you for help, or interacting with you some way.
You become their breath of fresh air, an easy ‘no brainer’ “how can I work with you?”
And your business feels like a breath of fresh air for yourself as well – no more throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks because you KNOW what works best for you.
Just like the sports performance research and medical guidance really needs to be more specific to different genders and other factors, YOU need to be more specific about what you do and who you help.

Its time to shift your thinking that you couldn’t possibly exclude someone from working with you. You can, and you absolutely should.

Otherwise you’re on the fast track to burn out through over giving, over delivering… and probably undercharging as well while we’re at it, because you’re a generalist, not a specialist.

Specialists can command higher prices.

Get loud and clear in your messaging, tell people who you work with and how you help them.
I know, simple to say it, not always simple to DO IT.
If you’d like my help weeding through all your ideas and directions you can take your business, book an IGNITE VIP day.
We’ll spend a total of 5 hours together, split over 3 sessions so nobody feels overwhelmed – including me! You’ll end up with a very clear strategy and action plan for specialising your niche. You’ll know EXACTLY who you’re talking to and where to find them with your clear concise messaging.

Its ok to niche and only serve women.

Or men, or non-binary people, or online entrepreneurs, or small businesses in a very specific geographic area. YOU get to align yourself with whatever YOU want.
Its just a whole lot easier when you let go of the need to serve everyone.
Because as the saying goes, if you’re talking to everyone, you’re being HEARD by no one.
Thats what I’ve got for you today!
Take care, have fun focusing on your ‘perfect for you’ clients in your ‘perfect for you’ niche, and I’ll catch you in the next episode.

Got 5 hours? Lets fire up your business!

An IGNITE Virtual VIP Day is a 5 hour workshop experience focused on one specific area of your business.

It’s for online service-based entrepreneurs – coaches, consultants, web designers, copywriters and online creatives.

Click the button to find out more and book your spot!