Fun Business Fun Money Podcast

EP 091 – Unlock your time with CORE content

CORE content isn’t about the themes and topics you share.

Its an acronym  for Create Once, Repurpose Everywhere.

You can unlock more time and freedom for yourself by being more intentional about the content you create and repurposing it in countless different ways.

In this coaching episode I use this podcast as an example to break down all the ways I can repurpose one piece of content. Theres also some interesting stats about the longevity of your content on social media posts!


Hey there, and welcome to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast! I’m your host, Deirdre Amies.
I’ve got something today to help you free up your time – because having more fun isn’t just about the money, is it?

Its about time and energy freedom, having the space and capacity to do the things you love.

Theres nothing worse than getting to the end of the day, you’re tired, exhausted, all of that, and you don’t feel like doing the things you ACTUALLY ENJOY.
This was initially going to be a quick tip episode, which come out on Thursdays. But its more of a quick insight into a larger concept, something I want to bring your attention to and get you thinking about how you can implement it.

Introducing CORE Content

We’re talking about CORE content, whether thats for social media, emails, podcasts, videos, reels, anywhere, all the time.
CORE is NOT your key themes or topics you talk about, although thats one way to look at it. You absolutely should have that angle sorted because it makes your life so much easier, and there are countless coaches, mentors and courses that can teach you that stuff.
Having set themes makes it easier for your audience to know, like and trust you enough to actually BUY from you. They know you talk about these 3, 4, 5 themes on the regular.
But thats not the CORE content I’m talking about here.

CORE is actually an acronym for Create Once, Repurpose Everywhere. C – O – R – E.

Content is the stuff you share online to promote yourself, your business, your offers, to boost visibility and create engagement. Thats the general gist of it. Its a simple word that encompasses a LOT of things.
Now my disclaimer here is that I’m not a social media or marketing expert by a LONG SHOT! What I know comes from my years of experience in promoting a business via social media since 2017, and building an engaged audience that I understand. And they understand me.

You can easily create content that resonates with THOSE people and boosts your visibility.

Ok maybe that DOES kind of make me an expert in some way, but what I mean is social media marketing is not my zone of genius. I know how and what to do but is it how I want to spend my time and make money helping people do it? No!
I’m sure a lot of people out there resonate with that. If you feel like a jack of all trades, doing everything in your business from marketing to bookkeeping to actual client work, you’re not alone.

What’s YOUR Zone of Genius?

If you’re familiar with Gay Hendricks’ book “The Big Leap” you’ll know what ‘zone of genius’ means.
If you’re not, hop on back to episode 52 titled “Get your business in the right zone” where I break down the various zones. Without having to read the whole book!

Using this concept of CORE content can help you increase visibility with your audience AND reduce overthinking, so lets get into it!

I’m going to use this podcast as an example of repurposing.
I spend a fair bit of time upfront, in fact the bulk of my time podcasting is spend in the preparation phase.
Before I ever hit record, I’m writing what I refer to as ‘comprehensive notes’.
The reason for this is it helps me organise my thoughts and cut out unnecessary fluff. These episodes could easily be double the length if I just hit record and rambled on to eventually, maybe, get to my point!
Or they could easily be 2 minutes long if I use some basic bullet points because I forget all the other nuances that go with that bullet point.
Then its onto the easy part of it – recording, editing and scheduling the episode.

How do I repurpose it?

♻️ I turn those notes into a transcript for the episode that goes on the blog page of my website, so I’m already repurposing it.
♻️ I create a soundbite, a small audio clip with a key point from the episode, which I can share across all social media platforms.
♻️ I create some graphics in Canva so I can pop them on Pinterest, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. They all have the same caption.
♻️ I can take key quotes from my podcast notes and turn them into quote graphics, or even coloured box posts on Facebook.
♻️ I can take paragraphs and turn them into individual social media posts. Some might have a graphic, or a selfie, or no image at all.
♻️ If I covered say 3 tips on a particular topic, that can be a carousel-style post.
♻️ I can use that same podcast content as the basis for my weekly FUNday emails, where I also give a shout out to each episode from the previous week.
I don’t do a video version of this podcast simply because I can’t be bothered getting ‘camera ready’. Theres too much echo in my office where I’ve got the nice background set up, and where I DO record each episode isn’t a video worthy view.
♻️ But if I DID have a video version, I could use snippets of that as reels, turn them into shorts on YouTube, social media posts, all the options.

Can you see how one piece of content that I create once, those initial notes for a podcast episode, can be repurposed everywhere in countless different ways?

CORE content isn’t a new concept by a long shot, and it can feel pretty overwhelming to think you’ve got to do all of that in order to be visible in an online world. You don’t.
If you’ve got the money for it, there are plenty of talented people out there who can take your one piece of magical content and repurpose it for you.
Thats a highly valuable service, its a skill that is most definitely in THEIR zone of genius more than it would be in yours, its definitely more than mine!
If you don’t have the money to get someone to do it for you, just pick ONE THING and start there.
If you enjoy writing blogs, look at ways you can repurpose it:
♻️ Chop it up into bite-sized posts for social media, create a graphic for it.
♻️ Share the same thing with a selfie a week later, or on a different platform.
♻️ Talk about it in your emails.
♻️ Create a quick video talking about one key point and refer people to the blog for more.
♻️ Create a reel based on that blog.
If you enjoy making videos, same thing. Look for ways to chop it up and repurpose it.

There is ALWAYS a way to increase your visibility without constantly creating NEW content to feed the social media machine.

Focusing on CORE content is a strategy I would encourage everyone to get on board with. And to be more strategic about WHERE you’re posting your content as well.

The data speaks for itself

I saw some interesting stats recently about the longevity of content on the various social media platforms.
As someone who, once upon a time, used to churn out daily posts for Facebook, and sometimes MULTIPLE posts per day, its quite shocking to realise that post has a half life of 105 minutes on Facebook. Thats not even TWO HOURS!

What does ‘half life’ mean?

The ‘half life’ means its effectively lived half its life in that initial 105 minute phase.
The rest of its life is spread over a slightly longer period, but even thats a matter of days depending on the engagement you get in that very first phase.
Thats pretty disheartening if you’ve spent 30-40min writing a killer post, only to have the algorithm effectively kill it in favour of something newer and fresher after 105 minutes – or less!
Its a little longer on Instagram, the half life is about 20 hours. LinkedIn is around 24 hours – a whole DAY!
Meanwhile if you repurpose your content over to YouTube, it’ll have almost 9 days of visibility in that ‘half life’ phase after you publish it. 9 DAYS!
Pinterest is even better at almost 4 months. And if you’re blogging on your own website, with good SEO keywords set up (put in that effort!) you’ll get up to 2 YEARS out of that one piece of content.

Search engines vs social media platforms

The good thing about YouTube and Pinterest is they’re both search engines rather than social media platforms.
People will search for something on those platforms on a particular topic, and your content could show up and be consumed by them YEARS after you’ve posted it.
Same goes for your own blogs and website content.
Can you see the value in CORE content? Create it once, repurpose it everywhere!

Its not just about being seen on a particular platform. Its about creating longevity through your content so you’re visible for longer, and in a variety of different ways.

Its a MASSIVE time saver, even if it might seem like a time suck when you’re creating graphics, finding the perfect selfie and scheduling it. You can get someone to do that part for you!
Don’t worry about people getting sick of seeing the same thing on Facebook as they’ve seen on LinkedIn either.
Yes that happens, but keep those half life stats in mind – you can repost it again next week and it’ll STILL seem like a fresh piece of content to the people who haven’t seen it yet.

You never have to feel like you’re stuck on the content hamster wheel, trying to come up with new things every day to entertain your audience and keep someone’s interest.

Something to keep in mind is don’t put your main focus on creating reels.
Yes they’re entertaining in the moment, but I couldn’t tell you one single channel or creator that has interested me enough to want to explore the rest of their work. And thats because they’re literally there, then its over and we’re on to the next one.

Put your focus on creating something of substance.

Go more in depth, that you can then repurpose into content for reels, YouTube, soundbites, captions, graphics, carousels, stories, all.the.things!
Thats what I’ve got for you today – are you using CORE content?
I’d love to hear how its working for you! Do you feel like you’ve got more time freedom by focusing your efforts on repurposing?
Send me a DM and tell me about it!
I’m @funbusinessfunmoney, all one word, on Facebook and Instagram.
If you’re on LinkedIn you can send me a DM there, just search for Deirdre Amies. Lets get connected!
If you prefer email, is where you’ll get me.
And if you’re on my weekly FUNday email list, you can hit reply to ANY of those and you’ll also get me.
You’ll find the links to all those ways to get in touch in the description and in the show notes.
If you’re NOT repurposing your content, maybe its time to consider how it could streamline your business and create more freedom in your life. Freedom for FUN STUFF!
♻️ Create the content.
♻️ Break it down to smaller bites.
♻️ Create some images and captions.
♻️ Schedule the shizz out of it everywhere you want to show up for your business.
🤩 Then go out and do something fun, knowing your expertise is out there in the world being seen, gaining visibility and interest from your audience.
Don’t overthink it, ok?
Take care, have fun creating your content once and repurposing it everywhere, and I’ll catch you in the next episode.

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