4 simple ways to reset your mindset
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 068 – 4 simple ways to reset your mindsetEVERYONE experiences self doubt and compares themselves to others at some point. How you choose to handle it makes the world of difference to your progress and results. In this quick tip episode...
Accelerate client results in your very first call
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 067 – Accelerate client results and create raving fansWant clients who rave about you to EVERYONE from the get go? Don't skip THE most important step as a service provider working with clients. ❌ Its not the sales call or sales...
Build for fun, profit and sustainability
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 066 – Build for fun, profit and sustainabilityBuilding something new is like climbing a mountain. Its super fun, you have a clear goal in sight to reach the summit and your creativity is ON FIRE! But those long flat stretches in...
The NEW rules for leadership
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 065 – The NEW rules for leadershipAre you trying to fit into the pre-defined limits of traditional leadership? Where women are lucky to get a seat at the table and have to prove themselves 10, 20, 100 times over just to get in the...
Money isn’t all its made out to be
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 064 – Money isn't all its made out to beMoney isn't all its made out to be. In fact, its kind of irrelevant in a lot of success claims you see, particularly on social media. What are the other hidden costs of those big revenue launches...
Is that REALLY the problem?
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 063 – Is that REALLY the problem you have?Struggling with sales, marketing or client retention? The problem you 'think' you have may not actually BE your problem. It could be something at a deeper, more basic level that's much easier...
The One Thing you need to achieve goals
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 062 - The ONE Thing you need to achieve your goalsIts super easy to get distracted by all.the.things. There is so much noise and demand for our attention every single day, its not going away! Thats why its super important to prioritise...
The truth about your niche
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 061 – The truth about your nicheAre you sharing your awesome content and offers everywhere... but nobody is buying? Even worse, the people you would LOVE to have as clients are sharing on social media about working with someone else...
How to max your money potential
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 060 – How to max your money potentialAre you currently maxing your money potential? You deserve to be paid as much money as you possibly can - maximum income, maximum profit. That starts with knowing the value of what you're offering...
7 actions to take when your business slows down
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 059 – 7 Actions to take when your business slows downWe're all here for a fun business thats not only fun to operate but generates fun money - and by fun money I mean take home pay and profit. The good stuff! In an ideal world the...