You deserve to be paid on time
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 048 – You deserve to be paid on timeWhen is the appropriate time to be paid? NOW. Up front and on time. But unfortunately thats not always how it works out. This quick tip episode has some insights into why certain types of clients...
How many offers do you really need?
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 047 – How many offers do you really need?How many offers do you really need - and how much is too much? It depends! Theres no one right answer for everyone. Its easy to think that more is better, but thats not always the case. More...
Shake it off and find new inspiration
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 046 – Shake it off and find new inspiration What do you do when you don't know what to do? SHAKE IT OFF! New ideas and inspiration are RIGHT THERE waiting for you - but first it helps if you shake off the old energy and frustration....
3 common mistakes to avoid when simplifying your business
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 045 – 3 common mistakes to avoid when simplifying your businessIs it time to simplify your business? 🧐 Its a great idea to do a regular check and streamline your business operations to make sure things are working as intended. But what...
TLDR? You’re missing out!
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 044 – Are you TLDR? You're missing out!If you're one of the TLDR crowd who hates long content, you just might be missing out on some seriously good stuff by only focusing on the small tasty bites. In this quick tip episode (which is...
Smash a big goal in 90 days
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 043 – Smash a BIG goal in 90 daysIn today's fast paced environment everyone expects results to happen NOW. The reality is the goal you want to achieve won't happen overnight. But it WILL happen when you have a solid business...
Everyone is a mess
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 042 – EVERYONE is a messI'm a mess, you're a mess, everyone is a mess! There, I said it. Let's stop playing the comparison game and finding ourselves in last place every time. This quick tip episode is the pep talk you might need right...
Where are you hiding?
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 041 – Where are you hiding? Visibility isn't just about marketing and showing up - there can be some other factors at play that help you 'hide' in your business. It might seem silly and insignificant but it can also hold you back...
Follow your intuition
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 040 – Follow your intuition (even if you don't know where its leading you!)The 'universe' doesn't shout instructions, it whispers... are you listening? If you're not already tuned into your intuitive nudges to guide you through the...
3 elements of a strong business foundation
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 039 – 3 elements of a strong business foundation (Back to Business Basics)Most entrepreneurs imagine their business working like a well-oiled machine, never missing a beat. When its NOT working so well the default diagnosis is sales...