Fun Business Fun Money Podcast
EP 047 – How many offers do you really need?

How many offers do you really need – and how much is too much?

It depends! Theres no one right answer for everyone. 

Its easy to think that more is better, but thats not always the case. More money is better, but more offers, more work and more complexity is NOT.

In this coaching episode we dive into the psychology of your offers and what happens when your potential clients check out your ‘menu’ of options.

Hey there, and welcome to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast!
Today I’ve got the answers to a burning question 🔥 that a LOT of entrepreneurs have…
“How many offers or services do I really need? How much is TOO MUCH?”
We’ll dive into that in just a moment, but first I want to give a shout out to every one of you who takes the time each week to tune into this podcast.
It really means a lot to me when you take the time to send a DM or comment on one of my social media posts about the various episodes, its nice to know I’m not just talking to myself over here haha!
So if you’ve ever had an insight or aha from one of these episodes and you’ve had the urge to DM me about it, please do that!
I’m @funbusinessfunmoney on both Facebook and Instagram, you can message me on LinkedIn if thats your favourite place, or email and share what came up for you.
So! Lets talk about your offers! Specifically, how many offers do you really need, and how much is too much?
Well the answer is – it depends! Which of course is a total cop out, but theres no one right answer for everyone.
The rule of thumb though – which is a kind of weird phrase, rule of thumb, I’m sure theres some fun historical story behind that one! – the rule of thumb is 3.
I don’t say that because 3 is one of my favourite numbers, or because I was born on the 3rd. Three really is a magic number in the world of simplicity.
Now, if you’re into angel numbers and the spiritual meaning of numbers, you probably already know that 3 has the vibration of communication and self expression, adventure, inspiration and creativity, optimism and joy, spontaneity and enthusiasm.
Three is also the symbol of increase and growth, its associated with expansion and abundance on all levels.
Which is nice, because we all want increase, growth, expansion and abundance in our business, our money and life in general, right??
The next big question that usually follows this revelation of 3 being the optimum number of offers, is HOW MANY DO YOU CURRENTLY HAVE??
I’d genuinely love to know! Send me a DM, I’m @funbusinessfunmoney on Facebook and Instagram, and tell me how many offers you have!
Its easy to think that more is better, but thats not always the case.
More money is certainly better, but more offers, more work and more complexity is NOT necessarity better.
Its so tempting to create endless offers and variations that suit every new idea you have, for some of the money archetypes that means registering the domain name associated with every idea, even if you never end up implementing it!
I’m looking at you, lovely Alchemists, with your magical flow of ideas and inspiration that the rest of us are completely jealous of!
If you’re unfamiliar with the money archetypes and you’re wondering what this jargon is, don’t worry, I got you covered!
When you’re done listening to this episode, hop on back to episode 3, which is titled “Unlock the Power of your Money Personality”, where I put the 8 money archetypes in the spotlight to explain the traits of each one.
When you’ve got what I’m going to call “an abundance of offers”, meaning more than 3, you’re essentially trying to serve everyone.
As wonderful a sentiment as that is, you ultimately end up serving no one – either because you’re being so general with your work that it only scratches the surface, or because literally no one is signing up to work with you!
You’re a ‘nice to know’, not a ‘must hire’.
Too many offers is confusing. Have you ever been to a restaurant where the menu is page after page after page of delicious sounding options, but its all too much and you can’t actually decide? Yeah, that. Its overwhelming.
And as the saying goes, a confused mind does nothing. Yes, I’m full of catchphrases today!
Basically, someone comes to your website and they check the ‘work with me’ section, they scroll through your offers and see there are 15 variations to choose from.
You’re putting a LOT of expectation on them to already know what they want and to be able to sift through your menu of awesomeness to find the solution that best fits their needs.
But what if what THEY think is their problem is actually a surface level symptom of something else?
When you’re too general with too many offers, you’re missing the mark and you’re not able to help them with their ACTUAL problem, which could be a layer or two further down.
If you’ve got more than 3 offers available right now, I’m going to challenge you with an action step – in the next 24 hours, figure out which 3 offers make you the most money, give the most value to your clients, and give YOU the most enjoyment.
Then you can see which ones you can remove from your menu. Don’t get all angsty about it, you can simply bless and release them as something you’ve loved, they served their purpose, and now its time to say goodbye.
This is effectively decluttering your business. Its a step towards making it the simple, streamlined thing of beauty you see in your mind when you imagine your perfect business.
Another excellent question that comes up around this topic of how many offers you actually need is what should these offers consist of?
Lets say you have a VIP day offer, where someone can work with you for half a day or a full day.
You also have a group offer, where its a slightly lower cost to each person because you’re delivering a training on the same content at the same time.
Maybe you also have a done for you service, for those super busy people who are completely overwhelmed by things and want you to simply wave your magic wand. That could be on a retainer type of agreement, so the work is ongoing.
And lets throw in a mastermind or a membership where people get ongoing support and training from you as well.
People are ASKING you for all of those things, you’re more than capable of DOING all of those things, why shouldn’t you OFFER all of these things?
The simple answer is this is your subconscious programming coming through – your inner good girl, your Nurturer, the part of you who wants to help everyone, no one should feel left out or left behind in your world.
This subconscious part of us isn’t always the best business partner because its focused on things that aren’t supportive of growing and scaling without burning you out.
It might seem like having fewer offers means fewer opportunities, but the reality is not that at all.
Most people already have decision fatigue. Too many options, too many things to think about, and I think its even worse post-pandemic. Then throw in women caring for their young family, women in their 40s and 50s going through peri-menopause, theres a LOT of brain fog going on there already!
We want to make it simple, clear and easy for them to make a decision.
Use plain language and simple terms so people’s already fatigued brains don’t have to work even harder to decipher what you mean.
Theres enough uncertainty out there in the world already, can we agree right here, right now, between you and I, that we’re not going to add to that?
Lets create certainty about what we do, who we serve, HOW we serve them, and then bundle it up in a nice neat package called “3 ways to work with me.”
The best way to do that is to focus on your core offer. Thats going to differ for everyone, especially when we look at the way the different money archetypes operate.
Rulers, for example, tend to prefer shorter, punchy, straight to the point offers that have a clear start and end. Give them a 6 week course or program on how to create or do something, and they’re sold.
A Nurturer is more likely to want connection, they’re so busy serving everyone else that they need to feel like someone sees and hears THEM. They want to feel like they belong, and the longer the course or program, the better.
It could be that you take a 3 level approach to your core offer – the VIP level is done for you with all the bells and whistles at a premium price, with a retainer for ongoing support.
The middle level is done with you, where you teach them how to do something so they can manage it themselves.
And the entry level is do it yourself, heres a tutorial and workbook for you to follow, go and teach yourself and implement.
That approach keeps your menu of options pretty clear and simple – what kind of support and implementation do you want? Heres the price based on each of those.
Or you can have 3 different offers that suit clients at different stages of business. 
Some are just getting started and they need the basics.
If they’re already in momentum you could offer a different kind of strategy or support.
And if they’re well established you help them with even more focused strategy and insight.
Fewer offers doesn’t mean fewer opportunities, it means you’re throwing the door wide open to possibilities and being more specific about who you’re inviting in.
There are endless potential clients in your audience when you make it clear and simple for them.
A bonus is that you become easily referrable too – people are out there asking for recommendations for coaches, consultants, financial professionals, web designers, copywriters, photographers, health professionals.
Make it easy for people to know who you are and what you do so when those questions come up, YOU are top of mind.
How cool is it when someone reaches out to you and they say “I heard about you from Jane, she said you’re really great to work with and would be really understanding of my situation.”
So, thats what I’ve got for you today – how many offers do you really need? Three. Maximum.
If you’ve got a lot more than that and you’re struggling to sell any of them, it could be that your menu is too full and people don’t have the capacity to work out the best choice for them.
Make it easy so you can make more money doing the things you love.
As always, I’m here to help you with this stuff! If you’re sitting there thinking this sounds great but you don’t have the capacity to do it yourself, send me a DM for a quick chat about IGNITE, my 1-1 coaching program.
IGNITE is MY core offer that everything else is built around. Its a minimum 6 month program to help you define, develop and implement the business strategy YOU need in order to meet your financial and freedom goals.
We work on the personality of your brand, get clear on your specialty and expertise that people are looking for, and develop the client roadmap that your offers are built upon.
We come up with your Goldilocks offer, the one thats ‘just right’ for your ideal clients, and make sure your pricing and money mindset is aligned with your financial needs.
Send me a DM and let me know you’re interested in IGNITE, I’m @funbusinessfunmoney on both Facebook and Instagram.
You’ll also find me on LinkedIn – if you’re on LinkedIn, please connect with me and tell me you’re a podcast listener!
Or you can email . You’ll find the links to all of those in the description of each episode, and in the show notes!
Do an audit of your offers in the next 24 hours, decide what to keep  and what to release so you can clear the space for all the amazing clients who are waiting for you to show up and be really specific about how you help them!
Take care, have fun, and I’ll catch you in the next episode.

Want to make a BIG SHIFT in your business?

IGNITE private coaching could be the answer you’re looking for! Click here to check out the details, or send me a message for a quick chat about which option is the best one for you right now.