Fun Business Fun Money Podcast
EP 046 – Shake it off and find new inspiration

What do you do when you don’t know what to do?


New ideas and inspiration are RIGHT THERE waiting for you – but first it helps if you shake off the old energy and frustration.

Not only will this quick tip episode have that super catchy Taylor Swift song in your head, it’ll inspire a tea break or a walk in the sun to help you shake off the doom and gloom thats got you bogged down in the moment.

Hey there and welcome back to the Fun business Fun Money podcast!
As you may know by now I do TWO episodes each week, one is a longer coaching episode which comes out on Tuesdays, where we go into a bit more detail on a particular topic. And the other is, in theory, a quick tip, tool or tactic that you can implement immediately, which come out on Thursdays.
And thats what I’ve got for you today, a quick tip that should be completely obvious by the title, Shake it off!
If you’ve NOT got Taylor Swift singing in your head right now, where have you been? If you do – you’re WELCOME! 🤣🤣
Tay Tay is right though, when crappy stuff happens to us or around us, instead of letting it stick like the proverbial shit to a blanket, SHAKE IT OFF!
Its super easy to get stuck dwelling on things, maybe a conversation or interaction with someone that didn’t go quite how you imagined, or maybe you just got stuck in traffic and it made you cranky.
Its just as easy to shake it off and shift your energy back towards fun, positive, good stuff that you actually WANT to feel.
It just might need a little practice if you’re not used to doing this.
I know, being stuck in traffic is THE WORST, it used to make me so cranky! That was, until I accepted that I couldn’t change the traffic or other people’s driving behaviour, so I decided I wouldn’t let it get to me. I used that time to have a car party instead, I’d crank up my favourite tunes and enjoy the alone time.
I’ve noticed this with my lovely hubby and kiddos over the years too, they’ll be working on something – they’re all gamers, they’ve built their own computers, hubby loves doing the garden work, basically they all love DOING various things.
And from time to time the frustration levels go through the roof when they can’t get past a certain level, or something doesn’t click into place easily, or the lawnmower won’t start!
My question here is…
Are you the type to keep at it no matter what and try to force the solution?
Or do you take a break, walk away and shake it off before coming back and trying again with a fresh perspective?
I’m of the second type, I’ve done it as long as I can remember so I don’t remember a time where I DIDN’T do it.
I walk away, make a cup of tea, put on some upbeat music and move my body to literally shake it off. I’m not much of a dancer so be thankful you can’t see me during these times, but of course the point isn’t about your or my dance skills, its about taking a break.
When you break your focus from something that isn’t currently working and literally shake it off for a few minutes, what often happens is the solution is completely obvious when you come back to it.
It doesn’t have to be a cup of tea and a boogie around the kitchen, maybe going for a walk to clear your head is what you need.
Take the dog if you have one, or borrow someone elses – with permission of course!
Get some sunshine and fresh air, whatever it takes to change your state.
There are plenty of times where my creativity feels blocked, I’ve got things I need to do but the words aren’t flowing. Instead of staring at a blank screen or scrolling social media – shake it off!
I get some of my best ideas while out walking or swimming laps in our backyard pool, I’m getting exercise AND solving my problems!
So there you go, a quick tip from me and Taylor Swift, shake that shit off, do something different and then come back to whatever you’re working on with a fresh energy.
Thats what I’ve got for you today, I’d love to hear how YOU shake things off!
Send me a DM and tell me your favourite “pick me up and shake it off” song, I’m always looking for fun new music to add to my playlists. I’m @funbusinessfunmoney on both platforms.
Take care, have fun and I’ll catch you in the next episode!