Fun Business Fun Money Podcast
EP 085 – Change is in the air: How to embrace the unknown

Change is inevitable.

Even when things are working beautifully, you need to be aware of whats going on and be prepared for change.

Embracing the unknown can be terrifying AND exciting all at the same time.

There’s one thing that influences your experience with change and the results that come from it – your mindset.

In this coaching episode I’ve got some insights on recognising when things need to change and how to handle it.


Hey there, and welcome back to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast!
I’m your host, Deirdre Amies.
If you’ve been tuning in for a while and you’re listening in real time in mid-October 2023, you might have just noticed something different.
If this is the very first episode you’ve ever listened to, you won’t notice a single thing different!

What’s that change?

It’s the theme music for this podcast.
I absolutely love the original tune that I’ve used since the very beginning. But I wasn’t able to license just the one piece of music as a one off thing. It was part of a subscription model with unlimited access to a massive library of music and various sounds.
Which is great! If you’re a video creator or constantly needing new things. But I literally just needed that ONE piece.
I will never begrudge a creator the right to be paid for their work, whatever it might be. And for them to be paid ongoing. Everyone deserves to be recognised and paid appropriately.
But the cost over time, for me, of using that one piece of music? It was mounting up.

A little bit each month is no big deal, but when you look at the bigger picture over time? It becomes a LOT.

So thats why the change! Its not a decision I’ve made lightly either.
I was actually just reading through my numerology profile in the Teledipity app and had to laugh at the ‘fiercely loyal’ aspect that is highlighted numerous times throughout.
SIDE NOTE: If you’re even remotely interested in numerology or want some life guidance about whats going on around you, Teledipity is my favourite go to. Not sponsored at all, just a huge fan!
I even did a whole episode about it! Check out number 32 from April 2023, called Teledipity, the life coach in your pocket. Its awesome – the episode, and the app!

Change vs loyalty

I’m fiercely loyal to people and things that I enjoy, that I get value from and they make my life easier in some way.
Like my hairdresser. My chiropractor. The airlines I travel with. The websites I visit for various information. The brands I use in every day life. I like what I like, it works beautifully for me, and until something changes, or NEEDS to change, I’m loyal.

Life is too short for bad coffee and crappy friends

I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned this story on the podcast before, its entirely possible because I’m a bit of a self-confessed coffee snob – life is WAY too short for bad coffee and crappy friends, amIright??
The coffee story comes from back in my corporate days. Any time I’ve changed jobs one of my priorities was to find good coffee within the shortest distance of the office, to maximise time.
There was a coffee shop I always went to.
This particular one was right across the road from where I worked so that was a huge tick in the location box.

Everything is a system!

The coffee was good, the vibe was great, the staff knew my name and my order… we had a SYSTEM! I love systems.
Over time they got busier – which is AWESOME! It always makes me happy to see businesses succeeding and growing.
They employed more staff, their systems and workflows had a bit of a shake up, but I was still fiercely loyal to them through it all.
At least, until a new barista made such an awful coffee that I couldn’t remain loyal any longer.

It had to change.

He basically threw whatever steamed milk he had in the jug into my cup and handed it over.
The big issue was that the cup was barely half full. It was my own small eco cup that I took in each time, because I’m conscious of my impact on the environment and all that.
I looked at it and asked if that was it, was he not going to fill my already small cup properly?

He literally shrugged and said “it is what it is” 🤷‍♀️

I love a good shrug when it comes to shaking off dramas and BS, but this wasn’t really a shrug kinda moment! Its customer service. Its meeting standards for your (or your employers) business.
That was the last time I ever bought coffee from there. I don’t know if that barista stayed on much longer but I never went back to find out.
I went through my same process of trying new coffee shops until I found one that was about a 2 minute walk from our building. Amazing coffee, amazing staff, amazing service, tick tick tick all the boxes.
Let this riveting coffee and music themed episode is my reminder to you that we always need to be reviewing our systems and processes.

Even when things are working beautifully, you need to be aware of whats going on.

What are the potential pitfalls with this thing? In this case, what will I do if I don’t want to continue paying for a subscription? Or paying so much for a subscription?
What will I do if the standard of a product or service I love drops to an unacceptable level?

What will you do when something needs to change?

In the case of the theme song, it meant spending several hours (that I could have used doing other more productive things!) searching online for something that is better suited to my needs. It had to be catchy, playful, fun, upbeat, but not obnoxious.
This podcast is called Fun Business Fun Money, not cheesy business or childish money – there are no circus themes or whistling allowed here! lol
Obviously I found what I needed because its right there, the new theme. The licensing is sorted and the new tune now features on ALL previous episodes.

Change is constant…

Something else that needed to change in my world recently, which I talked about in the last episode, was boundaries and communication.
Its so easy to fall into a comfort zone where everyone knows the deal and you think everything is fine. Until it isn’t.
Things can change in an instant without your input, its out of your control as to when or how it happens.
Think things like redundancy from your job just as you’re developing your business in your spare time, someone crashes into your car, the washing machine breaks down, huge vet bills for your fur baby, that kind of thing.
What will you do when the Universe throws you a curve ball? How good are YOU at coping with unexpected change?

Tell me all the things!

I would love to hear your answers to that question! How good are you at coping with unexpected change?
Send me a DMI’m @funbusinessfunmoney, all one word, on Facebook and Instagram.
DM me on LinkedIn, just search for Deirdre Amies and you’ll find me.
Or email and tell me how good you are at handling unexpected change!
You’ll find the links to all of those in the description and in the show notes.

Change requires a mindset shift

As I say time and time again, mindset work isn’t a one and done kinda thing. You can’t just read a book, take a course, watch a video or listen to a podcast once and expect that you’ve got it all sorted.
Its the old ‘two steps forward, one step back’ kinda thing. Life and business are a roller coaster! I’ve got ALL the catchphrases going on today! lol
Mindset work is ongoing, it needs to be your new normal – the thing you just do – so you can handle any change the Universe throws at you on an ad hoc basis.

Think of it as a practice that defines the outcomes you experience on a daily basis. 

There are always going to be a season of change, where there seems to be a lot of upheaval, and a season of stabilising, where you settle in and get the hang of all the new changes.
I’m a huge fan of stability, but in order to reach the next level, the next goal, the next anything, we have to adapt and change.
Its no surprise that all of my clients that I’ve ever worked with have reached out to me with basically the same thing…
They can’t stand still where they currently are any longer, they know they need to change in some way, and they want help doing that.
Plenty of people are happy to go it alone, and if thats you, I applaud you!
Bootstrapping your business is how so many of the well known entrepreneurs got started, funding their own ideas and giving it a red hot go with whatever expertise they have. They developed as they went.
A term I really don’t like is ‘feeling stuck’ because, lets face it, you’re never actually stuck, theres always a step or a way forward.
But if you’re frustrated with your current situation, you’re kinda floundering around in the weeds trying to do all the things and getting nowhere, or feeling like you’re getting nowhere?

Its time to take a step back and look at what needs to change.

Get out of those weeds, climb a tree or a hill, and get a different perspective. Sometimes you’re just too close to your own expertise to see how it can have the greatest impact.
Not everyone is a born visionary, in fact the majority of people are born implementers of OTHER people’s ideas and visions.
You, my friend, you have an incredible superpower – your expertise.
But it can be near impossible to use it on yourself. I love super hero movies, but even Tony Stark and Wonder Woman do their best work when they have input from others.
Something I hear all the time is “But I just want the practical steps to grow my business, I don’t want to have to do the mindset work, why do I have to keep doing it.”
I love the practical steps too. But no matter what you’re working on, mindset and practical steps are not mutually exclusive.
Working with a nutritionist or personal trainer to get your health and fitness sorted? That stuff takes a hefty dose of mindset work to adapt to the changes and create new habits.
Learning something new for your business that will streamline and simplify everything? That ALSO takes a hefty dose of mindset work to adapt to THOSE changes.

Change is inevitable.

We have to recognise when something is or isn’t working. Just because you’ve invested in something doesn’t mean you can’t pivot and move in a different direction.

We have to embrace the unknown.

Is it just me or do you think of Ross and the couch incident in Friends whenever you hear the word pivot?? Always! Pivot! Pivot!
Making money and running a successful business requires both practical systems and processes AND mindset work as you change and evolve.
Mindset is the key to a simple, easy change, therefore it has to be part of everything in your business.
If you’d like my help making those changes in your business, whether its your client roadmap, your personal brand, your offers, pricing or anything else, send me a DM and lets have a chat about it!
I’m @funbusinessfunmoney, all one word, on Facebook and Instagram.
DM me on LinkedIn, just search for Deirdre Amies, there I am.
Thats what I’ve got for you today! I’m feeling the winds of change, my Teledipity forecasts are saying the same thing, how about you?
Don’t worry, this podcast isn’t going anywhere, its definitely a keeper!

Change doesn’t have to be big or dramatic.

Don’t go burning your whole business down just because you feel like it, ok? I’m looking at you Maverick money archetypes, when you feel the need for change you can go OVERBOARD! Don’t do that.
If you haven’t already, grab a copy of my START STOP CONTINUE guide, a free PDF to help you identify the things you enjoy, that provide value and make you money. That kinda thing makes change a whole lot easier, you can let go of things that no longer work for you on your terms.
You’ll find the link to get your free START STOP CONTINUE guide in the description and in the show notes.
Take care, have fun playing with change and embracing the unknown, and I’ll catch you in the next episode.

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