Fun Business Fun Money Podcast
EP 084 – BOUNDARIES: The magic fuel for your leadership fire

Are you running your business, or is your business running you?

By the same token, are you running your life, or is your life running you?

In both scenarios, we need to have BOUNDARIES to ensure we’re not being pulled in all directions by external influences.


✅ Yes, we need to serve our clients.

✅ Yes, we need to be there for our families.

✅ Yes, we need to get the work done.

✅ Yes, we need to have time out.


But at the same time we need to be very clear on what we will and won’t accept. 

Let’s stoke your leadership fire with this quick tip episode on the importance of boundaries in all aspects of your life and business.


Hey there, and welcome back to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast!
I’m your host, Deirdre Amies 🙂👋
This is a quick tip episode, kinda like a tasty snack you can implement or enjoy immediately. And I really do want this one to be quick because its so relevant for ME right now too.

Today we are talking about BOUNDARIES.

Here’s something to consider right out of the gate, right off the bat, however you want to say it…
Are you running your business, or is your business running you?
By the same token, are you running your life, or is your life running you?
In both scenarios, we need to have BOUNDARIES to ensure we’re not being pulled in all directions by external influences.
✅ Yes we need to serve our clients.
✅ Yes we need to be there for our families.
✅ Yes we need to get the work done.
✅ Yes we need to have time out.
But at the same time we need to be very clear on what we will and won’t accept.

You might think you’ve got GREAT boundaries, you’re very clear about them and everything is great. Which is GREAT!

I would have actually said the same thing about myself up until recently. 
A situation arose and every boundary I had carefully constructed and nurtured for several years was ripped apart like a tornado had just hit. Thats honestly what it felt like.

Personal vs business?

It was on the personal front rather than in my business, but it had a far-reaching impact on my business as well. I had to rearrange 2 full weeks of calls, planning and content creation. It really put me on the back foot.
I wasn’t getting the alone time I need through the day as an introvert to recharge properly, my sleep was disrupted, stress was through the roof, my personal space was invaded.
By the end of it I was completely wiped out – all from something that others thought was a great idea without giving me a heads up. It was completely out of my control.
Think of it kinda like a pillow fight with the Universe. Its lobbed this thing at you and how you handle it depends on multiple factors:
🤔 Are you an introvert or extrovert?
🤔 Are you social or a bit more reclusive?
🤔 What are YOUR priorities?

These are the things we need to know!


I honestly can’t stress how important it is to get clear on what YOU need and communicate that with everyone around you.

Even if it doesn’t seem necessary at the time.
I had a feeling I’d talked about this on the podcast before and took a quick search through my notes, it was back in episode 58, How to be outrageously open and receive MORE. 
If you want MORE in your life or business – or both! – you’re going to have to be very clear about what you actually want, and the terms surrounding it.

That means BOUNDARIES.

We ALL have to get better at communicating our needs.
I’ve always been a firm believer that lack of communication and understanding is the root cause of all conflicts, whether its a war between nations, cultures or religions, or a simple miscommunication between two people about something relatively simple.
When we don’t communicate and clearly state what we will and won’t accept? Thats when people and circumstances come trampling in to stomp all over them.
That person or people have NO IDEA how upset you might be about the whole situation, they think they’re doing something good, it’s fun, you’ll love it!
The reality is that may NOT be something that works for you, it could in fact be your worst nightmare and you hate every single thing about it, every second of it.

We can’t expect people to magically know what we want.

Same thing goes with your offers and whatever you’re selling in your business.
🤔 Do people know you have this thing available?
🤔 Do they know what it is?
🤔 Do they understand the results and transformations that you help bring about?
🤔 Do they know how to get this thing from you?
🤔 Do they understand the terms and conditions of it?
🤔 Do they know how to communicate with you about it?
All of that is encompassed in telling people what your boundaries are and asking for what you want.

If you don’t have clear communication? Thats when lines are crossed.

Resentment is rife and you’re on the fast track to burn out trying to make sure everyone ELSE is happy.
I was listening to an episode of Jenna Kutcher’s Goal Digger podcast recently, she was talking about this same concept. Putting everyone and everything else ahead of your own needs is never going to end well.
Denise Duffield-Thomas, money mindset mentor, also talks about “not killing the Golden Goose” in your business – you, of course, being the Golden Goose.

Unless your business can operate without you or your input, you HAVE to protect your energy and be very clear about what you want and what you need.

So tell me, what is it that YOU NEED? What boundaries do you need to reinforce in your life and business to feel like YOU are running the show?
Send me a DM! I’m @funbusinessfunmoney, all one word, on Facebook and Instagram.
DM me on LinkedIn, just search for Deirdre Amies and you’ll find me.
Or you can email
And tell me – what is it that you need, and what boundaries are you going to reinforce in your life and business? Take back control!
Control doesn’t mean you turning into some kind of crazy control freak with a list of rules and regulations about everything.

This is about you stepping into your own leadership and confidently saying “Yeah, thats not going to work for me. Here’s what I need…”

You’re a leader whether you think of yourself in that way or not. Leadership isn’t just about leading others, its about leading YOURSELF.
You can be a solopreneur with zero support team in your business, you’re a leader.
If you’re a parent, you’re ABSOLUTELY a leader, those little humans are watching your every move and they’re taking notes at every age.

What leadership skills do you want to demonstrate to the people around you?

Do you want to be seen a push over who says yes to everything, even the worst nightmare clients and situations?
Or do you want to confidently say NO to those ones, so you can say yes to more of your dreamboat clients and fun, awesome situations?
Those are the ones that make you so damn happy you create a ripple effect of awesomeness around you that flows to your kids, your family, your team, your other clients and keeps going on out to countless unknown others?

Thats the power of boundaries in your life and your business.

I will ALWAYS be an advocate for women stepping into their own leadership, breaking free of limitations and the obligations to others.
Maybe thats the words you needed to hear today. A little pep talk.
You ARE an empowered, influential leader, right here, right now. YOU run your business. YOU run your life. You do it on YOUR terms.
Claim that space and own it!
I see you.
I believe in you.
Thats what I’ve got for you today.
Ask for what you want. Be clear about what you need and what you DON’T need.

Don’t be afraid to set and hold boundaries, and to protect your energy like your life and business depends on it – because it does.

Take care, have fun stepping into your empowered leadership shoes, and I’ll catch you in the next episode.

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