by Deirdre Amies | Oct 3, 2023 | FUN BUSINESS FUN MONEY PODCAST, MINDSET
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 081 – The happiness advantage: Create success on your own terms The Universe has a way of throwing all kinds of crappy stuff at us, doesn’t it?? Its part of our job to find a way to be happy every day, no matter what’s...
by Deirdre Amies | Sep 28, 2023 | FUN BUSINESS FUN MONEY PODCAST, MINDSET
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 080 – Want to live a BIG life? You need a bigger jar Are you living BIG? I don’t mean ‘splashing the cash around’ kinda big. I mean feeling like you’re living your purpose. If not, its time to look around and...
by Deirdre Amies | Sep 26, 2023 | FUN BUSINESS FUN MONEY PODCAST, MINDSET
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 079 – The fastest way to ignite your business and money growth The fastest way to ignite your business and money growth is to work with a business and money coach. You migh have heard me talk about IGNITE, my business and money...
by Deirdre Amies | Sep 21, 2023 | FUN BUSINESS FUN MONEY PODCAST, MINDSET
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 078 – What if THIS is perfect already? Not everything is going to show up as you’d expect, all perfect and nice right out of the box. Being able to reframe even the worst things is a skill that has to be developed over time. In...
by Deirdre Amies | Sep 19, 2023 | FUN BUSINESS FUN MONEY PODCAST
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 077 – What to look for in a great business coach Thinking about a business coach?Who do you choose?What do you look for?How do you know they’re a GREAT business coach?? These are the things we need to know! Instead of throwing...
by Deirdre Amies | Sep 14, 2023 | FUN BUSINESS FUN MONEY PODCAST, MINDSET
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 076 – Feel like you know it all? “I already know that”. Yeah, you probably do. But have you heard it enough times to really understand and embody what it means and see the impact of it? In this quick tip episode...