Fun Business Fun Money Podcast
EP 079 – The fastest way to ignite your business and money growth

The fastest way to ignite your business and money growth is to work with a business and money coach.

You migh have heard me talk about IGNITE, my business and money coaching program. 

Well today we’re taking a closer look at IGNITE! What its about, what’s involved, all the things, and help you see how it can help YOUR business! 

I know there are LOADS of people out there who hate the thought of having to get on a call with a coach or service provider to find out more about their program, or even sending a DM to enquire about working with them. 

So this one is dedicated to YOU. The ones who just want the info, the inside scoop, the “send me the link and I’ll check it out in my own time” peeps. 

If that’s you, head on over to my website – for all the details including current pricing and the application form 

Let’s play!



Hey there, and welcome back to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast!
I’m Deirdre Amies, I’m a business and money coach, a FUN one if I may say so myself, and I’m your podcast host around here.
Each week there are 2 episodes, because lets face it, one per week can feel like you’re waiting FOREVERRRRRR, amIright??
Tuesdays are a longer coaching episode, where we take a closer look at a specific thing to do with business or money.
And Thursdays episode is a quick tip, tool or tactic that you can implement immediately if you so desire.
I initially thought ‘quick’ would be less than 10 minutes but it turns out thats an unrealistic metric for me! So its quick in terms of YOU being able to implement it.
Today is a coaching episode and I want to take a slightly different angle to the usual insights that I give you.

Wait, WHAT??

You’ve heard me talk about IGNITE, my business and money coaching program for a while.
Well today we’re taking a closer look at IGNITE! What its about, what’s involved, all the things, and hopefully help you see how it can help YOUR business.
This is one I’ve been meaning to do this for a while but there were so many other things to talk about, but we’re here now!
I know there are LOADS of people out there who hate the thought of having to get on a call with a coach or service provider to find out more about their program, or even sending a DM to enquire about working with them.
So this one is dedicated to YOU. The ones who just want the info, the inside scoop, the “send me the link and I’ll check it out in my own time” peeps.
If that’s you, head on over to my website – for all the details including current pricing and the application form. That link? You’ll find it in the show notes and the description.


I’m a lot like that myself. I like to see and hear the info before I make any kind of decision. If you put me on the spot to sign up right there on a sales call, the answer is almost always going to be NO.
Unless your content that drove me to make contact with you in the first place has done such a great job that I’m already sold on working with you and its just a matter of dealing with the formalities.

It’s a smart business decision

Wanting to know ALL the details so you can make an informed decision, rather than a FOMO decision, is quite a strong Accumulator money archetype trait. Its also a Ruler trait, both of which are in my top 3. My top one is the Connector.
If you’ve taken my Sacred Money Archetypes quiz you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about here.
Money archetypes are a collection of personality traits that influence your relationship with money.
How you buy, save, spend, invest, talk and even feel about money can be fairly well categorised as one of the 8 money archetypes.
If you’ve not yet taken the quiz, hop to it! Head on over to It’ll take you less than 10 minutes, and most people find it very accurate!
You’ll find the link in the show notes and in the description of this episode.

What is IGNITE business & money coaching?

And if you’ve seen me mention it in social media posts you might be wondering why does she always write it in CAPITAL LETTERS?? 😂
I write it in capitals because I want to. Because it makes the word stand out. Thats all. No other reason!
IGNITE is my signature business and money coaching program.
Its one on one, you and me, working on your business and money stuff for a minimum of 6 months. In a lot of cases my clients are on board for a year or more because they LOVE IT.
They love the personalised strategy and implementation support they get from working one on one with me, rather than being one of many in a group program or mastermind.
I launched IGNITE in its current form back in 2020 as a way to solve a big problem I saw in the online world…
There is SO MUCH FOCUS on marketing. Tell people about your expertise and you’ll magically make money.
There’s a whole lot less focus on whether the foundations of your business can stand the test of time without burning yourself out.
You can market the shizz out anything with the right skills, but if your offer has wobbly loose bits, or your client roadmap is full of potholes, its not sustainable or enjoyable.
For a while there it seemed like every coach I looked at, every program or course I considered, was about MARKETING. Which is great! We all need marketing guidance, especially as we navigate the ever-changing online space.
I’m not a marketing expert, although I’ve got quite a few years experience sharing what I know and making offers via social media – with great success, I might add!

What makes IGNITE different?

My background is in corporate admin. It was my job to support top level execs and make sure everything ran smoothly.
That meant learning and implementing systems which made MY work easier as well as everyone else’s. I’m constantly looking for the gaps and potholes that others overlook in their rush to get something out.
Those gaps and potholes might not seem like a big deal at the time. In fact, one boss said to me at the time “Why are you worried about the small stuff??”
But if you ignore them long enough, they ARE going to trip you or your clients up at some point.
IGNITE was born out of my own gaps and potholes – yes we all have them!
I had a conversation with a sales and marketing strategist that I wanted to work with.
But I very quickly realised I was missing a few pieces that would have the whole thing crashing down if I didn’t sort some things out first.
I heard something on a podcast recently, I can’t remember who said it or what show it was on, but it was about being so close to your own genius that you can’t see your own superpower. That’s basically what it was for me. I knew from talking to others that they had the same challenges as well.

You start a business on a whiff of an idea, you make some money and then BAM!

You suddenly realise you’ve built a house of cards.

You’re one shake away from falling down instead of having this beautiful solid structure that can stand the test of time – and earthquakes. Because thats kinda important!


Basically if you add any more clients or push yourself just a little bit harder, you tip the scales and theres too many things you need to fix at once.
Thats the fastest way to burn yourself out and sabotage your growth, your income and your overall success.
I’m not down for that, and you shouldn’t be either. Its not often I’ll tell you what you should or shouldn’t do, but trust me, burning yourself out should definitely be on the HELL NO list!

Thats where IGNITE comes in – we want to set fire to your business in all the right ways! 🔥

🔥🔥🔥 We want to fire up your energy, your passion, your sales, your profit, your visibility, your client results, ALL OF IT! 🔥🔥🔥
Let’s go through the elements that make up IGNITE so you’ve got the FULL picture, shall we? This is what happens AFTER the marketing, when you’re signed up and ready to rock and roll…


We start our IGNITE coaching with a deep dive VIP Kickstart session, which I walked you through back in episode 67 called “Accelerate client results in your very first call”.
Its a session focused on you and your business. Where are you now, where do you want to be, and establishing a baseline to build from.
I get you to take my Sacred Money Archetypes quiz AND my Brand Archetypes quiz so I can personalise my coaching to your unique style. Forcing you to do things MY way is like having a micro manager in a work environment – it’ll only ever end in tears and disappointment on both sides.


We set your business goals for the next 90 days in terms of revenue, number of clients AND the work you need to do to make that happen.
I never guarantee anyone will achieve their goal numbers, especially revenue, simply because thats not within my control. Thats 100% in YOUR control through the actions you take to implement and do the work.
I’m here to help you clear out the junk and focus on the important stuff so you CAN achieve those goals.
I DO guarantee we’re going to have a REALLY good time getting shizz done, because if its not some kind of fun, why on earth are you doing it??


One of the bonuses included in IGNITE is a Brand workshop, we actually do this up front in the first few weeks when we’re solely focused on YOU.
Its all about developing the personality of your brand and bringing that to the fore. Its a core foundational piece that makes everything else easier – or unnecessary!
If you’ve listened to episode 62 you’ll know that concept is from “The ONE Thing” by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. When you’re doing things that align with your personality and your way of doing things, all the other BS becomes unnecessary.
The good news is you can probably ignore a whole bunch of business and money hype because you KNOW its a time and energy suck for you. Great for some people, not for you.


Money mindset is and will always be one of my favourite things to work on with clients. I love uncovering money blocks and shining a light on what a new, fun relationship with money can look like.
This is where your money archetypes come into play as well, knowing what yours are means we get very specific, very quickly.
There’s no faffing about with things that work best for a different archetype, we work with who you are and what you’ve got right now.
I also recommend implementing the Profit First framework, a simple system to help you manage your money AND to pay yourself a proper wage no matter what your revenue is.


Then we’re going to look at your clients, we’re going to specialise your niche.
I’m tempted to say THIS is my favourite thing to work on with clients too!
Honestly I love all the parts that make up IGNITE, they’re all essential foundations that you might have done once a long time ago but you haven’t revisited or updated it since.
Your niche is the people or industry that you work with or do work for – your ideal clients.
Your specialty is your expertise, the work you do. The skills and knowledge you use to create the results or outcomes people pay you for.
When you specialise AND niche your offers, magic happens.
By excluding all the OTHER noise apart from those specific people who want the specific results you can help them with, you’re opening up a whole new amazing world of ease and flow. You’re not restricting yourself at all!


I love a clear roadmap! I’m always the navigator when we do a road trip, simply because I can see the path ahead, I know the steps and its easy to avoid hold ups.
Thats how it should be for you and your clients as well.
I help you develop your own client roadmap that makes it easy for you to talk about in your marketing. See? This is one of the foundations! No vague fluffiness, here are the steps we’re going to take from A to B.
We walk through your roadmap from start to finish as if we’re your clients, literally looking for the potholes and gaps.
What do you think I’m doing right here as I’m talking about IGNITE as a whole program? This is MY client roadmap! 😉
Sometimes its obvious that clients don’t need a lot of time on something, they may have a rock solid money mindset and they’re super clear on their goals. That means we’ve got more time to focus on other things.


Another favourite of mine AND a client favourite as well!
We all know the story of Goldilocks and how she wanted everything to be ‘just right’. I don’t condone her breaking into someone’s house and using all their stuff of course, but the overall concept is solid.
Your clients ARE Goldilocks, they’re looking for a ‘just right’ offer.
One that isn’t overloaded with extras they don’t need, or has so little that they question their investment of time, energy and money. It delivers the exact result they’re looking for, and a little more!
I’ve got a template that helps you find the ‘just right’ balance of everything so even Goldilocks would be hard pressed to say no to it!
I teach you how to use that template so you can use it over and over, every time you’re working on something new.


And of course one of the most important elements is PRICING.
Why on earth is deciding what you’re going to charge for all the awesomeness I’ve just outlined SO DAMN HARD?? Seriously!
We need to make it easy! I have a simple pricing formula that includes a ‘reality check’. Knowing the absolute minimum you’re willing to accept for your work is a huge relief when it comes to making money in your business.
Let’s face it, pricing is 95% mindset. I don’t even know about those numbers, but its mostly mindset! There is no pricing police, no one is going to show up at your door and question you about breaking some imaginary pricing laws.
We work through the mindset of money and setting your prices so it feels good, you’re rock solid and you know what to say any time the subject of you being paid for your amazing work comes up. Anywhere, anytime!
Thats IGNITE in a nutshell. Then what??

These are all the things I wish I’d had help with in the earliest days of MY business.

I had all of it in place but it was kind of cobbled together and there were definitely gaping holes in my client roadmap – like I said earlier, too close to see my own superpower!
These are the things that have helped my clients, who have been in business for a few years and across multiple industries, to feel like they’re ready to scale and grow.
Can you now see why IGNITE is a minimum 6 month program? In order to do all of this AND implement it so its running smoothly takes time. We’re trying to avoid burnout here!
Its always better when you’ve got support and guidance along the way.


It’s for fun-loving digital creatives, the web designers, copywriters, graphic designers and online business managers who want to take their business from solopreneur to agency.
Its also for online coaches. I used to say I didn’t want to be a coach who coaches coaches, but thats because that kind of coaching is more marketing focused.
IGNITE absolutely IS for coaches, lets get your foundations set up so you can rock your marketing and have that impact you know you’re meant to have!
Its not just for those getting started. It would have been VERY handy for me back at the start, but honestly I’m glad I spent that time figuring out enough about what I do and don’t enjoy.
IGNITE is for established business owners. If you’re making a consistent $3K – $10K per month in revenue as a solopreneur, or with VA support, the next level is to turn that into your monthly take home pay and profit.
How good would that be??
Doing that requires a close look at everything you’ve got going on. Its time to eliminate things that are no longer serving you.
The old, “what got you here won’t get you there” and all that. It could be outdated courses, programs or offers that just aren’t profitable. They’re sucking up your time and energy.
Streamlining and focusing your energy on what delivers value and results for you and your clients, that you enjoy doing AND makes you money?
Thats what IGNITE is all about.
Of course you’ll find ALL this stuff on my website,, including the current pricing and application form.
“Why can’t you just click a ‘buy now’ button and get on my calendar that way” I hear you ask?
Because this is a high touch, highly personalised program. We need to have a convo and make sure we’re a ‘swipe right’ personality match on all levels. Whether thats on Zoom or just in Messenger.
SO! If that sounds like something you want and need in your life, business and money, you know what to do!
Send me a DM and tell me you’re interested in IGNITE. We’ll have that quick chat to make sure its a good fit for both of us, and we can get cracking on with all of the fun stuff I’ve just talked in no time!
I’m @funbusinessfunmoney, all one word, on Facebook or Instagram.
Connect with me on LinkedIn and send me a DM there, just search for Deirdre Amies and you’ll find me.
You can email or reply to ANY of my weekly FUNday emails if you’re already on my list and we’ll take it from there!
You’ll find the links to all of those ways to get in touch in the description and in the show notes!
Thats what I’ve got for you today, the full breakdown inside scoop of IGNITE, my signature business and money coaching program.

IGNITE is designed to support you to create a freedom-focused business that stands the test of time.

You put in the work, you have fun doing it and you make the money you want without burning yourself out in the process. I’m here to help you make that happen.
Sound good? Send me that DM or go check out the details on my website,
Take care, have fun setting fire to your business and money in all the RIGHT ways, and I’ll catch you in the next episode!

Want to make a BIG SHIFT in your business?

IGNITE private coaching could be the answer you’re looking for! Click here to check out the details, or send me a message for a quick chat about which option is the best one for you right now.