Fun Business Fun Money Podcast
EP 092 – More flow, less resistance: How to make the shift

You might feel some resistance about hitting play on this episode because of the title of it.

That, my friend, is completely normal! 😉

But resisting dealing with your resistance won’t get you back into flow, so feel that fear and do it anyway.

This quick tip episode will help you recognise that you’ve some kind of resistance to taking action in your business. Lets play with this and see if you can make the shift into flow…


Hey there, and welcome back to the Fun Business Fun Money podcast! I’m your host, Deirdre Amies 👋
Theres something thats been coming up for ME a lot lately, and I wanted to share it with YOU in case its something you’re doing or experiencing as well.
That thing is RESISTANCE.

You might have even felt some resistance in even hitting play on this episode because of the title of it.

Which is completely normal! But resisting dealing with your resistance won’t change anything, so I’m glad you DID hit play.
Now, because I’m a coach I like to ask questions, and I don’t mean those obviously coachy kind of questions that you just KNOW come straight out of a coaches handbook!
FUN FACT: I don’t actually have a coaches handbook or anything like that. Theres no formula, my questions are all in the moment intuitive thoughts. The right thing always seems to come out for the right person at the right time.
So the question I have for you around resistance is…


It could literally be anything, in your personal life, your business, something to do with money, relationships, ANYTHING!
Lets focus in on what you’re resisting in your business. It usually has a flow on from something in your personal life or childhood.

Resistance also goes by the more popular name, PROCRASTINATION.

Are you resisting or procrastinating on getting something done that you KNOW will make you money?
There’s all the excuses under the sun as to why you can’t get it done right now.
No time, no money, no support, no energy, blah blah blah. All the reasons!
That, my friend? That’s resistance.
Resistance feels like you’re butting up against something.
Theres a barrier there maybe you can’t even see but you know its there. If you don’t know what it is, you can’t work around it or break through it.

The flip side of resistance is when you’re in flow.

There IS no resistance!
Everything feels easy and fun. You take action without overthinking it and results magically show up. There’s no excuses, there’s just aligned action and results.
Back in episode 71 I shared a simple process (aka a bunch of questions!) to help you smash excuses like a pro, so make sure you check that one out for more detail.
But in a nutshell, we resist things that feel uncomfortable, or that trigger us in some way.

And its almost always based in fear.

Fear of success, fear of failure, fear of being seen, fear of just about anything you can think of.

All of these fears are rooted in one key mindset that “Its not safe”.

This actually came up recently in a conversation with my business bestie, Laura. We were talking about a training she delivered in her membership and why some people took action immediately, and why some people  didn’t.

The ones who did the thing and implemented it had almost immediate and incredible results.

They were sharing their wins and loving how simple Laura’s training is.
The ones who didn’t? They wanted to know ALL the tiny details before they even thought about starting.
🤔 “Can you just explain this further?”
🤔 “Can someone show me theirs so I can see it in action?”
Thats resistance.

In some way its not safe for them to do the thing, with what they know so far.

From the very brief description Laura gave me, my mind instantly categorised them by the money archetypes.
The action takers who got results? They’re the Rulers.
They don’t tend to overthink it, they get the gist and they go do it. They’re not afraid to take action and theres very little resistance when something just makes sense.
The ‘I need more info first’ people? They’re usually Accumulators.
They want ALL the details so they can minimise the risk of getting it wrong, of making a bad choice, of somehow ‘failing’.
The ‘can you show me yours’ people? They’re probably Nurturers.
They want someone to hold their hand in some way, just as they’ll hold yours when you need it. They want reassurance that its ok, its safe to do this thing.
If you want to know more about the money archetypes, I went into more detail on those in episode 3, “Unlock the Power of your Money Personality”, so hop on back and check that one out when you’re done listening to this one.

Theres so much more behind the reasons why someone resists doing something, particularly when it comes to past trauma.

I’m not trying to overly simplify it here.
If thats something you’ve experienced, trauma, and you’re realising its holding you back, I highly recommend you seek a trained professional to help you work through that trauma-based resistance.
It could be in the form of therapy, hypnosis, EFT, there are countless modalities that can support you to release the hold your past experience has on your present and future experiences.

Sometimes though, just recognising what you’re resisting and why can be enough to get you into action.

Let’s bring it back to that initial question and example: If you’re not taking action on something that you KNOW will make you money, what are you actually resisting?
I don’t have a specific answer for you – but chances are you already know in some way.

Fear of burning out

For me, I resist taking massive action that can create massive results, simply because I’ve been burnt out before and I don’t want to go there again. Its not safe to go ‘all in’ because I can’t help my family or anyone else if I’m burnt out.
Is it any wonder I put such a big emphasis on creating balance, simplifying things, and having fun no matter what you’re doing?
When you’re having fun, running your business in a streamlined, simple way and feeling like you’ve got time for play as well as work? Thats magic right there, no burnout!
That’s what I’ve got for you today, a bit of a mindset shift around procrastination and resistance.

What ARE you resisting?

Have a think about it, maybe journal your thoughts and see where it leads you.
I’d love to hear your ahas around this if you’re willing to share, send me a DM!
I’m @funbusinessfunmoney, all one word on Facebook and Instagram.
And I’m Deirdre Amies on LinkedIn, lets get connected over there as well!
Take care, have fun clearing any resistance, and I’ll catch you in the next episode.

What's YOUR money archetype?

Take the quiz and find out! You’ll learn some fascinating insights about your relationship with money and how you take action in your business.