There is always MORE
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 018 - There is always MOREWorried that you don't have enough money, time, energy, clients or anything else right now? Today's quick tip episode will give you a perspective shift to help move from scarcity to abundance in an instant....
Redefining value – are you really too expensive?
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 017 - Redefining value: Are you REALLY too expensive?How many times have you bought something and thought it was great value? Or maybe it wasn't worth what you paid AT ALL? What you consider great value can be someone else's idea of...
What if it was easy?
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 016 - What if it was easy?What if *it* was easy to grow your business, make the money you want, work with the clients you love and have fun doing it all? In today's quick tip episode we take a look at how one simple question can...
A simple strategy for charging premium fees
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 015 - A simple strategy for charging premium feesWant to increase your prices but don't know how? Or maybe it feels like a huge leap from what you charge now to what you actually NEED to be charging. In today's episode I give you the...
The easiest way to beat procrastination
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 014 - The easiest way to beat procrastination Seeking perfection is another form of procrastination. Yeah, I said it! From one master procrastinator to another, you know its true. Trying to make everything perfect will stop you...
Your first steps to charging premium prices
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 013 - Your first steps to charging premium pricesWhats stopping you from charging premium or high ticket prices for your work? You don't have to wait for more experience, more qualifications, you don't need a bigger list, a website or...
Do you need to raise your standards?
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 012 - Do you need to raise your standards?We all put up with stuff, good, bad or otherwise. But what are you putting up with that no longer serves you? Its time to raise your standards and do something different. Today's quick tip...
How to achieve your goals and avoid burnout
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 011 - Create Consistent Energy to Achieve Your Goals and Avoid BurnoutBurnout. I've been there, you've probably been there too. Its easy to put all our focus on the goals we want to achieve, but without the right energy those goals are...
Speak your ideas into reality
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 010 - Speak your ideas into realityWant to boost your productivity so you can get out and have more fun? If you're anything like me you have countless ideas and inspirations whizzing through your brain at the most inconvenient times...
Your ‘just right’ Goldilocks offer
Fun Business Fun Money PodcastEP 009 - Your 'just right' Goldilocks offerDo you feel like you need to include EVERYTHING (and a set of bonus steak knives!) in your offers? Leaving something out can feel like you're doing your clients a huge disservice, even though its...